Apr. 2nd, 2008


Who: Spike & Princess Cimorene
What: 'Helping out', as Veronica had suggested.
When: During the big crisis.
Where: Hyperion.
Rating: TBD.

Snakes. How bloody well predictable.  )



Everybody capable of walking: Lobby. Now. Be armed and dangerous if you can, but not if that means goin' back up to your room to grab your gear, you got me? We got fuckin' critters 'n' shit around, 'n' we already got enough casualties.

Everybody not capable of walking but still capable of gettin' on here 'n' typing: Check in. Location & what's wrong witcha.

Me 'n' that chick're gonna run recon & medic to get our casualties downstairs and then we're all goin' out together.

NO GOIN' OUTSIDE ON YER OWN 'n' NO WANDERIN' OFF. United we stand divided we fall 'n' all that shit.

jesus fucking god this sorta shit is easier when y'only got nine guys on your team 'n' you all got fuckin' weapons training 'n' ten minutes' warning before they drop the buzzer 'n' start shootin' atcha -


For Hyperion Hotel Residents Only

I require assistance. I'm staying in room 29. One of those creatures bit my leg and I can no longer manage to move it.

Please hurry. I fear what this will do to the baby...


( FILTERED ) ...to those affiliated with Angel Investigations.

Those of you who are inside the hotel need to get out immediately, especially if you've been bitten, regardless of whether or not you think you can still fight. Katara, assuming your are still able and willing, I'd like for you to continue freezing the pipes while I take care of the snakes that have already worked their way inside.

Sarah, take the stone IT with you--do whatever you need to do in order to keep it safe.

Caryn, there is a large, leather-bound book with Asian characters on the cover sitting on my desk. Grab it and take it with you. Get it out of the Hyperion. I trust you not to allow it to fall into enemy hands.

Zuko, find my sister and get her out of here.

We'll meet back up at Anne's Shelter. (incert address here) Whoever gets there first, tell her I'm calling in a favor. Wait in the basement.


Filtered to Hyperion Residents

Something just bit me, I'm fine, but I think we need to get out of here right now.

Adam? Claire? Gabriel? Where are you?

And I just found Fred, I think she got bit too.

Edit: Let's get everyone to the lobby, and see what we can do to fight this off.



For Hyperion Hotel Residents Only

Something came out of the sink and managed to bite my hand before I could get away. Everyone needs to be careful, it's still out there somewhere. And now I get to go sit down so the room will stop spinning.

Oh, wait, I'm already sitting. Nifty...


Hiro Nakamura, if you're out there somewhere fiddling with the space-time continuum again, let me just say that this is a blunder.

On the off-chance that this isn't happening due to an associate and his propensity for meddling with some of the threads of reality, does anyone care to explain?


I am rather surprised to find myself in Los Angeles. I had thought I was travelling to New York, and I know I got on the right plane. This certainly complicates things. But no matter, I'll get to New York soon enough. And then I'll find my father's killer. In the meantime, can anyone tell me why it's so unnaturally dark?

Oh...right...yes. I'm Dr. Mohinder Suresh.


I am not sure if I am doing this properly, but...

I was told to seek out a man called Angel? Is that right? He is apparently able to provide some assistance. Would anyone know where to find him?

January 2010




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