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Jan. 19th, 2009


Is it just me or is this town a lot livlier than I remember? Pretty sure it didn't have comic book heroes or Jedi or friggin Power Rangers last time I was here. I think Andrew might actually die of geek joy

Seems the kinda thing a gal might remember though.

Anyway I'm Kennedy, and I'm just here for your apparently resident Slayers. Carry on.

[Filtered to Buffy and Faith]

Whats so important you gotta hide out in LA this long? Both of you? And I haven't been able to call you, any of you, who all is even here? Anyway we gotta talk, new threat a brewing in the East and all. Tokyo Vamps. Big bads,

Jan. 18th, 2009


Filtered to Isis Residents

Just because Lana is possessed doesn't mean they'll be any wild parties in this building anytime soon. There's still Linda, and there's still me. Rules are still the same. Just a reminder.

What is with these people? What ever happened to finding a way to fix the problem without taking a life?

Jan. 8th, 2009


Rangers+Kat Filter

If any of you can make it, come to Isis. I don't know how much we can actually protect everyone from this clown, but we can at least be there. Panic wouldn't be so good.

Jan. 5th, 2009


Has anyone seen Lana Lang today? Maybe I just keep missing her, but I haven't seen her around Isis all day. She's supposed to be here.

Edit: Nevermind.

[ooc: You decide if your character saw this before the edit.]

Jan. 2nd, 2009


I miss the Christmas decorations already. Yeah, I helped take them down here at Isis, but I still miss them. I liked the way the trees smelled.

[Oliver Queen]
Can we talk?

[Jack Landors]
Haven't tried to kill him yet, have you?

Dec. 28th, 2008


My brother is acting like he's ten. Not too far of a step down, but it's still annoying.

[Filtered to Alyssa Enrilé]
I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with Jack and Sam, but that's not the real reason I'm posting this.

I just...need to talk to someone about something, and even if Jack wasn't acting like a ten year old, I don't think he'd be good for this. I'm not really good at talking, though, not about this sort of thing...but I thought you'd be the best to talk to.


Filtered from "Geekboy" and "the scary girl"

[ooc: yes Heather, you're "the scary girl" XD]

Sammy called me Gay. I don't know what it is but I'm not. At least I'm not a Gigantor like him.

Dec. 26th, 2008


There are a lot of people out there who could use food, shelter, and clothing.

I was wondering if anyone out there wanted to help contribute? Even if it comes down to clothes that you don't wear anymore or a few cans of food that you think you can spare. Every last bit can and most certainly will help.

If so, feel free to drop by our site. My friend Clark is collecting everything over at the Daily Press [address]. He'll gladly take any donations you have to offer. They'll be given to people who could really use some help right now. I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

[ooc: Posted as Superman, not Clark. Yay for secret identities?]


Filtered from Lana.

I think I just got...grounded. Like..No tv. No games. At least she didn't mention comics.

...What the hell?

Dec. 23rd, 2008


...I think I have a boyfriend.

Anybody wanna fill me in on how this sorta thing works? Not like I have any experience with it. Never really wanted to before.

Dec. 22nd, 2008


I hate Christmas.
Rudolph, I'm going to break your little shiny nose.
Frosty, you suck.
Santa, you never came when I was little.
Dad, thank you for all of the CRAPPY Christmas' you gave me and Dean.
Dean, thank you for stealing those barbies for me.
God, why are you giving me a headache, you're supposed to make me feel bet
LUCIFER DOES NOT OWN ME. Insert one of those angry anime faces here or something.

New Year's. Pretty awesome.

Dec. 13th, 2008



I know I was leaning toward it before, but that was a year ago and we were DESPERATE and TRAPPED, this isn't even close to
You're all over
I hate people.

Dec. 9th, 2008


custom filter: to rangers, Nathan Petrelli, Cordelia Chase, Sarah Petrelli.

Peter Petrelli of Angel Investigations has gone missing. Early this morning his brother Nathan asked for help. They've been there for me even when they didn't have to be, even after I turned my back on th left the team. Peter is a real friend and would be doing what he could for us if the situation were reversed, so we need to do what we can to offer our assistance. This does NOT mean we go provoking or poking things this just means we patrol. We spread out and comb the city because their are so many of us, somebody has to hear or see something. If you think theirs anything you can do or know about this/heard anything please speak up now. I'll be visiting a few sources later this evening and seeing what I can get out of them if anyone wants to tag along.

[ooc: last edit I swear XD;]

Dec. 8th, 2008


Filtered to Z

I never thought I'd say this, but I miss S.P.D.


Filtered against children / Harry. [She's not ready to go there yet. xD]

Almost a whole day later, and I'm still trying to think of a way to describe what it's like to have sex with Sam when he's drunk off his ass.

[OOC: Because picking on Sam makes her life. xDD]

Dec. 3rd, 2008


It's after midnight, so.

Happy birthday to me, I guess.

Dec. 2nd, 2008


Filtered against baddies

It was suggested we..burn the body. So to she doesn't come back as anything else. I don't know how to feel about it, but I think somehow probably right,'ll be held at the beach. She liked it there when we went. It'll be quiet and out of public eyes it'll be held in the evening tomorrow.


Dec. 1st, 2008


filtered to friends/family/allies

Jack found her body. Just wanted to let you guys know.

She would have been my in-law, you know.

She was the only other yellow here.

I'm going to miss her.

Nov. 17th, 2008


Filtered to Isis Residents

Alcohol is no longer allowed inside this building. At all. I don't care if you're legal. This goes for any other mind altering substance. Only basic, over the counter medications are allowed.

And by the way? If I catch you wandering in here drunk and underage, don't think I won't turn you in.


Filtered to Power Rangers [and rather accidentally to Faith]

[ooc: Accidental filtering. All the cool kids are doing it.]

I'll go ahead and say it. I haven't been much of a leader the past month. Yeah, I've had some things on my mind, but that's not excuse, and it stops now.

First on the list: we are a team. Do you hear me? A TEAM. None of you should be going off to fight someone/thing on your own, I don't care how good you think you are. You should have at least two other rangers with you, if not more, and make sure me, Tori or Kat know where you are. If I catch any of you doing any less, you'll be cleaning my and Tori's bathroom with your own toothbrush.

Second, yes, I realize not a lot of people here take us seriously. The reality of our world has been reduced to a dorky kids' show. So what? There are people out there who need us. Don't let anyone else talk you out of helping those who can't help themselves.

However, some of the people you've been arguing with are right. This isn't our world and there's a lot of things we don't understand, and even more things we'd be no match for. Yes, it's hard, especially considering some of thing things some of you are going through, but show some respect to the natives of this world. They've been here their whole lives, they know a lot better than we do. If you want to rant, do it to each other, or even better, channel your anger into something productive like workouts and research. We don't need to be fighting people who are on the same side as us. It's not just counterproductive, but it gives everyone more reason to think we're just a bunch of stupid kids. I don't care so much, I'm only two and a half, but I know some of you do. Think about that before you bite someone's head off.

Come on, guys. If we're going to be a team, we need to start acting like a team.

And stay away from that Caleb guy. He gives me the creeps

Thanks for the kick in the pants. I needed that.

Nov. 16th, 2008


Everyone has heroes growing up, right? Tell me who yours was, and why. Was it someone like a character in a comic book? Or maybe your Dad? Or a Superhero from your world? What made you look up to them? I'm curious.


Close Friends and Colleagues Filter

[ooc: Filter includes: Bart Allen, Lois Lane, both Clark Kents, Chris Kent, Kara Zor-El, Oliver Queen, Z Delgado, Jack Landors, Kira Ford, Alyssa Enrilé, Cassie Chan, Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester.]

I know some of you don't celebrate holidays (and some of you don't even like them), but I'd like to invite all of you to my home for Thanksgiving dinner. If you can't or don't want to come, that's fine, but I want to have as many people I'm thankful for in the room as possible. You are my friends, family and protectors of the city each in your own way. I'd love for you to come.

Nov. 15th, 2008


I have to go away. I have to leave for a while.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything.

[ooc: buffy is back to normal now. and the mega guilt ensues!]

Nov. 11th, 2008


I'm taking on a few extra patrols. It'll be a good distraction at least.sleep isn't necessary, really.

filtered to Peter Petrelli and Anya )
[Heather] )
Spike )
Faith )

Z )

Nov. 8th, 2008


This place is giving me a headache. I don't even know what I'm eating for breakfast tomorrow and people want to tell me my future

vampires weren't that bad. A bit harder to kill than basic monsters. But I think theirs seriously something weird going on here. aside from the fact that the rift hates me. I went to check on that boy Toshio and there were just cats, but then there weren't cats and..I.think his place may be...haunted.

[Filtered to Rangers]
I may have over reacted slightly yesterday.Who wouldn't This city obviously needs help and I was called here for a reason, so I'll do whatever I can to help. I've only been here two days and I can tell it's not in good shape. I think we should meet..I don't want to lead..

I'm sorry
I was harsh
fuck it I can't do th

Nov. 5th, 2008


I want to hug everyone.

I love you.

[ooc: and this is what happens when sam winchester takes meds for his leg.]


I've been laying low for a while now... been afraid of all hell breaking lose again. Seems like it happens here every few weeks or something.

But now I feel the urge to go out, to do... something, anything. I guess after what happened I just need to feel... alive. Time to stop playing the fucking hermit and get out and do something.

Nov. 4th, 2008


I miss home, and my team..Bridge, Syd, even Sky and D.C.. Z if you ever tell him I'll deny it. I can almost see him glaring at me for even writing him into this. We don't get along but that doesn't mean I don't care. I wish they were here. It would make all this so much easier.

Find a place?



I love you.
lyrics )


So where do you people like to go to relax? Seems like I have a night all to myself.

[ooc: Backdated to after this and this, because I am slow tonight.]


Filtered to Rangers

I...can't believe I did something so foolish

I'm sorry. I'm back. There are sweets on the counter..did I miss anything? You're all alright? please be alright..

Nov. 1st, 2008


[ooc: morning after Halloween]

Talk about making sure you really like the costume you wear on Halloween before putting it on. Not that I minded thinking I was really Daphne, but it was a little weird arguing with someone over which one of us was the real one when neither of us were. (Hi, person I don't know.)

I'm really glad I didn't go as a mermaid, it would have sucked to have spent the whole night flopping around on the floor.

Oct. 27th, 2008


Filtered to Dean

Want some help, princess?

Oct. 26th, 2008


So I was at the zoo today. Guess what I saw?

[insert youtube vid of dean, sitting in a gorilla cage with a pink tutu, a tiara on his head, and a little wand]


I'm awake. And for the record, I hate hospitals.

Did I miss anything?

Oct. 21st, 2008


Filtered against baddies.

What in the frilly heck is going on?!


Filtered to Isis Residents

From this point on, Isis is on lockdown. No one is to go outside without direct permission from me, and unless you can tack Ranger onto the end of your name, I doubt I'll give it. This means no more pictures, Henry. I just have a bad feeling this is going to get worse and I don't want any of you hurt. I'll be staying at Isis too, until all this is over which will hopefully be soon. Be safe.

Things aren't looking so good. Do you want to come stay with me at Isis for a while? I don't think you should be alone.

[Rangers at Isis]
Rangers, do you think you could take shifts watching the entrance?

Oct. 17th, 2008


I want a cup on a chain.

Oct. 12th, 2008


[Filtered to: Chris Kent, Cordelia Chase, Buffy Summers, Faith Lehane]

Since the Apocalypse is over now, I thought I'd ask if all of you are still up for helping me with Jack. We need to keep him away from Charlie Marquez. It's the only thing that's going to get him thinking clearly.


[ooc: Backdated to earlier today, because IJ was being mean. Strike outs are strike outs, not deleted text. That means your characters can read it.]

Rangers, we're cutting patrol an hour short tonight in favor of celebrating Casey's return. You can go back out there after if you want, as long as you don't go alone, but I won't be with you. Any suggestions on where to celebrate? Kira, don't say The Roadhouse, you can go there later. Casey's choice, which is pizza.

Faith, you owe me a hug.

Oct. 10th, 2008


Oh no no no no no. Whatever just happened there? So not my fault! That lady over there has a massive wart on her Alex? Not cool!

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