Apr. 3rd, 2008


Well, it sure looks like something went to town on this place. Since when was the Natural History Museum reduced to a pile of rubble?

something's not right here


Someone want to explain to me how I ended up here when I was in Blue Bay Harbor, like two seconds ago?

Mar. 15th, 2008


Don't you people get it yet?

It's not wise to piss this girl off.


Um...wow. I know that LA is infamous for it's exciting night life, but this is a little ridiculous. Okay, it's a lot ridiculous. Right now, this place is making Reefside look all cheery and sparkly...which it isn't. Trust me, I grew up there and it's not exactly a place you'd want to inhabit for too long. But at the moment? Yeah, kind of wanting to hightale it home.

Especially since some demons "apparently" ritually sacrificed and ate the staff at my record company and haven now taken over the building? ...right.

Strange things always seem to happen in California. It's like a badness magnet.

seems like this place could use some ranger help

I suppose I should introduce myself, and no, I am not Avril Lavigne. You will automatically earn my dislike should you mistake me for her or feel the need to continuously compare me to her. Totally different person here.

My name is Kira, Kira Ford.

Not Avril.

Mar. 13th, 2008


Tut, tut

You lot sure do whine about this prolonged eclipse often.

Mar. 14th, 2008


Aya... Someone else has to know who she is. Who was she? How did she know me...?

Feb. 23rd, 2008


What the fuck....

I should be dead, there was so much blood, I couldn't possibly....

Where the hell am I? What the hell is going on?

January 2010




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