Feb. 22nd, 2009


Filtered to Ruby

I found another one.

The body is an alleyway near [address]. I was nearby killing some vampires, after which I saw it.

I'll keep watch if you like until you arrive. If you're occupied, I have a place where I can temporarily store it.

Edit: The body is now in my possession. Come to this address if you want to examine it. [address]

Feb. 20th, 2009


The body count in this city is rising. Murders are increasing, and disappearances have escalated over the past several weeks, from what I've read. I found several mangled bodies last night during my patrol rounds. They were so mutilated, they were barely recognizable as human anymore.

I've alerted the authorities, but I thought you should know as well. Does anyone have any clues as to who might be responsible for this?

Feb. 14th, 2009


These Lazarus Pits are interesting phenomena. Composition is a mystery, allegedly an unknown mixture of chemicals that originate from deep within the Earth. Have the effect of healing physical ailments that were not originally present in the recipient's DNA. Can also cure mental illnesses, but with the side effect of erasing the memories which caused said illness. Reminds me of the life force that powers our race.

I'm not surprised. There are many powers in the world that regular humans have yet to discover. Us in the intelligence community, we see a great number of things that most ordinary people wouldn't believe. But I have never seen anything like this.


Has anyone attempted to obtain a sample of the substance in the pits, to study in an adequate laboratory?

Feb. 12th, 2009


Kübler-Ross Model

Here's something to think on.

Originally developed to follow the emotional stages of patients diagnosed with terminal illness, the Kübler-Ross Model has been shown to be applicable to most forms of personal loss. Though I seriously doubt Elisabeth Kübler-Ross ever considered the removal of one from their own reality to being deposited in another, I think it's more than reasonable to consider this progression for our own circumstances.

Keep in mind that these steps do not necessarily come in the order noted above, nor are all steps experienced by all patients, though a person will always experience at least two.

The stages are:

1. Denial: Example - "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me!"
2. Anger: Example - "Why me? It's not fair!" "How can this happen, I hate this world!"
3. Bargaining: Example - "Just let me live to see my children graduate."; "I'll do anything, can't you stretch it out? A few more years." I will give my life savings if..."'
4. Depression: Example - "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die . . . What's the point?"
5. Acceptance: Example - "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."

So. Where are you?

Feb. 11th, 2009


Where am I?

One moment I was on an important assignment with my group, one we had been working on for several months. Suddenly I found myself here, and there are several things off about this city. How is it possible that the year is 2006, and how can I be in L.A.?

The Rebels must be responsible for this...

It's supposed to be 1998. And according to the sources I've read, there are vampires around here. I'll have to adapt.

I loathe situations like this.

This is something Fox Mulder would go through, not us.

January 2010




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