Oct. 20th, 2009


[Yes, backdated a couple of hours too!]

Oh yeah, I know what this is.

Mom, Dad, don't freak out. You're gonna be great parents you know. Just don't listen to Allana about the purple and we'll all be fine.
Jacen- you kick ass okay? Glad you're alright.
Ben- it's about damn time!
Scorpius, thanks for the marker!

So, looks like it's time for us to go save our world again. Good times ahead. Allana, don't you dare steal my markers!

Oct. 15th, 2009



This might be silly.

I can't sense him, Jacen I mean, and I've been trying, its been a few hours, and he knows, he always knows and he always lets me in.

They wouldn't have...
Not so soon after...
And with Allana here...

...He wouldn't block me. Not me.

Oct. 7th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

Okay! So I have been at this for a few days. Yes, I got the markers, even the purple one! I've been drawing the diagrams and trying to work out how all the timelines all relate to each other and what we're supposed to do and it's possible my equations are now covering most of the walls in my room (sorry, Mom!) and my conclusions are....

I don't have a clue. Sorry.

I mean I can see how and when all of our timelines fractured off from each other, creating separate events and mirroring others, that part's easy. But why we're here, now, that I can't figure out. I mean why us? Why now? Who could possibly gain from this?

I think it's the PTB. But that's just a guess.

I don't think there are enough colored markers in the world to let me figure some of this out.

Sep. 29th, 2009


Anyone got a theory about what caused this thing? Or are we just going with 'the Powers That Be and the Senior Partners finally broke their time space continuum toy'?

Sep. 27th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

Oh, okay, a temporal displacement. Interesting. At least we're still on the same world, that's a start at least. But which year are we in? and frak it feels strange to use an uninfected network again

January 2010




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