Nov. 11th, 2008


Dean, stop eating all of the food. We have to feed more people than YOU and your BIG MOUTH.

And I'd like to warn any and all of you that interacting with and/or making nice with Toshio spirits that are dangerous is far from the best idea. Sever your connections with them, as they will come at you when you least expect it. I understand that you have the best of intentions in mind, but going around and trying to help this spirit by talking to it is NOT a good idea. You don't know anything about it and I highly doubt that it's going to want to sit down, have a cup of tea, and discuss the weather with you. So just stay the hell away from them before they fucking kill you and leave it to the professionals to take care of it.

Faith. )

Elisabeth. )

Dad. )

Castiel. )

Ruby. )

Heather. )


can't go home.

Nov. 10th, 2008


So, you know what gives me a rush? Going to the top of an extremely tall building at night, when there's nobody around, or hardly anyone around. I sit up there, and look at the night sky.

Then I jump off of the building, and for just a moment I pretend like I'm flying.

Before I land on the ground.

Real rush to the head.

Nov. 9th, 2008


Does anyone have any practical experience with ghosts? It might be more. Like a poltergeist, but sentient and manifesting. It lures people in, I don't know for what purpose, but it's just a child. It scares me.

I. . I want to help him.

Nov. 10th, 2008


ju on

Nov. 9th, 2008


I'm never going to get any sleep like this with all these cats... I just need to get out for a while, assuming I can get past them maybe hit the gym or go for a run. Anyone game? it's more fun with company.

Nov. 8th, 2008


this place is so confusing.

i think i want to go back to being dead.


This place is giving me a headache. I don't even know what I'm eating for breakfast tomorrow and people want to tell me my future

vampires weren't that bad. A bit harder to kill than basic monsters. But I think theirs seriously something weird going on here. aside from the fact that the rift hates me. I went to check on that boy Toshio and there were just cats, but then there weren't cats and..I.think his place may be...haunted.

[Filtered to Rangers]
I may have over reacted slightly yesterday.Who wouldn't This city obviously needs help and I was called here for a reason, so I'll do whatever I can to help. I've only been here two days and I can tell it's not in good shape. I think we should meet..I don't want to lead..

I'm sorry
I was harsh
fuck it I can't do th


youre all going to die.


oka san

January 2010




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