Nov. 12th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

I really can’t get my head around this place sometimes, I know I shouldn’t think about it too much but the dates are all messed up. I mean, if I was on my own timeline right now I wouldn’t even be born. My mum would still be pregnant with me and Hugo not even thought about yet.

Yes, this is really unimportant with all that's going on right now, I know that. Sorry, just clearing my thoughts of all the nonesense.

Nov. 6th, 2008


Filtered against Ron


He fancies me.

Ron likes me, it's not just a one way thing!

[OOC: Because clearly, they both need their squee!post]


filtered away from hermione.


Oct. 23rd, 2008


I mastered that innocent look at age six )

I'm in the mood to bake. Merlin, I'm turning into my mother. But it at least it will keep me away from the internet.

You know what I'm thinking, Lily? That we can't let you fall behind in your studies, and we should set up classes for you. And wipe that glare off you face, I can see it from here.

Oct. 15th, 2008


Merlin, I feel like I'm back at Hogwarts. I'm too bloody old for this sort of thing.

What was that?

...are you alright? I could murder you

Oct. 14th, 2008


Mum? Dad? Hugo? I swear if your responsible for this-


I have absolutely no idea what's going on here or even where 'here' is supposed to be.

Apr. 27th, 2008


I realize I scolded people for whining so much, but if anyone wants to have a little harmless fun.. Hit me up, yeah?

Unless you're from Gryffindor, because honestly I'm so prejudiced towards that particular house and I just can't meet up with you.

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Order your very own Dominique Weasley today! You can be married right away because it's extremely classy AND she's half price because her own family doesn't want her anymore due to her ruining the Weasley name.
Special offer! Don't miss out on this once in a life time opportunity.
Because it is just such an opportunity.

Apr. 18th, 2008



Am I the only one who has noticed vampire's protective thing? Specifically my vampire. He also makes a good pillow..

And..well, that is all.


Rose and Hugo, how the hell do you put up living with them in the same house, sharing the same room? It's enough to drive a person mad. I really hope I don't turn out to be like that with Harry. I'm giving everyone permission to hex my future self if we ever get back home if I am. And only if I am.

Anyway, those moving stairs? Yeah, those are really brilliant. But kind of lazy. And no where near as fun as the kind that move back at Hogwarts.

What I wouldn't give for a game of Quidditch right now. I was looking on this computer-thing. Did you know muggles invented their own kind of Quidditch based off ours? It looks like the most boring thing ever.

Hey Hermione, I think I need some girl time. Want to see if we can find a decent cup of tea anywhere in this city?

Apr. 13th, 2008



That's right. Be jealous.


So. LA. I didn't think the international quidditch matches were for another few weeks. But this is clearly some sort of...hotel room. If you call this a hotel, rundown roach trap that it looks like. I knew Dorkins was a cheap bastard, but Merlin, this is just ridiculous.

Gudgeon? Jenkins? Gorgovitch? I swear to god, if this is some sort of haze the rookie prank, you're each going to get a hex between the eyes.

Apr. 12th, 2008


Filtered to the HP people

So, this is one bloody confusing situation and I don't know about you but I am all for figuring this out. Where is everyone exactly? We should pick somewhere for us all to go and figure it out from there.


Ok...explanation please? Where am I? Because this place doesn't look at all familiar.

And secondly, how exactly did I get here? Because all I remember doing was walking through a door. And if the answer is prank portkey, someone is going down. Painfully.

January 2010




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