Oct. 18th, 2008


Can you feel it nephew...or you Severus...

It tastes of pain and suffering and its delicious.

If you ignore it he'll know... He'll make you hurt or he'll let me.

He'll come for you Potter, and your wife and your brats...

And Siri dear, one last chance...play at being a proper Black and just maybe you'll live.

Sep. 21st, 2008


I am happy to announce that Cian Sirius Lupin has made his grand entrance into the world yesterday at 10:43 pm.

Ten fingers and ten toes. Mother and son are doing just fine.

Yes, I'm quite the proud father.

...Bloody hell, I'm a father.

Sep. 18th, 2008


What in the bloody hell is a Swiffer, and why are Muggles folk trying to pass it off as something better than a broom?

Sep. 17th, 2008


[filtered to James and Sirius]

Take care of him, please.

[Backdated to yesterday. Would have posted last night, but I passed out in front of the computer.]


[filtered to Moony and Prongs]

Full moon coming.

Night out for us?

Sep. 16th, 2008


for the HP lot, no Death Eaters

Why are you lot not flying yet? We've got more than enough for a decent game of Quidditch.

And don't start ragging on about the bloody Death Eaters. There's been plenty of matches they haven't bollocksed up. I'm sure not planning on letting them ruin my life anymore than they already have.


Filtered to his family and friends

(this includes Draco, Severus, Merope in addition to the usual people. As usual, does not include Peter, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Barty.)

Now that Crouch is here, as well as Fenrir, the Death Eaters are swelling their ranks. Don't draw attention to yourselves, either in person or in the communications. If anyone is going to go after Bellatrix and Crouch for their actions, it will be in numbers, and with a plan.

Although I know it will offend them when I say this, remember that there are children in this complex, and we don't need them in danger. After all, some of you certainly gave me enough lectures about that when I was that age and fighting in the war.

The Weir (yes, I've named it, and in a way so it might be confusing to our enemies) has new residents, namely Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, and Merope Gaunt. I expect that they will be treated with respect as is everyone else.

Sep. 15th, 2008


[filtered to the people who know and fear Bellatrix Black]

Oh god, I'm sorry, I couldn't not...

She wished and,,,

Bellatrix Black.

She wished to be strong enough to stand against you all....

I couldn't not do it, I'm so sorry.

I saw what she intends to do, the killing, the torture.

I'm sorry.

Sep. 14th, 2008


Well, I can say I never expected to be here again, of all places. They didn't even let me finish my coverage of the Magpies vs. Bats game! Apparently patience isn't a virtue these 'powers' have. That is going to annoy me. Bloody hell, it's been what? A few hours for you? I've been gone for the better part of fourteen or fifteen years.

...and I think only the kids are home...oh Merlin, that can't be good.

Ron? I see that search party post, call it off, I'm fine.

Harry? James? Albus? Lily, love? You're all still here?


Fiddle dee dee, said Scarlett. Fiddle dee dee indeed.

So, where ARE you all, my adoring fans?


Sitting here and trying to come up with an activity that would keep me stimulated and far away from the clutches of boredom, I have decided to put down in ink (permanent) an official list of people (who currently live here) who should keep their filthy, disgusting hands away from my baby sister.

Come Within a Five Mile Radius and Suffer the Extreme, Embarrassing Consequences.

The list is as follows:

Any member of *NSYNC

This list is subject to change and grow at any given moment.


Its just me isn't it, Im the only one here with any loyalty!


January 2010




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