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Jan. 14th, 2010


Filtered from Bad Guys

I'd really like it if people wouldn't be secretive about any of this. I've noticed some things sent just to us at AI and I'm sure its not just us. Now I've been out on the streets looking cause thats what I do best. I've got my best people on this but AI are not the only ones missing people and we are not the only ones in this city capable of getting information together. These people are methodical, they're quick, frankly. They're better than us right now. Maybe, thats cause they know our weaknesses. Maybe thats cause they know our strengths. Who knows?

Anyway I'm done caring about kid gloves and starting out easy with the whole Champion thing.

All of you. Every one. I want all the info we have. Here. Now. Or we'll never get our people back. Anyone who tells me they work alone stays out of the rescue. I'm not taking 'work alone'. This is too much for that. They have Buffy .Many of us have lost people we care deeply about. Any questions or are we going to come up with at least a stratagy before we loose more?

Jan. 12th, 2010


Filtered to Angel Investigations

As well as Tara, Jack hasn't come back from his patrol either.

One could be explainable, two definitely isn't.

Tenel Ka, could you and Jacen head out on Jack's patrol route, see if you can sense anything?

Can any of the witchy types do a sensey thing on Tara?

Buffy this isn't an order. I guess this is the moment we find out how this is going to work could you swing by my pile of maps and help me work on some strategies?

Jan. 7th, 2010


It's strange how time can lose all meaning sometimes.

Tell me I don't want to walk away from all of this. Tell me that it's a futile gesture because it doesn't punish any higher powers, just the people who need the most help.
Are you still here?

Jan. 4th, 2010


[Filtered to the Hyperion/allies]

I just went past Nathan and Heidi's room. It seems they and the boys have been sent home. Kriff.

Dec. 30th, 2009


Yesterday it was one year since I arrived in Los Angeles. Many of you thought you were children at the time and started calling each other such names as 'stupid head' and trying to steal each others candy. I believe I spent much of my first day encouraging Sam to steal his candy back.

This city is definitely unique.

Still, I would never want to leave it. Not only because going back to my own galaxy would be quite bad for many reasons, but because I have grown to love it here. This place has given me the chance to have a life with my wife, to live free from the burden of leadership and to connect with people again. To feel and love the way I used to.

So, a couple of days early, happy new year, everyone.

Dec. 28th, 2009


I've spent much of the last couple of days in a state of constant sugar high. Having finally crashed, it was definitely worth it. There was too much good to pass up.

[Filtered to Angel Investigations and allies]

All right guys, I need a little help. In the spirit of getting organized, I have a tenative list going and I need to double check. A little like Santa Claus.

I need to know who the core researchers are and who does/is willing to do research when needed. I'm pretty sure I have most of you down but it's better to double check than leave someone out, right?


I've decided I need to repaint my apartment. Putrid green walls just don't cut it anymore, neither does this 1960s wallpaper - or the eggplant coloured bathtub. Any suggestions on colours?

And would anyone like to help fix up my place once I pick them. I know I could use magic to do it, but doing it the Muggle way seems more fun.

Dec. 27th, 2009


Alright, I am going to follow Angel's example here and make up a list of exactly who is on my team. This is going to...
Put it off for months now.
And now it comes down to...
So Buffy. Where do you even stand?

And a second list of who is interested in joining my team. (either in a primary capacity, or a secondary capacity to Fred's research team- this means you report to her first and then to me if she doesn't need you and I need to make up the numbers.)

For those who don't know, I am Faith and I run the Offensive Team at Angel Investigations. Being on the Offensive Teams is a full time commitment. It's not easy and it's not casual. My team covers every single area of the city every single night without fail. This is regardless of who else is in the city at the time, we at AI make sure we cover the city, every night. We fight demons and vampires and do everything we can to protect the citizens of Los Angeles. Joining my team means three things.
1- Nightly patrols in pairs, on the route I assigned.
2- Training sessions with me, three times a week. This is not optional.
3- Reports after every single patrol. Again, this is not optional. I need to know exactly what was seen in which areas, and take the reports to Fred if more research is needed.

This is the regular routine, in addition there are complications if a new and improved bad guy hits the city. Also, we have the walk in-clients. The files get looked at by the command team and cases get assigned by us according to the relevant skills needed. So, let me know now who you are, so I can make sure this city is as protected as it can be.

Dec. 22nd, 2009


I'm fine
Morgana and Cas came to...
Buffy I know you...

Can I get the witches to maybe meet me at the magic shop during the week. Lets talk this idea out between us see if we can't make it work?

Dec. 19th, 2009


Anyone else think this is getting worse?


I didn't even need him to say that, I already knew.

Well I didn't expect him to show up...


Two for two.

Bad guy, definitely dead. Spoke but didn't touch me. In case people are keeping score of these things.

[Filtered to Sam]

There's a problem with Jack.

Dec. 18th, 2009


Anyone who was visited, none of your visitors touched you, right? Like they couldn't grab you and take you somewhere? They just talk?

Dec. 17th, 2009


Filtered Against Villians

If anyone is willing to share who decided to pay visits maybe we can find a pattern? Sorry, its the cop in me taking over.

For me it was a recently deceased coworker/friend.


The Powers have decided the city has been too long without a champion and that its changed enough to require two.

Its me and Spike.

Now I assure you all nothing will change and the fact we're from here will have no bearing on anything we do in terms of the responsibility. Technicly this isn't my version of LA either remember.

Anyway, thats the state of things. Any questions you have feel free to direct them to us or the heads of AI. Probably me and the heads of the departments cause Spike's a mor...


Not sure what Petrelli's gonna do. he's said he'd stay on as legal. But do we need a second. He was that for his brother. And now there are two of us. We don't need to be managed particularly.
And apparently tech and magic is one position which unless your someone like Jenny Calander is a bit much. How do you feel about splitting it and looking at Tara or that witch that can teleport...Paige Matthews?. And Tech, the Jedi woman mentioned a girl called Ed had visited, Get together with Faith and Fred and make a decision?

[Faith & Fred]

We have Offensive and Research covered, what do you think to tech, and splitting magic and tech into seperate things?. I don't want Spike and I making decisions like that when its you two and Petrelli that have been running things since the Powers relieved his brother.

Dec. 15th, 2009


Kennedy begged for doughnuts.

Then I ended up buying more than I should have. So there's a variety box in the kitchen. First come first serve.

Dec. 13th, 2009


Filtered to Sarah Petrelli

I hope I am doing this...message just to one person thing right.

I do not wish to bother you, but I was told by Ruby that I should speak with you about helping with the day to day running of a place called the Hyperion?

Dec. 11th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys and Arthurian Charries.


as in, LeFay. As in Arthurian Morgana. Most badass witch in the history of witches Morgana

This must be fangirling. Its weird.

[Filtered to the LA Witches but from Morgana (for now lol)]

So...I understand if there's no way in, well, hell. You'd want to consider this with me in charge or me even taking point on it.

But we've got a lot of very potant magical ability floating around right now. It seems a waste not to consider some kind of coven. We could help each other, balance each other.

I think it could do us all a lot of good, could balance me a lot more which can't be a bad thing can it.

Dec. 5th, 2009


Now that I am a little settled, I would not mind seeing more of this new place. I might as well make the most of this, I suppose.


filtered against baddies + arthurian legend types;


Back from anniversary celebrations just in time to see the new arrivals.

Guinevere!!. Merlin!!. Arthur Pendragon!!!.

Can we keep them? Talk about culture shock.

Nov. 30th, 2009


Morning of the 30th

I'm back


Well that was fun while it lasted. Oh well, onto the next idea.


I've been doing some thinking and I've decided that absolute evil prick just isn't the way to go for me. I guess I like both sides too much to be picking a favorite. That and there's not a whole lot of fun to killing off your strengths to conform. Damn. For once, I might just be glad you cut off my hand, Angel. It looks like anger is an asset.

I'll say one thing for him. He had good taste in vehicles.


Waking at six in the morning has never been so wonderful. Are we all back yet?

Jacen, I love you for rescuing me. Cathy, I love you for putting up with me. Everyone else, I love you too.

Paige. I am so sorry. So sorry. Let me make this up to you. Please.

Nov. 28th, 2009


filtered to Hyperion + allies;

Is crossgender coordinated PMS yet another sign of 'the L.A. behind L.A.'?

I really do not need someone saying what I don't know/was working on believing is actually not real


filtered to the hyperion/allies.

Am I really a Watcher?

Nov. 26th, 2009


I've been told that all of you use this to discuss all the weird things that happen in the city.

Hi? My name's Sarah and I'm apparently suffering from magic amnesia.

Nov. 12th, 2009


I learned a valuable lesson about sugary candy substances.

And have a headache that is only now beginning to fade even with Jedi Healing. And my husband is mocking me. I still feel I made a valid point about the coffee though.

Nov. 1st, 2009


[Filtered; Lindsey, Sarah]

I realize you have a lot of things going right now. You're probably working on a plan that doesn't involve an online bitch fight and trying to get to the top of W&H. Or maybe that's your plan too. I don't know. I'm staying out of your way, but if you need a Slayer, I'm here. If not, good luck, and bring her back home.

Oct. 31st, 2009


{{sent from mobile web}}

I'm arguing with a Barbie doll right now, and all of the Toys R' Us sales associates have long since run from the premises screaming. Happy Halloween?


I think someone spiked the cider, as I just have to be having some form of drunken hallucinations.

Oct. 30th, 2009


Filtered to Sarah

You said once the last time I got all... you told me I could come with you and do volunteer stuff?

When do you do that?

Oct. 28th, 2009


Filtered to Friends/Allies/AI. Filtered Against Baddes [especially Harmony/allies of Harmony]

I realize there's been talk on how to end televisions latest assault on our minds, but if we could do a group pow wow and hammer out plans, that would be great. And if you're secretly already planning something and you haven't told me, you'll be in for it. Cranky me isn't a fun person.

Oct. 27th, 2009


filtered to family/friends/A.I.;

I'll be at the Welcome Center tonight/tomorrow, so the standard list applies. No breaking the hotel, if you use the last of something, you run to the corner store and replace it, clear unexpected overnight visitors with someone that has override permissions so the system doesn't have a fit, etc.


Well that was an interesting vacation.

Still, it seems when you want something done right, you need the best so now I'm back. So be honest, did you all miss me?

And as fun as some reminiscing doesn't sound, let's get straight to business. Lindsey. Where is she?

Oct. 26th, 2009


[Custom Filter]

[Filtered to Sarah and Nathan Petrelli and Fred Burkle]

Not sure how much you've seen, but can we let the security system know to expect a couple more people? Kennedy's back and we've also had Vi arrive. She was one of the Slayers from Sunnydale and definitely one of the good guys.

[Filtered to Claire Bennet (future)]

How's everything with you? Proper answers please, not just the standard 'fine' reply.

You got time for me to be a stupid girl over something? Promise you can hit me over the head and call me dumb over it.

Oct. 25th, 2009


Friggin Powers.

I come for a visit and they send my co cell leader here too.

I'll come and say hello and whatever but I really have to get back to New York, the Powers obviously have a whole different plan.

...Can't a Slayer just have a weekend off. One weekend.

Oct. 22nd, 2009



I don't know why I even wanted to do this, maybe Claire is right about it being fun when we do these, or maybe people might learn something they didn't before, maybe its this whole, be an open book thing I'm trying...

Anyway whatever, have a meme...Its mostly completely honest for once and everything

The meme thing )

Oct. 18th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

We got them back. Eve is so very very dead. Immortal or not I will find a way

Ruby, thanks for covering my patrol route, it took a load off my mind.

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January 2010




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