Mar. 4th, 2008


... this isn't Mandalore. This isn't even close.

Anybody want to tell me just where it is I ended up?

Feb. 25th, 2008


There're sparks coming out of the hole in my wall. Should I have put the fork in there?

Feb. 14th, 2008


I'm not getting the point in diet soda. Why even bother drinking any if it doesn't even taste good? I like flavor. Diet drinks? None whatsoever. It's a mockery of what sugary goodness like cola should be. And do you know what else I don't get? Those people that you go out to eat with that order the biggest most fattening meal ever, and then they say, "Oh, and I'd also like a diet coke with that". Why? Why would you do that? If you're gonna pig out on food, then what's the big with not drinking real soda? Sheesh. Some people.

Feb. 6th, 2008


How does this insane shit happen all the time and not make the newspapers?

Feb. 4th, 2008


I know I'm new here, but does the sun normally do that here? If it starts raining acid rain and Lucifer Hawk come out, I'm going to think I'm back in Tokyo.


I don’t understand this. This… place can’t be Los Angeles. I can’t really remember Los Angeles back in 2005, but it didn’t look like this. Admittedly, I was only four years old at the time, so my memory could be wrong. What is going on? How did I get here?

The technology is so… different. I don’t like it. I can hardly interface with it. I miss Donald, Huey, Dewey, and Louie.


I'm finding this city to be very interesting. So many people who can do so many things. Dad would want them. And there is a darkness in the city that most of the normal people do not seem to notice, how very interesting.

At least I'm not helpless.

January 2010




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