Apr. 8th, 2008



So, I'm used to the whole LA thing, that's fine. And apparently vampires are real, going by what K and Molly told me about that Topher guy, so that might explain the fangs on that one guy. But I'm pretty sure LA used to have things like, oh, sun.

Feb. 14th, 2008


Next couple I see sucking face - I'll turn into toads. It's called a room for a reason, now go get one!

I hate Valentine's Day.


I'm not getting the point in diet soda. Why even bother drinking any if it doesn't even taste good? I like flavor. Diet drinks? None whatsoever. It's a mockery of what sugary goodness like cola should be. And do you know what else I don't get? Those people that you go out to eat with that order the biggest most fattening meal ever, and then they say, "Oh, and I'd also like a diet coke with that". Why? Why would you do that? If you're gonna pig out on food, then what's the big with not drinking real soda? Sheesh. Some people.

Feb. 13th, 2008


Happy Valentines Day for tomorrow, is it? I didn't even know it existed but I went to the store and there were pretty heart balloons everywhere. I asked the man what they were for and he laughed at me until he realized I actually was being serious. It sounds like a lovely day, really. Does anyone want to be my Valentine? I was just wondering - everyone seems to be getting into the whole swing of it.

Feb. 11th, 2008


Ok, y'wanna know another reason this whole thing sucks on ice?  I was kinda emailing this guy who's got a little amateur baseball team deal goin' on, and they fuckin' cancelled tryouts 'cause of the sun's gone.  See, now it's personal.  I was really, really lookin' forward to that.  I ain't played real baseball (y'know, the kind with an actual ball and bases and shit instead of somebody's skull and a handful of cap points) in more'n a year.


Oh, you brilliant, brilliant humans!
Although the words 'rift in the fabric of the universe' is rather worrying, I still applaud the effort!


Having fun yet?

Feb. 10th, 2008


I am Uncle Bob. This eclipse is not natural. It was not scheduled to happen at this time.. the cosmic arrangement should not be like this. Therefore, it would be more probably that it is an unnatural cause.


Any clue as to how long this eclipse is going to last?

i'd really like to be able to bend again

Feb. 8th, 2008


Three days, three nights. No time to sleep more than an hour if that.

Would someone PLEASE tell me they figured out the problem?

Feb. 6th, 2008


And I thought L.A. had serious problems when my parents and their deranged friends ran it.


How does this insane shit happen all the time and not make the newspapers?

Jan. 22nd, 2008


So, this probably isn't the best place to admit something like this, but I, uh, ran away from home just arrived here in LA and...well, I really don't want to chance sleeping in an alley so...anyone know of a really, really cheap motel to stay at?

Jan. 14th, 2008


Whoever said that college chicks are hotter than high school girls seriously needs to get their eyes checked.


fee fi fo fum
smell hot oil and human b l oo d on the air
gods warring ; nonomustn'thaveit

make a wish - watch it die

expect visitors
soon soon

a girl a girl
who ?

Jan. 8th, 2008


This whole place? The people who run it? It's sick. They're wrong. Things shouldn't be this way.

I want to go home.

Maybe I should have left him at the bottom of the lake

I hope people learn, and I hope they learn fast.


Where the hell am I? Where did Shermer High go? What the hell happened to the box computer I was using?
What the hell happened to 1985?

Jan. 6th, 2008


Aw, shit.


After reading someone's post I had realized something. . . I can take people home. Hop in the TARDIS and vava boom and be home for dinner.

But on the other hand, aaaahhhh, my left hand writing is not perfect like my right but yea I can write with both hands. My feet-ship are not neat as my hands. Oh, I met this human once who had the ability to paint with his feet. He was born with no arms and he had talent in his feet. Now, tell me is that talent or not?

Oooh, off the topic. Anyway, I'm not sure I want to leave so soon. Y'know, I could take them home but I won't. Not sure it be safe to travel. People are still being dragged here against their will. I wonder, is anyone here dragged on their will?

Yea, if YOU need to go home, I take you back. But, it won't be now. I can make a promise to do it. But, now is not the time.

Jan. 5th, 2008


Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Or should I say one who can turn into all those with a push of a great green button - only into some variant of an equivalent off-worlder. But, if I were to make a reference using the technical terms for those, I'm afraid the general population here wouldn't understand the gist of what I'm saying. It's so sad that I have to dumb myself down to get my point across to these pathetic peons...even towards those who can't read properly, such as those who are blind or have difficulty seeing when it is not completely dark out. Tsk tsk. Flawed and flawed some more. A pity not all creations come out so perfect like myself. The Borg have nothing on me, campers.

Yes, throw a fit and run wild. Up in arms about the fanged and furred getting along or not at all, and how the former makes one's skin craw to the point it's hardly standable. Ooo, goosebumps! Oh, boo-hoo! Don't cry me a river over such nonsense - save your tears, for they could save soemone's life, y'know. Just don't let yourself be hunted like the fanged, furred, and not-right. Men with guns who see what others don't could possibly take you down in a heartbeat. The siblings and those around them pack quite a punch. Almost as much of a punch as those who rule other worlds or hail from them, but beware the glow of the green rocks! I hear they can be very harmful when used right. Clever, clever bad man. Oh so clever.

Pity to those who should've gone and yet are still here. A burned you are to time, but a comfort to a lonely girl in need of a family member who isn't as cold or distant as those already here. Almost like it came straight from a novel - it sure is cheesy enough. Lucky for you two to have such a tale, though luckier for those who were born lucky. Like the one with pink horns and silver wings and the one spawned from two of the non-living. Some have lived many times before - at least part of them, but it's unfortunate the talent of before is not immediate for those of the now. Said the actress to the bishop. Too bad this ain't a TV show...wait, no. It would have poor ratings, even if things went ablaze, little miss the. Miss, miss, miss...missing, passing, jumping, LAND! Too bad you three are grounded, or so it seems. Going to scurry off? No one would notice. I would, but I wouldn't care. The Q care nothing for your kind, lords, nor your little pets.

Oh look at the moon! So full, so bright, so full of life despite the fact that she didn't join it. Unfortunate? Perhaps. Fortune favors those who didn't crash, along with those who did. What a parody. Even more of a parody for he who's heart is not locked in a box. Thump thump, thump thump-a. Don't forget the hat or the dirt - those are always important. Almost as important as the one who haunts your mind - no, not him and not you. The other. Wrong gender and different time, little one. As the one with no abilities what it's like to be the normal one among talent; calm down with your salts and herbs.

...you are all so dull. How I long for Jean-Luc's ship. He was far more entertaining.

Dec. 25th, 2007


Amazing how Christmas actually makes me almost miss my super villain parents. Almost. Not quite, and I'll probably feel like an idiot for this tomorrow.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Dec. 22nd, 2007


There never is a dull day here, is there? I mean, honestly!

Then again, thats like asking for a dull day at the mansion, ya know? Totally never happening. Ever.

I mean, lawyers falling out of the sky on fire, what the hells up with that?


Does that sound like..St. John like anyone?

Dec. 19th, 2007


Well I've got to say I was expecting things here to be a tad different. As someone said before, the tea's bloody awful and waitresses think I'm insane when I ask for vineger with my chips. It's not that odd, is it?

I almost feel odd being here- Like something's not right. Ever since that plane ride. Or maybe I just don't have any idea what I'm talking about.

My name's Charlie Pace if anyone was wondering. If anyone knows where I could get a job with a guitar I'd be very grateful, seeing as I'm jobless and directionless at the moment.


Okay, so..

bored now.

No Wolvie to annoy, no Gumbo to irritate. But..the no Wolvie part is pretty much the point, I suppose.

I just miss Gumbo. By jujeebies I've got myself into it this time. I might have to call home just to talk to ol' Gumbo. But I wonder if that'd bring Wolvie out this way.

Well..hopefully not.

ANYWAYS, Hee...fun..yay..Gumbo.

Dec. 16th, 2007


It's kind of weird, having a mom and dad. Especially since my dad's been around all along and I didn't know. But neither did he, so it's okay, I guess. I'm really glad, though. I always got really jealous when I went to visit Biggs or Fixer and met their parents. They were really nice. And they always hugged me before I left. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru never hugged me much. I guess maybe because they're my uncle and aunt and not my mom and dad, because Mom hugs me all the time.

Not that I want to be hugged or anything. That's for babies.

I met a prince. Sort of. Over this network thing. He seems nice. He's kind of old, though. Older than me, at least.

Oh! I want to go to the beach, too! I've never been to one! I've seen pictures, though, and that's a whole lot of water, too. And I want to learn to swim. I'll bet I could.

I've already took everything apart. I thought about maybe taking this computer apart, too, but if Mom needs it, I don't want it to be in pieces or anything. I wonder if Dad would let me take apart his lightsaber.

Dec. 13th, 2007


Oh, the chaos. Ahhh, so good to have it back. Makes things much more interesting, if I do say so myself.

I would remark upon this era not being so bad after all, but not only is that too cliché - when I think about what's to come for this hell hole of a city? It makes me fantasize about a dream vacation in fluidic space.

Suffice it to say: good luck! Ha! I'll be sitting on the sidelines over yonder watching in vague amusement as I scarf down that delicious treat you all call popcorn.

Dec. 12th, 2007


Wow, seems like some things never change. Or LA never changes at least. Man you guys are lucky The Pride no longer exists. Things would be a hundred times worse if they did!

I'm Sister Grimm Nico Minoru, and why I bothered returning here I have no idea.

Dec. 11th, 2007


I swear if I see Alec, I will make him bleed.

January 2010




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