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Jan. 12th, 2010


[Filtered against W&H and associates]

Hey guys? Just for a comprehensive list, could you get in contact with the people you know, so we can see if anyone else is missing? Please?

As it stands right now, we're missing:



Filtered to Angel Investigations

As well as Tara, Jack hasn't come back from his patrol either.

One could be explainable, two definitely isn't.

Tenel Ka, could you and Jacen head out on Jack's patrol route, see if you can sense anything?

Can any of the witchy types do a sensey thing on Tara?

Buffy this isn't an order. I guess this is the moment we find out how this is going to work could you swing by my pile of maps and help me work on some strategies?

Jan. 11th, 2010


[Posted after she missed the check in, Filtered against baddies]

Has anyone seen Tara?

Jan. 6th, 2010


Filtered from Baddies

Just wanted to let you all know that Megan Winchester is officially here and healthy. That means that I'm a big brother again. Just remember to filter all of your bad posts from kids, as we're trying to make sure at least one Winchester is sane. Also? Nobody EVER tell her I'm not the real Batman. I'm gonna teach her that I am. She's a blank slate.

You're not the baby anymore.

Jan. 5th, 2010


I'm still not use to this place and it's been a fair few weeks. Makes me wonder if I ever will.

Jan. 4th, 2010


[Filtered to the Hyperion/allies]

I just went past Nathan and Heidi's room. It seems they and the boys have been sent home. Kriff.

Dec. 29th, 2009


Does 'Survived a supernatural uprising and war', 'can draw powers (and just draw)', or 'teenage girl; want money' qualify as skills for Starbucks? Or any sort of coffee shop? Anything not fast food?

I think liking coffee should be a good enough qualification. None of my other life experiences are going to help with this job hunting business.

Dec. 28th, 2009


I've spent much of the last couple of days in a state of constant sugar high. Having finally crashed, it was definitely worth it. There was too much good to pass up.

[Filtered to Angel Investigations and allies]

All right guys, I need a little help. In the spirit of getting organized, I have a tenative list going and I need to double check. A little like Santa Claus.

I need to know who the core researchers are and who does/is willing to do research when needed. I'm pretty sure I have most of you down but it's better to double check than leave someone out, right?

Dec. 27th, 2009


Right, Now that we're past the big day and all that I'd like to know what comprises AI right now. Who's on the team, what they do, who wants to be on the team and what they can offer. Who lives in the hotel?

I'm still new at all this with this many people and this seems the best way.


Are you actually ever gonna take this seriously and discuss what we need to do, or do I get to do all the legwork. There might not be conveniant heroic necklaces to wear next time there's a threat

Dec. 22nd, 2009


I remember a time when stuffed animals made better security blankets than swords. That seems like it was really long ago. Although Feigenbaum is still pretty comforting.

Dec. 18th, 2009


Anyone who was visited, none of your visitors touched you, right? Like they couldn't grab you and take you somewhere? They just talk?

Dec. 17th, 2009


The Powers have decided the city has been too long without a champion and that its changed enough to require two.

Its me and Spike.

Now I assure you all nothing will change and the fact we're from here will have no bearing on anything we do in terms of the responsibility. Technicly this isn't my version of LA either remember.

Anyway, thats the state of things. Any questions you have feel free to direct them to us or the heads of AI. Probably me and the heads of the departments cause Spike's a mor...


Not sure what Petrelli's gonna do. he's said he'd stay on as legal. But do we need a second. He was that for his brother. And now there are two of us. We don't need to be managed particularly.
And apparently tech and magic is one position which unless your someone like Jenny Calander is a bit much. How do you feel about splitting it and looking at Tara or that witch that can teleport...Paige Matthews?. And Tech, the Jedi woman mentioned a girl called Ed had visited, Get together with Faith and Fred and make a decision?

[Faith & Fred]

We have Offensive and Research covered, what do you think to tech, and splitting magic and tech into seperate things?. I don't want Spike and I making decisions like that when its you two and Petrelli that have been running things since the Powers relieved his brother.

Dec. 14th, 2009


Filtered to Spike, Faith, Fred and Nathan

I could try the whole speech thing but I'm actually just gonna say it.

The Powers called me and Spike to them for tests, they say the city needs a Champion and they've named us...both.

I can only figure cause of the mistakes I made with Wolfram and Hart last time and the fact that Spike's an idiot, saved the world with a necklace not had his soul long

This will take some getting used to and we're not planning to stomp all over what you've done with AI. But thats the situation as it stands and we decided you three should to be the first to know.

Dec. 6th, 2009


filtered against baddies.

I've been working on spending more time out of the house. Looking for a job, finally. No interviews yet, but I'm patient. I can wait.

On the other hand, I tried my hand at hunting tonight. Found a nest of nasty looking vamps. Took on a handful, but I need to go back and wipe the place out as soon as I get patched up and gather more supplies. I want to get them before they abandon the place, so if there's anyone out there who wants to help out? It'd be sort of awesome if you could.

[Filtered to Faith]
That'd include you.

Look, I've been meaning to talk to you.

[Filtered to The Hyperion/allies/friends of Faith - hidden from Faith]

Faith's birthday is on the 14th. I'm gonna throw her a party. I've got the finances to buy supplies, I just need to figure out where we ought to do this along with who is going to show and be involved. Mind helping a guy out?

Dec. 5th, 2009


filtered against baddies + arthurian legend types;


Back from anniversary celebrations just in time to see the new arrivals.

Guinevere!!. Merlin!!. Arthur Pendragon!!!.

Can we keep them? Talk about culture shock.

Dec. 1st, 2009


Baking is a wonderful de-stressor after a couple of stressful weeks. The instructions are right there for you to follow and you have a faint idea of how they're going to turn out in the end if you follow them faithfully. Not that that works for everything, just the cookies.

Speaking of, I might've gotten a little carried away and now there's about 300? Anyone want some cookies? I'll deliver. Chocolate chip that I was going to make for Wesley. Good for the soul?

Nov. 30th, 2009


Waking at six in the morning has never been so wonderful. Are we all back yet?

Jacen, I love you for rescuing me. Cathy, I love you for putting up with me. Everyone else, I love you too.

Paige. I am so sorry. So sorry. Let me make this up to you. Please.


So, I really did just spend the last two weeks drunk and making poitin didn't I.

It wasn't the worst way I could have been altered, even if I do have a headache. I don't get headaches.

Nov. 24th, 2009


[Filtered away from bad types- filter includes Claires]
So...Sarah. Anyone else notice how she's on TV? Or is this just old news and I'm that far behind?

Nov. 21st, 2009


I feel all weird. Like...I don't know, like its not right.

[Filtered to Ben]

...Am I...normally good? I that video...if thats me, I looked sad, Like...really, but I had people all around and some of it was nice. I remember... I think...

[Filtered to Sandy, Lilah and Mitchell]

I'm perfectly fine. I'm just bored and need a hobby for the next few hours. The kid actually thinks Sandy and I are his family along with some looser off TV. Lets see how gullible he really is

[ooc: No she does not remember :( She is bored and a bitch and Ben has angered her lol. Am fully aware am going to hell for meanness to Ben]

Nov. 18th, 2009


Filtered against anyone affected by either kind of amnesia

Sam asked who Claire was, like he'd never even known someone called Claire Bennet, it was really disconcerting.

Are we any closer to working this out and what can I do to help?. You can use the Lux as a meeting place if the Hyperion's too hectic with the memory loss crazy?

ETA: Just thought of something. I think, and disagree if you want, but I think if the adate um...the group of people that don't remember their lives here are safe, I say we leave them till we figure this out. Telling them, freaking them out like that might make things worse. We track them all. I don't mind helping. I'll don't have to...I'll do it for a discount...half price...kriff it free.

We make sure they're not in danger and we work on fixing them?

Nov. 16th, 2009


[Filtered against the amnesia types and W&H]

If you can see this, you're not on the list of those affected by what the Senior Partners pulled off. I could be wrong on a few names here and there but we've got some people still unaccounted for. If I'm missing anyone, I'll add them to the filter.

Ben brought up a really good point. Even though we don't know what has been done to these people to mess up their memories, we can still try and get through to them. It might not work but it would give us a reason to stick close to the affected, keep an eye on them and make sure no harm comes to them until we can reverse it.

This is just a suggestion but I'm thinking maybe the magic types can pow wow and see what you all can come up with? I know, big and powerful Senior Partners, but every little bit would help. Then we could have some people try and locate those that are still MIA? And of course, others trying to help the memory addled to remember correctly. ETA: Buffy also brought up a good point. Go easy with the information! We don't want any broken brains!

I'm all open to any suggestions, ideas, plans, something. I know some of us don't get along but if we want things back to normal, the more we work together on this, the better.

[ooc: People in the C category can see this as well :)]




I want my family back. All of them. Now.

Nov. 15th, 2009


Filtered against baddies.

Attention Slayers. I want your roll call. Now. Please tell me you're here, and also not acting crazy.

Please tell me you're you, and fine. Please?

[EDIT: Filtered, Xander, Fred, Jacen, Tenel Ka, Cathy]
Apparently we can blame Wolfram and Hart. What else is new.

Cathy if you learn anything new, could you share?

Nov. 14th, 2009


In one week, I will have officially been here a year. Not in a new arrival kind of way because I've been in Los Angeles a couple of years, aside from being in Pylea, but in the 'I hopped a year ahead and made some new friends' kind of way. It's gone scary quick even though it feels like I've known some of you forever now, which is meant in the best way possible.

It's been pretty cool.

Nov. 5th, 2009


filtered to family/close friends;

Now that Cathy's back, Dean and I are going to head out. We should be back by the evening of the 10th, and we'll have our phones in case we're needed provided you can reach us. I guess Sarah can come get us and bring us back if it's an emergency?

Be good, you guys, and try not to get kidnapped and whatever else.

If - or when - we fall off your radar, don't freak out, okay?

Nov. 4th, 2009


filtered against baddies/harmony.

Angel says he's all proud of me.

Oct. 31st, 2009


The toy clown in my room just jumped off the shelf and tried to scale up my leg.

And I say to you, what the hell.

Nov. 1st, 2009


Can someone please explain to me why I was just attacked by a 17 inch Darth Vader doll?

He actually tried to Mind Trick me. It tickled.

Oct. 24th, 2009


Better late than never right?

meme )

Oct. 25th, 2009


So, I told my managers everything you all said, and they explained why it was dumb and you were all wrong and that Sol-a-whatsit Slayer was way out of line in trying to stake me and Andy Dick wasn't even really that upset by the biting and everything so its all okay and you can stop with the death threats now okay?

And now they're talking about me releasing a single. Its gonna be awesome. I'm totally okay with forgiving you all over the meanness.


Can we meet up for angry breakup sex a drink, I know we're broken up and all but you're the only one I can talk to and everyone else hates me and you wouldn't hurt me unless I asked you to and please??

Oct. 22nd, 2009



I missed the fun last time so I'm gonna jump on this time!

Quiz thingy! )

Oct. 19th, 2009


[Posted right after her text]

Things you need to know:

-The 'scary movie' franchise gets more lame over the years. Don't watch them.
-So does the Dance Movies.
-Make sure you stick together, you're stronger that way.
-Buy all the Michael Jackson CDs you can.
-Don't argue over stupid things like who's in charge, who's the best, and who's top dog. Just don't.
-Kanye West is a douche bag. Boycott him now.

It was nice meeting the past yous. Take care.

Cathy, I will be at your house soon in the future looking for cookies. Lindsey, I will still be expecting an explanation for withholding stories from me. We're going to talk.

Mom, be social. Dad, that bartender with the stupid tattoo on his hand owes you money. About twenty bucks right now, but it will be more in the future, fire him now. Faith, you're awesome. Enough said.


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

So I was watching some of the cable TV channels last night and I came across this British television show, Spaced and it included this clip.

My first thought was, really? Grown men cry at that holo? This was quickly followed by wondering, seriously, people think that much into my parent's story?

And then I realized, he's right. And if it wasn't for that one gunner, I wouldn't even exist and Allana would exist and no one even knows his name.

Oh and yes, Ewoks are that scary.

And finally, what's a jaffa cake and why did the British people get so excited over it?

[ooc: yes, I know the clip was posted in 2008, but the show has been around for over 10 years and many clips of it have existed on YouTube! I just chose the official one as it won't be taken down!]

Oct. 17th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

I'll have you all know that I have no intention of ever turning into a deal-making, friend betraying, bastard of a man who I hate with the fury of a thousand suns and wish to do nothing more than drop into the belly of a boiling volcano from hell on a Saturday afternoon. Why Saturday afternoon? Because that is the best moment of the best day of every week ever and it would very much be the most inconvenient time to die. Around five.

Oct. 16th, 2009


I believe I said I was tired of being 'ported against my will to random places.

Whoever did this, you better damn well hope you have an entire army protecting you. Though that might not be enough.

Frigging Russia.


filtered to A.I./Hyperion + Winchester & co + all allies*;

[ooc: *which is pretty much a "good guys over fifteen" filter when you get right down to it, as long as it's anyone Sarah is familiar with enough to call or know as an ally or an ally's ally. For this post, it also includes Damien AND Sylar since it's only fair because their posts are part of this, but doesn't include future!Xander, obv. :P]

[ Sarah's post is effectively a replication of her original conversation with Sylar [ here ], the post from Damien [ here ] and her conversation tonight with future!Xander [ here ], the last of which is currently still ongoing. ]

That's everything I know, so someone do something with it. Excuse me while I throw up again

Oct. 14th, 2009


I'm not a bad person you know.

I mean, okay evil. But that doesn't make me bad. And I've been using my show to help real people, people the Slayers totally ignore.

And what do I get in return, insulted, hounded by the paparatzzi, A boyfriend who...

...who obvioulsy doesn't love me.

I think its over blondie bear. You and me. It has to be


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

I can't believe it's only a couple more weeks until I'm a father.

There is so much more to consider with parenthood here than there was back home. I mean do babies really need all this stuff?


How are you feeling?

And I'm thinking I may sell my bike and we should buy a more child friendly car.

[future Claire]

How's things with you? Only seen bits of what's been going on, but I'm worried about you.

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January 2010




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