Oct. 24th, 2008


I'm supposed to have no preferences, but I kind of like this city a lot better without the spooky mist creeping everywhere.

[Cousins & Nephews]

Hi there, mm, got a minute?

[ooc; Filter includes everybody related to Lucifer]

Oct. 21st, 2008


Don't go outside. I don't care who you are, what's out there, DON'T DO IT. If you keep yourself barracaded, I really don't think they can pull any mystic mumbo-jumbo to get in. Just lock the doors and windows and make sure something heavy is blocking the way.


Does this happen a lot, around here? I guess it doesn't with the way people are acting, huh?

Oh, there's a monster outside my window. He's just... staring at me. I haven't seen anything like him before. I almost want to keep him.


Filtered to Damien Thorn

Delia's here. She's younger than I remember, only nine in fact, but nevertheless, she's at the hotel with me. She doesn't know who you are, but I think you should come and see her anyway. I'll tell her soon, once she's settled in.


I don't know why everyone is complaining about this fog. I think it's neat looking. I especially like the screams.

{filtered to Alex}
I want a dog. I miss Ryder, and Hunter is yours. It isn't fair, that I don't have my own dog too. Will you get me one?

Oct. 20th, 2008


The lady at the counter said I might be able to get some answers here. I hope she's right. I don't like the way she keeps lookin

My name is Delia York. Where am I and how did I get here? They aren't going to be very happy about this.

Oct. 19th, 2008


Hunter and I don’t like it here. We don’t want to be a part of your stupid war. What are we doing here and why can’t we get out?

January 2010




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