Aug. 1st, 2008


(filtered to Michael)

Michael - Forgive my intrusion, an unexpected guest stopped by and was in great need of a new shirt. As you are the only other man in the house I borrowed one from your room....I did not want to wake you...accept my apology.

Jul. 30th, 2008


I have a place to stay at night, so those scary vampires won't eat me. Selene, ma'am, is so nice for letting me stay with her!

Business~ after pleasure~ If you need tea or flowers, call me. I'm your girl for both! Seth, the part-time street seller. Full-time now I can't attend to med school.

Jul. 29th, 2008


As promised, I've been working on the kitchen, Selene. The support structures need work, otherwise the entire area might as well cave in, and I'm going to have to tear up a lot of the flooring because it doesn't seem entirely stable. I want to get the okay from you before I start working. And a bit of a financial nudge.

Maybe I'll get back into my old job while I'm here. I could certainly use the money. And it seems as though no one is on the hunt for me. I'm hardly a wanted a man. Does that mean that I didn't exist here prior to my arrival?


I lit a whole apartment building on fire!

Jul. 25th, 2008


There seems to be some kind of...force keeping certain people inside of the city.

I've broken out of sealed locations before. Maybe I can find a way around this one.

Jul. 16th, 2008


I'm looking for work. Someplace quiet. Out of the way. Where there's no trouble and no one'll think twice about looking for any if they head that way.

Nothing high class. Just someplace where I can earn some cash and get in and out without a problem.

If anyone knows anything like that, let me know. I would really appreciate it.

Jul. 15th, 2008


There is something seriously wrong with this place.


I've come across a law firm, Wolfram and Hart. I'd like to speak with whom is in charge, as I've detected a certain.. lingering nature about the place. Might we arrange a meeting?

Jul. 13th, 2008


I'm having a strange day.

I went to sleep in an entirely different country yesterday. And then I woke up here. In America.

That probably sounds insane. And it is.

All of this time in prison and you didn't think you'd go mad? Come on, Michael.

January 2010




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