Dec. 18th, 2008


This is brilliant, I really hope some of these frogs are the hallucinogenic type. Helps with my visions.

Oh and Ruby, that thing we were talking about? Yeah still working on it, might be a problem actually.
Tags: ,

Dec. 14th, 2008


Filtered from god and the angels

Who in LA's a virgin?.

Just for refrence.

Nov. 30th, 2008


Alright, where the in the twenty-six millennium sky counters am I? This ain't like any other Top Shop I've ever been in, it's more like a completely new city from the one I just stepped away from.

This is mental.

Anyone seen my mate Howard? He's got this caterpillar for a moustache and his hair's never seen a comb since the 20's. Small eyes like a shrimp, darting around the place, like he's got something to hide. Anyone?

Nov. 27th, 2008


Right so Bollo's finally shown up and we've discussed it and decided we should have a big traditional shaman party, which is basically a massive piss up, only better.

Bollo also said I had to invite Hermione personally, think you've got a fan there.

Everyone's welcome, cos basically if no one comes we're having the party anyway, so if you live nearby you're probably not going to be getting much sleep anyway!

Anyone fancy it?

Nov. 25th, 2008


Why everyone lookin at me funny. Ave they no seen gorilla in internet cafe before? Bloody city folk, no get this in forest internet cafes let me tell you!

Bollo sure he come in here for a reason, but now he can't remember what it was.

I gotta bad feelin bout this!

Nov. 15th, 2008


Anyone know the best way to get a message to London, 2008? I was gonna send a transdimensional pigeon but they're a nightmare to catch without Bollo!

Nov. 2nd, 2008


Hmmm think I might've overdone the old magic mushrooms last night, cos this really doesn't look much like the forest of dean. Anyone seen a bloke that looks a lot like a ballbag with tenticles crawling around? I'm meant to be giving him a lift home.

January 2010




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