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Dec. 14th, 2009


After Faith's party

So let's take a poll:

Who thinks the whole separate beds/not seeing the bride before your wedding is a joke?

Especially if you've already seen e--

For perspective, we do already more or less live together in two different houses.

Pick one
a) It's a stupid stupid tradition
b) Dean's right. End of story
c) Wedding traditions are for dorks
d) Claire might maybe possibly have a point

Added 30 minutes later
Damned evil technology. Just write one in, I don't know how to make the little poll bubbles. Where is my genius brother when you need him?


Filtered to Spike, Faith, Fred and Nathan

I could try the whole speech thing but I'm actually just gonna say it.

The Powers called me and Spike to them for tests, they say the city needs a Champion and they've named us...both.

I can only figure cause of the mistakes I made with Wolfram and Hart last time and the fact that Spike's an idiot, saved the world with a necklace not had his soul long

This will take some getting used to and we're not planning to stomp all over what you've done with AI. But thats the situation as it stands and we decided you three should to be the first to know.

Dec. 3rd, 2009



[ filtered to FAITH; ]
Get back into the swing of things yet?
[ filtered to CLAIRE (ABC); ]
How're you doing today, honey?

Nov. 10th, 2009


Faith and I need a wider view on This.

Few things first...

1. Faith is wrong about the tea leaves.
2. My point is logical and plausible. Look where we live.
3. If it happens I claim no responsibility.
4. Anyone else think she should write a song even if I don't think I have 'a stare'
5. Its all Jacen's fault. He let me have something called pixie sticks. They had a funny name and were very brightly colored. So I had six of them.

[ooc: The rest of the convo is still filtered, just consider the link a copy and pasted copy of that bit of the convo]


One year clean. I want one of those medallion things.

Turns out this bar I used to love going to actually closed down about two months ago. Strange the kinds of things you miss.

Nov. 2nd, 2009


Buffy, go fuck yourself.

Fucking fuckity fuck. This is stupid
Hey, it's put up a false fight week! Let's all insult our friends and lovers!
Think about the sex, Spike. All the sex.

Nov. 1st, 2009


Can someone please explain to me why I was just attacked by a 17 inch Darth Vader doll?

He actually tried to Mind Trick me. It tickled.

Oct. 27th, 2009


Filtered to Nathan Petrelli, Birthday Boy, lawyer, and handsomest husband alive

Happy birthday, Nathan.


Well that was an interesting vacation.

Still, it seems when you want something done right, you need the best so now I'm back. So be honest, did you all miss me?

And as fun as some reminiscing doesn't sound, let's get straight to business. Lindsey. Where is she?

Oct. 26th, 2009


[Custom Filter]

[Filtered to Sarah and Nathan Petrelli and Fred Burkle]

Not sure how much you've seen, but can we let the security system know to expect a couple more people? Kennedy's back and we've also had Vi arrive. She was one of the Slayers from Sunnydale and definitely one of the good guys.

[Filtered to Claire Bennet (future)]

How's everything with you? Proper answers please, not just the standard 'fine' reply.

You got time for me to be a stupid girl over something? Promise you can hit me over the head and call me dumb over it.

Oct. 18th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

We got them back. Eve is so very very dead. Immortal or not I will find a way

Ruby, thanks for covering my patrol route, it took a load off my mind.

Oct. 17th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

I'll have you all know that I have no intention of ever turning into a deal-making, friend betraying, bastard of a man who I hate with the fury of a thousand suns and wish to do nothing more than drop into the belly of a boiling volcano from hell on a Saturday afternoon. Why Saturday afternoon? Because that is the best moment of the best day of every week ever and it would very much be the most inconvenient time to die. Around five.

Oct. 15th, 2009


filtered to A.I./Hyperion;

Does anyone have any idea why the hell Sylar would think, or want us to think, one of us was to blame for this?

[ Sarah ]
He's saying you knew. Did he talk to you?

[ additional filter - future!Xander; ]
I'd like you to come by the Hyperion and give us a hand getting our people back.


She never showed up for training. She never not shows up, she's never late. Her cell phone isn't connecting, and I can't find her anywhere.

Someone tell me where the hell my mother is.



This might be silly.

I can't sense him, Jacen I mean, and I've been trying, its been a few hours, and he knows, he always knows and he always lets me in.

They wouldn't have...
Not so soon after...
And with Allana here...

...He wouldn't block me. Not me.

Oct. 9th, 2009



[backdated to the late evening after this post (7th)]

[ filtered to Nathan & Heidi; ]
I know you both likely saw that post last week, the one where Sylar first posted. So you probably have a good idea what's going on.
[ filtered to ABC; ]
People know what we want to do. I'm not going to be a hypocrite and tell you not to when I still want it, but people have been trying to reason with me and want people reasoning with you too, so I promised Sam I'd talk to someone about talking to you. I didn't promise to change your mind personally.

It's Nathan and Heidi I'm flagging, so just... listen?

Oct. 8th, 2009


Filtered against baddies (but he doesn't know to filter from Sylar)

I want to go home
I want to go home.


So is anything fun going on in LA?

Oct. 1st, 2009


[ filtered against baddies after the fact; ]

Why is the bad man here?
Aunt Claire and Mommy said awful things
I don't want Ben to be my daddy

I don't like lying and Michael was right.


Sep. 30th, 2009


I find this less than amusing, Parkman.

Sep. 29th, 2009


Times like these, I wish there was a Vision Request Hotline.

Sep. 15th, 2009


There's actually not much to do by way of the whole helping thing when you're on the bad side of Miss Bitch Slay-Queen and your patrols get done anyway

I actually stopped a crime. This looser guy with a knife, he had some poor girl by the arm, so I grabbed the knife and made sure he wasn't getting up any time soon. Then the cops showed and everything. Weirdly, there weren't many vampires on my route, the vampires were suspiciously lacking last night actually, almost like someone got there before me which is a little pointless, wasting time and resources and all but whatever. Not my call. Still helping is helping even when stakes and superpowers aren't involved.

I think some people forget that sometimes.

Sep. 9th, 2009


filtered to A.I + allies + clients;

[backdated to the evening of Friday the 8th]

The purchase of a larger off-site office for Petrelli Law has finally gone through, which means that after the move-in is completed this weekend, I'll be working my normal business hours there instead of splitting my time between the old office and my Hyperion office. This should make me available on a more consistent basis, rather than losing work hours in travel between the two offices.

I'll still be at the hotel during "off-work" hours, naturally, but anyone who needs to reach me during the official hours will need to get in touch with me there. All phone numbers will stay the same, so there shouldn't be any problem contacting me or my assistant, but let me know if there are issues.

[Claire (ABC)]
It's within walking distance of your sister's house, as well as a few of the smaller and larger houses for sale that I've been looking at, but I'd still like to get you your own vehicle so you aren't relying on public transportation or sharing with your sister. After the office is back in order, what do you say about making a day of car shopping?

Sep. 7th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys

The Wedding is going to be today. Small ceremony, just the bridal party, but then you're all welcome to join us to celebrate. I've booked a hall at [Address], Nothing fancy, I've had enough of that.

...Its been too long coming.

Sep. 3rd, 2009


filtered to magic/researchy types of A.I. & its allies;

I'd like to find someone with enough knowledge of this world's magic to locate and perform the necessary magic to detect a soul inside a vampire.

This isn't an official request, and it's not meant to imply anything about anyone's judgment. I just need to be sure.

[separate filter; Jacen]
How close can you keep a watch on Angel right now? Not visually, but by other means.


filtered to Claire (ABC);

It's been more than a week since I asked you to wait a week, but I wanted this business with the Scourge out of the way before we talked about it again. Now that it is, how are you feeling about everything?


So you've gone through four Buffy's, Faith's dating a crazy guy, Spike's with Harmony again and Lindsey's married?

This version is definitely screwy.

For those not in the know, I'm Angel and I gather my last version here didn't go out on the best of terms so let me clarify, Not evil. Anymore.

And not dead. Besides, y'know. The being dead.


We need to talk I think. And soon.

Aug. 27th, 2009


Filtered against baddies

I need a roll call on who usually takes part in the getting rid of bad guys in the city deal. Or at least, anyone who's in against the Scourge. I don't know many of you, so I need to know who you are and what you can do. There's two places the Scourge are located, so I need to know the numbers and skills we have to work with. I understand the Justice League is in, but that doesn't really mean much to me, other than powerful people, so I'd like a roll call from you guys too.

I've heard talk of disguises, ideally it would be awesome if we could have people on the inside. But I don't know if we have time for something like that, so probably not, unless someone people are really just that good.

If anyones good with bows, crossbows, attacking from a distance, let me know that as well.

I need you on this. If you're up for it.


Custom Filter

[ooc: post this]
[Filtered to the Angel Investigations Staff and Buffy Summers only]

So, I kinda fractured my wrist. It's not bad or anything, but I'm not exactly going to be at my best for the next week. We can't delay hitting the Scourge base until then. So, my suggestion is, since Buffy knows the base layout the best, that the Offensive Team follow her on this. If you're up for it B?

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

I'm currently kicking myself. Fractured my damn wrist. It'll be fine in about a week, but damn it's annoying.

Aug. 24th, 2009


Filtered to Scoobies/AI Members + Associates

The Location of the Scourge has been found. At least one of their locations, assuming they might have been smart enough to not place themselves all together. But I'd say this is the bulk of them. I'm going to draw out a sucky sketch, because I suck at art, and pinpoint numbers, guard locations and rotation times, points of entry, etc. Unless someone here is good at art and wants to help me with drawing lines.

Aug. 23rd, 2009


I guess there's a time when you've actually been pushed too far. Not the same for everyone but everyone has that line. Its just hard watching it I guess.

This city deserves better.
[Nathan] )

[SBC] )

[Spike] )

Aug. 3rd, 2009


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

So, I am going to give up smoking. I've been meaning to do it for a long while, but always said I would wait until things were less stressful. But, well, let's face it, that's never going to happen so I might as well quit now. I have just finished my last ever cigarette. This'll be interesting.


Told you I'd do it.

Jul. 31st, 2009


If anyone is looking for a computer, I can tell you what NOT to get. If I disappear on the internet, it's probably because this piece of shit froze. Again.

I'd welcome beer spilling on this one.

Don't say it.

Jul. 5th, 2009


Well, isn't this shiny and new?

Hello, 2006. You're...kinda a let down, not gonna lie.

Jun. 29th, 2009


filtered to A.I. and allies;

[ooc: forward-dated slightly to this evening to avoid affecting earlier conversations]

Gabriel, Hiro and my mother are gone. As far as we can tell, they haven't been swapped, just sent back. If any other clustered disappearances or renewed swapping pops up on your radar, please let A.I. know.

I'll be out of contact tonight, most likely so will Peter, so Fred and Sarah (and Faith, should she be around) are in charge and know how to contact us if there's an emergency. Anything non-emergency and not time sensitive, leave the messages on my desk.


This city has a way of making you appreciate the simple things sometimes doesn't it.

Spent yesterday cheering, simple, and completely irrelevent to the bigger war, but maybe thats a good thing every once in a while.


I've had a sort of an idea. Might be incredibly lame or something but you need an assistant and I need something to do to feel like I'm helping beyond the, y'know. Ability to fall over and get back up.


Do you know anything about stuff I can do to get my High School Diploma without actually going back. I've been thinking a lot, and getting to know some of the cheerleaders over the city, from UCLA and stuff and it got me thinking. Not telling Nathan or anyone just yet till I have the info and can sit them down and discuss it, I'd have a LOT to catch up on. But if you had the info and stuff?

Jun. 24th, 2009


[Filtered to the Hyperion]

Well, first of all, a proper hello from me. I arrived a couple of days ago, I'm a friend of Annie's. She explained the situation here and I want in. I admit, I am a vampire, but I'm on the wagon, I don't feed from people any more.

Someone else from our world has turned up, George. Is it alright if he comes over? In the interests of disclosure, he's a werewolf. But he's a really good person, I promise.

Jun. 15th, 2009


Filtered from Baddies/Kids

It might be obvious whats happened, how it's happened. I don't know, maybe it...

Jacen's been taken and the monster in his place that. A monster.

If you see Jacen, or, well he'll be going by Darth Caedus now, if you see Caedus don't engage him, don't do anything, but try to let me know where he is. Or anyone at the Hyperion. Just...tell us.

It took a woman with nothing left to loose to finish him before, and that was because he was distracted for a moment with worry, because he saved us. This one...this one doesn't even have that

He's not redeemable. He doesn't want to be redeemed. Don't try.

Jun. 4th, 2009


Well, this is interesting, to say the least. I'm pretty sure I didn't get drunk enough last night to wake up somewhere else. I know we were celebrating, but you guys could have at least given me a heads up if you were going to drop me off at some random hotel. Peter? Matt? Come on, Mohinder, this isn't funny.

Jun. 3rd, 2009


So it seems that I'm stuck here. And I came up with a plan. It was a good plan and it involved minions. But I went to this bar that some guy recommended and it was all burned up. There was some massacre inside and I wasn't part of it.

I don't like this. I should be in charge of all slaughters.

And do you know how much the stink of burned bar lingers? It's gonna take me forever to get that stench outta my hair. Good thing I'm immortal.


So, miss me yet leannán?

Jun. 2nd, 2009


[Filter: Dean and John Winchester, Jack Landors, Anya, Sarah, ABC/SBC Claire's, Fred, Nathan]

Dean and John -

A lot of us at AI have become wary of Ruby and so we were hoping that you guys could help draw up some of those devily traps in some key places. I've been told you two are the guys for the job, if you're up for it. Obviously, we can't ask Sam. The less he knows about this, the better.

As for the places, we were thinking The Hyperion and Jack's. I don't want to have an extreme surplus of prisons she can accidentally walk into and then get riled up about. But we want the precautions. If she asks, they can be for 'other demons of her type'. I'm not above lying to her on that. I've been given the impression you two aren't her greatest fans, either.

So, byobucket of paint? Snacks provided?

P.S. The people I've placed on this filter are people who are AI management or already know about this plan.

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