Oct. 19th, 2008


[Filtered to Simon Tam]


Oct. 18th, 2008


It is time for Hiro Lessons.

Sep. 30th, 2008


They carry their Kings. Check them, and they will topple.

Sep. 10th, 2008


Who's Afraid of the Big Bad SAM?

Not I.

[ooc: photo taken during this encounter]

Sep. 3rd, 2008


Filtered against baddies AND ANYA OMG

1. Some crazy priest guy gouges my eye out in the future.
2. I wear a sexy eye patch.
3. My ex, also from the future, is a vengeance demon.
4. Why demons? What is my problem? Is there some kind of sign that I'm wearing that I can't see?
5. I'm scared so not liking my future anymore.

Aug. 30th, 2008


might as well try out this gorram thing

stone age piece of gou shi

Was that River?

Looking for Serenity.

Aug. 15th, 2008


I don't understand.

I need to find John Connor.

Jul. 21st, 2008


Good day. My hat, no, not just a hat, a very piece of my soul if you will, has been misplaced. As simple as it is in appearance I assure you, that hat is no toy, in the wrong hands it is a most dangerous weapon.

Where are things taken that are lost?

Jul. 13th, 2008


Welcome to Los Angeles, the nation's mental institution.

Jul. 11th, 2008


Hey Spider, we left you a present near The Civic Center. If you try real hard (Or not hard at all) we bet you could swing over there and spot it. We know how much you dislike all the pesky gang activity, so for your viewing pleasure, we made an artistic expression on the side of City Hall. Oops, just gave the location away. Too bad. There goes half your fun. Anyway, we think most of them in the webs are as stiff as they come, but it’s still a pleasurable sight.

See, that’s what you get when you complain. Dead human gang members.

They were breaking the law anyway. Drugs kill.

Remember that kids. Say no to cocaine. It’s not legal anymore. Sniff markers instead. You can purchase those at Wal-Mart. For a low low price. And on the plus side, they’re having a sale on corn.

... If any of you want corn.


Um. So. Now that this no talking thing is over and done with, and I've got things...slightly pieced back together, can anyone tell me where to find a big blue box?

Jul. 8th, 2008


This is Mohinder Suresh.

Does anyone know anything about...randomly appearing in Los Angeles? And, if so, why? From what I can tell about this city, I don't think that should even be too odd of a question. Unfortunately.

Thank you in advance.

Actually, while I'm at it, does anyone know anything about the whereabouts of a girl named Molly Walker?


Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name.


The only thing worse than losing a friend is losing a friend to something you can't get revenge on.


I've changed my mind. This place is not fun.

Jul. 6th, 2008


These Reavers are defective.


What does everyone do for fun, around here? I would love to experience something new.

Jul. 3rd, 2008


I would like to expand my training on the sword. Is there anyone who will help me?


I don't think I've ever been so annoyed by.. everything, ever, in my entire life. For every one person who thinks of others and how to honestly make a difference, there are at least fifteen who are utterly self-absorbed-- even when they don't realise it.

I think I can understand why Mantis craves quiet so badly.


There are no services, there are no masses. There IS a temple. Come find it if you want. That's where I'll be. Warehouse district. Can't miss it. If you get bitten on the way in, kindly bleed on my floor and christen it would ya?

Jul. 2nd, 2008


I fell through the spaces on the clock and it's insides are lying to me.

They're made of looking glass, and they change your name to Alice when they move.


Well, well, well.

May. 29th, 2008


Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze!

Where is he? Why isn't he here? He's supposed to be here. Not supposed to wander off alone. Not safe. He says it's not safe but he's not here. Can't wander off if there's no one to wander from. Inherent paradoxes. No breadcrumbs to follow home. The birds ate them. They'll just get a stomachache.

It's not safe. Never safe. They'll come. They always come. Even here they'll come. Two by two. Hands of blue. Two by two. They'll come and they'll find me and it's all screaming and blood.

I want Simon!

Kan wuh-mun tzun muh suh bah...

May. 17th, 2008


So quiet and so loud and they're coming and going and coming and going and it's all screaming silence.

It's a paradox. Quiet can't be loud and it is and it isn't but it is. All tumbling down like bits of metal. Coming and going and going and where she stops, nobody knows. Can't go back...don't decide who stays and who goes. It's all chaos. Tearing like tiny fingers picking at the threads. It's all going to come apart. Just bits and pieces left. And everything's scattered.

Ni ta ma de. Tianxia suoyoude ren. Dou gaisi. WUOshang mayer, maysheen, BYEN shr-to.

Kaylee's gone. Back to the black. It's not so black here anymore. But she always lit it up so maybe it is.

Spencer, we should talk again. I enjoyed our last conversation.

Apr. 24th, 2008


All alone again.

The black is gone, but I can still feel it on the edges. Clawing. Waiting.

I miss Simon. But it's quiet here.

They're not coming.

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Does anyone else know wormhole physics? I've got a few holes in my current working theory to fill in, and I don't think half thought through and very vaguely explained science fiction is going to help much.

Apr. 10th, 2008



Too quiet. None of the screaming.

I can hear my thoughts. It will go away. It always goes away.

No more hands of blue but there's always new screaming.

Not in the black but still.

January 2010




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