Feb. 1st, 2009


Is it war what they want that badly? Ah--I'd have looked for ways to reason but there seem to be none. They lost their human hearts already. I will not hesitate.

Jan. 30th, 2009


[posted as Raidon]

I see our lady has already made our presence known. Allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Raidon, and our lady is the Lady Kumiko. Our brother is Toru.

I will make this offer only once. Give us the Slayers and the source of the Champion's power and we will be on our way. You have until sunrise.

If we are refused I make this invitation to all those who call themselves evil. If you think yourselves worthy of fighting at our side, come and meet us. And we will burn this city to the ground.

Jan. 2nd, 2009


Too many, theres too many, shes ruining so many lives

Hi...I'm Ben, I'm a Nurse at the Pacific Hospital.  I asked before about a woman called Lisa Cuddy...and well...now another ones shown up at the hospital, same symptoms, same...same thing as before, same thing as Niki Sanders. They're the only two we don't have next of kin for yet. I hate having to do this every time

Do any of you know Ginny Potter?

Oct. 19th, 2008


I had a scary dream last nite. Theyre cawed nitemares rite?

I had one. I dont like nitemares.

Oct. 5th, 2008


filtered from 03 & horsemen,

"Roses are red" she told me. Sweet merciful Lord, this is how they are free it came to this. Ah -- if someone needs urgent medical attention, I would offer my services immediately. But at the time I might be busy, Walter dear, please don't leave your room until I return home.

Has someone seen a girl who looks between thirteen and sixteen? Short, very slim, with green eyes and short black hair? Her name is Seth Nightlord and she's extremely dangerous. I believe a Horseman has...affected her.

If you see salt pillars, salt or people turned into salt, please inform me. I know how to stop them temporally. Don't try to confront her alone and if you are a vampire, stay far from her.

Sep. 20th, 2008


I met this relly nice lady! she let me stay at this place and she gave me food and it actchully tasted like food!

but now i gotta find the subway and go back to the orfanage. dus anyone kno if the subway gose to Main?

Sep. 19th, 2008


Filtered from Child! Walter

This is Los Angeles. City of angels without angels.

All of you, filthy, horrible things. Mother would be most displeased by every single one of you.

Mother, tell me what I must do.

Sep. 17th, 2008


Excuse me, but I have a question: Those who exhibit vampire-like traits are undead without exceptions here? I am overwhelmed and confused with this. They are not living, breathing creatures anymore?


So, it's the full moon soon.


Hope the Tibet lessons still work.

Otherwise going to need a cage. Should look into that.

I'm curious, anyone else feeling the monthly urge to bark and eat a lot of raw meat?

Sep. 14th, 2008


I believe it is time for a revolution my children. A new age for vampire kind is coming, it is time for us to band together against our foes.

Sep. 11th, 2008


The beach... it's like Loki's here; he'd find it gorgeous. That took skill. Either that or mortals are more stupid than they look.

Sep. 5th, 2008


[ooc: Takes place after this thread. Strikethroughs are deleted and unsent]

iiiiiiinnnn helllllllpp dammmit.. typee ryte.. fuk

ok.. pencil steddy better...

inpain. brokke. help. cant typ long. mediccc. DANICA !%%%%!!!!


The members of the clergy present here aren't exactly how I remember them. Ah-- No offense, but the last Pontiff who talked to me was a very sweet man, burdened by the duty of being mankind's hope. Nevertheless, I grasp a little better what is happening in this place. I would like to volunteer my service as doctor to those who need medical attention. My offer extends to vampires, too.

Sep. 3rd, 2008


I've heard that there's a another priest here. This makes me very happy! I wonder if he would love to be my friend?

Maybe we can go to strip club!

Sep. 2nd, 2008


Okay folks. So it seems to me that those of you who are upset over what happened to Sam keep wanting to blame Anya for it. And, while she was technically the one responsible, I think a few things need to be made clear.

First of all, Anya is a vengeance demon. That's her job. She doesn't intentionally go out looking for trouble, she isn't trying to end the world or feast on small children. She waits for someone to make a wish - her specialty being scorned women - and she grants said wish. That's it.

Secondly, just because she's a demon doesn't mean she's evil. Typically, yes. Demon = bad. It's a great rule of thumb to have here in L.A. if you want to live past your first five minutes of arriving. However, not all demons are evil. There are always exceptions to the rules. Some demons are good, some are neutral. Anya falls in the neutral category.

Third, and I've double-checked this with someone here who knows her fairly well, Anya may do and be a lot of things, but she doesn't lie. In fact, she can give me a run in the tactless department.

That being said, if Anya says there's no way she can reverse the wish, she means it. She isn't lying, she isn't being coy, she's telling you that there is no way she can reverse this wish.

That doesn't mean it can't be undone. She just can't undo it.

And that's pretty much it. If you want to still be pissed at her or whatever, that's fine. It's your decision and you're entitled to your own opinion. But now you know the truth about her, and if you keep insisting that she can fix this and won't listen to her, or call her evil, or whatever else that goes directly against what I've just told you, your opinion is an ignorant one and you should stop using the internet until your common sense is stronger than your connection.

Now, here's a concept. Why don't we all stop sitting around trying to blame the one who granted the wish and instead see if we can find a way to undo the wish? Again, without Anya.


Los Angeles, September 2005. Ahh, how unbelievable. This is not what I expected to find when I awoke yesterday.

I've heard of "vampires", "demons" and "witches" in this board. Is there a another war? There wasn't a single mention of the "Night Lords" but those are times to come.

January 2010




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