Nov. 26th, 2008


multiple filters

Caleb )

Glory )

Hyperion )

Nov. 23rd, 2008


Filtered to Peter Petrelli.

I wanna make you an offer. A little...negotiation, if you will.

Nov. 22nd, 2008


I hate this place.

Nov. 19th, 2008


I remember when I was a kid. I was a good kid, you know. Always ate my vegetables and went to church every Sunday.

I wanna see some kids. Make 'em go to church.



I feel it y'know, choking, fear numb, numb like the night when the darkness draws in, pretty and shiny like it ought to be, whats the fear? Colourful mist all around and so many with thoughts all up in their little mortal brains

Can't take the screaming or the bitching, like daggers in the night, cant abide it and won't, filthy and wrong and oh so broken till the blinding pain and the hurting JUST STOPS!

...Oh thats better...

Right now where was I.

My name is Glory. You should probobly write that down. Its a Holy Name, its revered. You'll learn that soon enough though so thats totally cool.

Oh...few things. One, Slayer bitch, I remember that little trick with the hammer. NOT fun, NOT nice and totally not falling for that again. Two. Slutty Slayer, I really don't wanna have to kick your ass too since its possible you could be even worse for my godly reputation than blondie there. And three, well...

Okay so my minions got a little overzealous.

And apparently found a box of shoes labeled to someone called Cathy which they brought to me hoping to please me. And I gotta say nice shoes...real nice. But evil and all as Team Slayer will tell you I am, I would never deprive a woman of her shoes. So Cathy, if you can see this, want em back?

I can send Jinxy along with the box and some chocolates to say sorry, minions huh?

Nov. 6th, 2008



You've been knocking on stars and whispering wants to the little girl inside.

Nov. 4th, 2008


I never did get to thank you, Anyanka.

Oct. 21st, 2008


filtered to caleb.

Before things get too out of hand with this fog and stuff What did you want from Anya?

Oct. 20th, 2008


So there's a kid who looks like my brother that isn't my brother, and there is a ridiculous amount of fog and I tripped over three times just before. This is weirder than the time Arwin made a robot for my mom and it attacked us.

Oct. 19th, 2008


Alright, I get it. The Lord works in mysterious ways. But even this is a little much.

What's with the solid form?

Los Angeles. You sort of look like shit.

Oct. 18th, 2008


Damn you.

Damn you all.

[ooc: The above statement is directed at all the Clark look-alikes, but she's not making it abundantly obvious. lol]

Oct. 17th, 2008


Filtered to Anya.

I got a surprise for you.

Oct. 15th, 2008


She thought I was going to take away her sins.

I did. But it only made her scream.

Oct. 14th, 2008


Everybody who keeps killing in the Creator's name. I'll give you just a friendly, Internet warning to stop right now. There's a lot of deities who would love the human sacrifices and bloody worship if that's your thing.

You know who you are.

Oct. 12th, 2008


Filtered to Anya,

The First seeks your assistance.

Oct. 8th, 2008


I can hear them. They're crying havoc, but no one is letting them play.

Come to me, dearies. We'll make our own fun.

Oct. 5th, 2008


The Revelations are here.

Sep. 30th, 2008


Sick, sick, sick.

It's only the mind coming to light.

Don't ya'll wish you'd gone to confession now?

Sep. 28th, 2008


Cut. )

Is this supposed to be funny?

[ooc: because a) i'm an ass and b) sam is an idiot and can't stay away from the internet).

Sep. 21st, 2008


Would you rather be pissed off or pissed on?



Hahaha, ok, I get it. This is another 'son of Sparda' jerk-around, right? If I'd known this would happen when I left that goddamn tower, I'd have jumped in that hole after Verg. I'm sure whatever he's dealing with is a damn sight better.

The way I see it, I have two options here:
1. Find a puddle big enough to drown myself in. (Can I drown? I don't know. I've never tried it.)
2. Get so wasted I can't remember my own name.

After the night I've had? And the day before? And...Losing my damn pizza? And my shop? Option two is looking fucking awesome. But then...So is option one. Conundrum.


Great joke guys, really hilarious.

Sure I like LA but I prefer to be able to get out whenever I want.

Sep. 20th, 2008


I smell your sins.

They are delicious.

Sep. 12th, 2008


God is gonna cut you down.


I love it. )

Sep. 9th, 2008


i ned to stopp doin this.

[ ooc: none of my characters ever had drunk posts before, so i'm making up for it. xD ]

Sep. 6th, 2008


Perhaps I should look into a new Magic Box if we are going to be here a while.

Sep. 4th, 2008


She said that she was clean of sin, but the lord knew. He saw her deception, for she stank of dirt and sex and money. Of manipulation.

And she wasn't the only one.

Sep. 3rd, 2008


I've heard that there's a another priest here. This makes me very happy! I wonder if he would love to be my friend?

Maybe we can go to strip club!

Sep. 2nd, 2008


I think it's time for a little confession.

Don't you?

January 2010




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