Sep. 16th, 2008


for the HP lot, no Death Eaters

Why are you lot not flying yet? We've got more than enough for a decent game of Quidditch.

And don't start ragging on about the bloody Death Eaters. There's been plenty of matches they haven't bollocksed up. I'm sure not planning on letting them ruin my life anymore than they already have.

Sep. 14th, 2008


Fiddle dee dee, said Scarlett. Fiddle dee dee indeed.

So, where ARE you all, my adoring fans?


Its just me isn't it, Im the only one here with any loyalty!


Sep. 13th, 2008


I never seem to get use to the fact that the impossible seems to become the possible here.


The phrase Toujours Pur used to mean something. It used to stand for something and now my sister and my cousins have turned it into a joke.

Regulus ask them...ask the others of our world what I do to Black's who betray their line. Ask them how the House of Black ended and then find me. Because I will NOT see the legacy of the Noble House of our Fathers turn to ruin.

Potter, Tell me, did you cry for him at the end?

I will take the revenge that should have been His. And I will do it as I do all things. In his name.

Dora. I cannot stay. Because I would break every single one of our agreements upon first setting eyes on the lying fool of a traitor that DARES to claim my families heritage and name!

Narcissa contact me. We have family honor to restore.

Sep. 12th, 2008


Filtered to HP peeps

((this is open to Lily, James, Bella, Scorpius, Remus, Tonks, Lav, and RAB, in addition to all of Harry's family, because of the way he hexed it, but NOT Peter, lol..It comes after this thread, once I finish it!))

The sale came through! We have a building all to ourselves. There are 14 apartments total, so I hope it will be enough for us all, and any newcomers. So far, everything has been stable since Albus returned, and I hope it stays that way.

Tonks, I know you and Remus have taken in your aunt at your place. I'm not totally comfortable with her here but She seems to be making amends, so as long as we have a promise of no misbehavior if she goes near one of my kids, I'll kill her she can come stay.

Al, the same applies for Merope.

I would like it if we are all in one place. We would be able to use our magick here without worrying about neighbors or other Muggles. The place is nice, it had a little courtyard and the apartments surround it. Pretty secluded.

And now Ginny and I will have a place to ourselves


All right. The woman at the front desk said that I should use this thing to ask. That I might be able to find someone who actually knew what was going on. Wow. This is weird. It's like a typewriter only not. Sorry. Tangent.

Can anyone tell me where I am, and how I got here?


Friedrich Nietzsche - “One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly.”

Words that I attempted to go out with as the truth drew nearer. It didn’t work as well as I wanted it to. I vividly remember what it was like in the end, so I can not be told that I survived and somehow ended up where I am now.

So where am I?


January 2010




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