Feb. 11th, 2009


filtered from selene and logan

Geez! There's a wedding so soon and nobody has planned a bachelor's party for the bride and bridegroom?

I'm disappointed. I guess I should organize it in the girls' side, huh? Who's game to surprise Selene?

Jan. 31st, 2009


[posted as Toru]

It's been more than 24 hours since my generous brother made the offer. And yet I see neither Slayers nor Champion. So color me vexed.

But I am generous too! People are going to die for this, but you get to choose who!

Either a nightclub full of teenagers or the night workers of a packing plant?

You have two hours. If you don't choose, both will die!

I vote you don't choose because I'm hungry and armies need feeding.


So, I'm wondering. Just how many of you people have stepped into the pits? And I need one of you to see side effects.

I'm ready to show I can handle Firewhiskey if you are.

As Plan A is always a success, how goes that analysing of the Pits?

Jan. 28th, 2009


filtered from lilith,

Soooooo! Does anyone have dibs for the analysis of the composition of these miracle pits? 'Cause my curiosity is killin' me!

Oct. 26th, 2008


I like the place I'm staying. It's a nice place.

A woman was attacked today. They say the killer bashed her head in against the wall until all of her brains came out.

Oct. 22nd, 2008


Geesh. So much for a break after the Apocalypse. A young girl can't take a break anymore. Tell me the mist and the corpses are just pure Halloween show.

Oct. 13th, 2008


I remember the beach and the woman in red. It was a bad idea to sneak alone.

I think I lost my head.

Sep. 28th, 2008


filtered from lilith

Last roll call for the secret ninja mission at the cursed beach! Signed up so far: Mira and Selene. C'mon people! Let's go and solve the mystery! Remember this is a secret. Ssssh.

Sep. 21st, 2008


The alternate version of myself that was here is gone.

He's not coming back either. So if you see me from now on, it's just...me.

[ooc: backdated to after this]

Sep. 19th, 2008


filtered from lilith;

Sooo! Anybody up to investigate what's up with the cursed beach? No takers? No~one~? No heroes rushing to save the sea fauna and flora from an oily fate?

filtered to the anti-drake club;

What are you guys up to? Keepin' a lady waiting after promises about flowers or fresh samples isn't a gentlemanly thing to do. I'm a smidge heartbroken about it.

Sep. 17th, 2008


I don't think the beach massacre and sea accident is random. In fact, I know it isn't. Something is coming.. or already here. Something huge. Might be bad, too. I don't know. And if I'm confused or anxious about it, then you know it can't be good at all. I haven't had this feeling since my 13th birthday.

Sep. 12th, 2008


It's come to my attention that King and Whistler have roommates. Yes, that's right, I know about the two of you. However, I'm interested not in the male. He's of little consequence. I've come to realize that possibly, this doctor living at their fire house would make a much better vampire than Whistler. She interests me.

Oh and King. I've come to realize, Danica didn't quite understand the potential in you. Then again why would she, doesn't exactly use her head for much more than somewhere to place those ridiculous hairstyles of hers. That's neither here nor there. However, I see the potential in you, to be great, powerful, lead armies. I might even let you keep Whistler as a pet. We'll be in touch.

Ah and Selene, don't think I've forgotten about you my sweet. Your dog amuses me. Does he really believe he can stop me? He's merely a mongrel that needs to be put to sleep. I'll be seeing you soon. The taste of you is rather.. addicting.

Sep. 11th, 2008


Filtered from Lilith

Hey! What happened to the beach?! They didn't let me in and that's my top fav. selling spot!

[ooc; This & this]

Sep. 2nd, 2008


Filtered to Selene and Francis

Don't tell this woman I'm here. Please.


Los Angeles, September 2005. Ahh, how unbelievable. This is not what I expected to find when I awoke yesterday.

I've heard of "vampires", "demons" and "witches" in this board. Is there a another war? There wasn't a single mention of the "Night Lords" but those are times to come.

Aug. 25th, 2008


I wonder if it's too late to consider a name change.

Also I promised someone a tour of my TARDIS, I don't recall getting a name so contacting said person is a little difficult, but since everyone seems to read these here seems a good place to mention it.

Aug. 24th, 2008


This day is currently competing for the title of the greatest day of my life. I get the shit beat of me for trying to help someone, close my eyes for a second and wake up in an alley with some senior citizen asking me why I’m dying in his spot. I somehow can’t make myself believe in God anymore after this, not that he’d like me if he existed anyway.

So, let’s get right down to the question of the day: Is there an explanation for me being here, or is this one of those no explanation occurrences? Or maybe I just got my head smashed into the floor so hard that I lost consciousness and am now dreaming, which would make more sense than anything else I can think of right now.

Aug. 22nd, 2008


I'm searching for a science type that specializes in the... paranormal elements. Help please.

Aug. 18th, 2008


whys the wrld sad?

Aug. 14th, 2008


You know, I get the whole 'dough' part 'cause you gotta bake a doughnut to actually make one, but where in the heck do they get the nut part? Most doughnuts don't have nuts in them!

I'm gonna go get some doughnuts now.

While I'm gone, I want all of you to answer the following questions:

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
2. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
3. What are you wearing right now? ;)
4. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
5. Cowboys or Indians?


Ugh, giant smelly wolves are not your friend.
Hey Dr. Cox, thanks for everything.

Private, Sam
I found something for you on this flash drive I've had kicking around. Want me to email it to you or you want to come over?

Aug. 13th, 2008


[Filtered to Drake]

Sir! Sir! Do you need a special Herbal Tea for Digestion? Oolong's my best rec!

[ooc; Backdated a few hours after this]

Aug. 10th, 2008


Flowers don't sell with all these adults stomping over them~ Guess I'll switch business to tea for a while.

Anybody who wants tea, can ask Seth the Pretty Street Seller! Even vampires! How, madams and sirs, you ask? I'll dissolve one hemoglobin tablet in water and you got delicious drink to sate your thirst without the gross blood aftertaste! Isn't that cool?

Aug. 5th, 2008


I'm sorry if I worried anyone before. I was trying to lure someone in and I had to put on an act to make sure that it was convincing enough for him to come after me.

In other news, Bloody Mary? Still on the loose. I thought you were gonna get on that, Dean?


I have returned from business, something that was strictly for Wolfram and Hart. I have been to Kiev and back to London, but now that the job is old news, I have come back to present a compromise for those who have history with me (or the older version of myself, as it truly is).

Potter, this is not the world that we come from, and I have no interest in doing what I intended to do back home, here. I have no reason for that, not when we are so vividly misplaced. I have promised my loyalties to Wolfram and Hart, and I will do what I can to aide their cause, however, I am willing to strike up a deal with you. It goes as follows: You don’t send any form of attack at me, and I will in return, leave you and your companions alone and untouched. I have no wishes to destroy anything from our reality by making the wrong move, and perhaps you should think about that as well. You leave me alone, and I leave you alone.

Narcissa, Edric, Scorpius; I would like to know where your loyalties lie. Inform me at once.

Bellatrix, I’ve seen your post. We need to meet.

Jul. 31st, 2008


I can't sleep. Not that I ever could sleep before, but now it's getting worse, clearer. Before the dreams were sort of blurry and..now, There are these orb thingys, and..more Cordelia. Some other guy, tall..bumpy head. Someone I don't recognize, and blood. Fire and blood..

I'm hungry. I wish I had some buttery toast, I wonder if this computer would do well with a toaster attached. Hm...


So my time here thus far has been increasingly disappointing. It seems the hunters, at least the ones I know are, let's say cowards. Especially when they don't have their golden boy Blade to protect them. Pathetic really. That won't stop me from finding the one called Whistler, I just haven't decided what I'm going to do to her yet.

So let me ask, villains and the do gooders alike. What would be significantly worse. Being killed, tortured by someone you absolutely hate and fear.. or being turned into that which you hate? Don't worry, I fully expect the good ones to lie. I'm leaning more towards giving her a... new life if you will.

Jul. 30th, 2008


I have a place to stay at night, so those scary vampires won't eat me. Selene, ma'am, is so nice for letting me stay with her!

Business~ after pleasure~ If you need tea or flowers, call me. I'm your girl for both! Seth, the part-time street seller. Full-time now I can't attend to med school.


I know there are vampires and demons around here, but has anyone seen anything that looks something like this? If she can come here, why couldn't they? There are others, but that's the only drawing I could find that I brought with me.


Ok, because this is starting to get weird, and totally inspired by the Dracula question of before- just how many different kindsa vamps do we have here? Just wondering how much extra work I'm gonna have.

[Filtered to Angel Investigations]

I am still grateful for the room offer and do still plan on taking you guys up on that one day, but until then I'm staying with a couple of friends ADDRESS If you need me I actually have a base now!

More importantly, I may have found someone who knows someone who can help with the Orbs. She knows a thief who may be able to actually break into Wolfram and Hart. How much Intell can we give her about the place? Security and the like? (also how much cash do we have? I suspect she'll want paying regardless of success, just for the attempt.)

Jul. 28th, 2008


I find myself newly arrived, a stranger in a strange land and in need of assistance. So much new technology, one must be careful.

If anyone could offer an explanation of this place and the purpose, I would be greatly appreciative and reward said person handsomely.


It's been quiet and that's never any fun. Come on, who wants to stir up a little havoc?!

Jul. 26th, 2008


Can't sleep much.

I thought that it would stop.

[Filtered to Sarah]
I know we're at odds and I know I'm the last person on earth that you want to make conversation with, but I thought that I'd at least say thanks for helping my brother out. He probably wouldn't have found me anytime soon if it weren't for you.

[Filtered to Dean]
I need to tell you something. It's something that's not really up for discussion, but I thought that you should know. Even if I'm already aware of the fact that you're not going to like it a single bit.

Jul. 25th, 2008


I know I've always talked about hating this place, but now I just don't want to leave. Which is...kind of sickening, really.

Hey, Dean? If you're not too busy hitting on anything with breasts then I think I could use your help with this last shapeshifter. I've been hunting a few down and I've finally got it narrowed down to the last. If you're in, let me know.



I think I took a wrong turn somewhere~ A spirited girl like myself loves surprises, but there's a limit to everything. So who did this? I want to thank them in person~

Jul. 24th, 2008


I took out a group of vampires last night that were actually hassling an old lady. Tell me that isn't pathetic.

Jul. 23rd, 2008


What a nice playground for me.

January 2010




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