Sep. 27th, 2008


Guess what?

Sep. 25th, 2008


Did you grow up in a loving home with a loving father, and a loving mother?

Those of you who did are very fortunate.


What in...huh? this is weird.

I was up in the Loft of JKP and suddenly JKP isn't there anymore. What happened? Guys? Uh..Where am I?


Well, since it's obvious that I'm not going to be able to get back home anytime soon, I figure I should get back to work on my line. That means I'll need models. Females only, sorry. Those less than attractive need not apply.

Sep. 21st, 2008


[Filtered to Harry Mason, Heather, and Mirajane]

I got myself a gun. It's a lot like the one I had last time, and I think I can use it.

I hope it doesn't come to that. I don't even want it to come to that. But I'm not going to let Walter Sullivan hurt anyone I know.


I am happy to announce that Cian Sirius Lupin has made his grand entrance into the world yesterday at 10:43 pm.

Ten fingers and ten toes. Mother and son are doing just fine.

Yes, I'm quite the proud father.

...Bloody hell, I'm a father.


Hello, everybody!


I think half of the time I don't know what's going on, and half of that time I'm not really sure that I care.

I went down to this shop today. Got myself a sketch book, some pencils, and some charcoal. I doubt I'll be any good at it. I mean, it's been over a decade since I've picked it up. Wouldn't hurt to try it again though.


filtered against baddies.

I don't like this place. Not at all. It makes me feel uneasy and helpless and I don't think I can take it.

Sep. 20th, 2008


I smell your sins.

They are delicious.


Filtered against Death Eaters.

I'm sorry.

Merlin, I'm so sorry.


Someone told me once you never know what's real until you try it- and by then it's too late.

Be very careful about the games you play.


Filtered to Draco

I'm really unhappy with
I think I did something bad

I don't know what she did to you but, I really hope you are okay.
I still can't believe you did that

Sep. 19th, 2008


Filtered against Walter Sullivan (adult)

He's here... Walter... the one who tried to kill me back in Ashfield.

I thought it was all over, but it isn't. I need to prepare... but what can I do when I don't even know what his next move will be?

At least Eileen is safe, because she isn't here.

Sep. 20th, 2008


How many of you would come to a concert if there was one? Just curious.

Sep. 19th, 2008


filtered from lilith;

Sooo! Anybody up to investigate what's up with the cursed beach? No takers? No~one~? No heroes rushing to save the sea fauna and flora from an oily fate?

filtered to the anti-drake club;

What are you guys up to? Keepin' a lady waiting after promises about flowers or fresh samples isn't a gentlemanly thing to do. I'm a smidge heartbroken about it.


He did  put up a fight bless him. But I did leave him his mind...I think. Cissy you raised an insolent brat but at the very least he has intelligence, be a shame if he wound up like Frank and Alice.

Lets hope he considers it a lesson in humility shall we.

Siri, Reggie...Come out and play?

Ron. Be a dear, Ask him about my message?

Sep. 18th, 2008


What in the bloody hell is a Swiffer, and why are Muggles folk trying to pass it off as something better than a broom?


Filtered from DEs and evil types

Hello world,

I thought I'd hurry and give a heads up to anyone I know. Specifically, anyone I personally went to school with. Al, James, Dom, Lily.. Rose.. I should probably leave you with a reason if you see anything peculiar, just to explain.. such as.. ohh, I don't know.. seeing me fade away right before your eyes? What that will mean is that I have faded from existence, in the event that my father is killed before I am even conceived. This post might very well never have been made, but.. oh well.

Ohh.. and for the record? I really hate the Dark Lord. I never want to be a Death Eater. I will never join the ranks of those stupid, backward, retarded, fucked-up degenerates. And no future children of mine will do so either, if I have anything to say about it! It's funny how Voldemort said he would erase the Malfoy line 65 years into our past, only to have it turn out that a Gryffindor has managed it right here and now! What the fuck?!!

Seems that somebody forget to filter their goddamn board entry when ranting about Malfoys, and as a result, Bellatrix and that psycho wants to kill my father! So.. yeah. A real big giant Thank You to wiping out my entire life before it even started!! You're such a nice guy!! Really!!!

- Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

Sep. 17th, 2008


Hello, everyone!

Sep. 16th, 2008


I need a job. Anyone know if there are any openings anywhere for a barmaid/keeper or a model... Oh, scratch that last part, anyone know a good photographer?


Such a peculiar device, this is. Very unusual. I do not recognize this place. It is all so.. different. My army is not here, nor is Darphus. Did the gods do this? Or.. Alti? They better not have. If it was the work of some petty sorcerer, I swear on the head of Ares.. it will not end well for him.
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Yes, I am aware there is a Dark Mark in the sky. I will take care of it.

[filtered to Bellatrix]

You have my attention Aunty dear. Now what do you want?


I need to get out of this place, I can't take this.

Sep. 15th, 2008


This is not the manor.


What's going on?

Someone better give me some answers before I start hexing people.

Sep. 13th, 2008


I've given that damn Good versus Evil/chosen by higher powers/oncoming war speech so many times I'm beginning to feel like the stuffy narrarator doing a voice over for some ridiculous TV show of the same concept.


I seem to have gotten lost, very lost by the look of it. This place really doesn't seem the least bit like Magnolia and I have no idea how I got here. I really should start paying more attention to where I go... Now if anyone could be so kind as to show me how to get back there it would be most appriciated.

By the way, where am I?

January 2010




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