Apr. 1st, 2008


Well, this is unusual. Arriving in Los Angeles instead of Gotham when getting off of a plane? Stepping out and finding yourself in a random intersection? And most of all, losing several years?

All of this is just a little not normal.

What the heck is going on?

Mar. 11th, 2008


It seems this message board is the main form of communication among the busier people in this city. Since I've exhausted all other avenues, I can't ignore this one.

Clark, Bruce, Kara, J'onn, Dinah, any of you...I haven't been able to contact you and I'm worried.

Mar. 8th, 2008


I wonder how long you thought you could hide this from me before I took notice.

Feb. 16th, 2008


How long can a person go without eating or sleeping before they uh...die?

Feb. 3rd, 2008


While my company already has blue prints for the reconstruction of Los Angeles ready (samples of said blue prints are available on Wayne Enterprise's website for the public to view), I'd like to take the public's opinion into consideration before I give the go-ahead for construction to begin. So, I ask this, citizens of LA: what parts of the city would you like to see rebuilt and why?

Feb. 2nd, 2008






This is not right. How did I get to Los Angeles.

...Bella? Please tell me you're here.

Jan. 29th, 2008


God, please please please let this just be some horrible nightmare. I'm going to wake up next to Lily any second. Wake up...

...where the hell am I?


Hey Bart, you were right! Speed is very useful with the evil freaks. Especially vampires. They had no idea how the stake was into them so fast.

Also.. Bart, Kara, other heroes? I have this, err.. friend. He's been patrolling the streets, like I have, like anyone else. He wanted me to ask something: what is your opinion on the subject of capes?

Jan. 26th, 2008


Guess I should make a point of asking. Anyone from Gotham?

For that matter. I'm thinking about hanging out my shingle here to see if I can make some pro-bono points. Anyone looking for legal representation? Top of my class at Harvard, made law review, Gotham City District Attorney...


Los Angeles, the famed city of angels. It's unfortunate that a city once so grand and full of life is falling apart at the seams. That's why my company and I are stepping up to help rebuild. We'll start with the downtown area then work our way out, first removing the rubble and the beyond-repair, then reconstructing and erecting new buildings. The blueprints my teams have assembled can be found for the public to view on Wayne Enterprise's website.

My name is Bruce Wayne and I look forward to entering into many business ventures with the people and companies of this city.

January 2010




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