Jan. 11th, 2010


You shouldn't threaten your Baristas. We can ruin your coffee. And then its just your own fault.

Dec. 29th, 2009


Does 'Survived a supernatural uprising and war', 'can draw powers (and just draw)', or 'teenage girl; want money' qualify as skills for Starbucks? Or any sort of coffee shop? Anything not fast food?

I think liking coffee should be a good enough qualification. None of my other life experiences are going to help with this job hunting business.

Dec. 20th, 2009


I didn't think this was so bad at first.

My brother was just here. He had to remind me they never found his body. I don't think I've ever met anyone so twisted in my life. The worse part being it was never his fault he turned out that way. The second being I couldn't do anything if he actually wanted to hurt me.

I threw up my su I think I'm getting sick with something.

Dec. 18th, 2009


I just listened to a Warlock go on about hair dye, Gilligan's Island, Ellen DeGeneres, eyeshadow and the odd spell for two hours.

My brain is numb.


Anyone who was visited, none of your visitors touched you, right? Like they couldn't grab you and take you somewhere? They just talk?

Dec. 8th, 2009


Sooo...I might have got carried away with Christmas decorating and cookies and pie


Free cookies and pie for anyone who stops by the Center today?

Dec. 6th, 2009


filtered against baddies.

I've been working on spending more time out of the house. Looking for a job, finally. No interviews yet, but I'm patient. I can wait.

On the other hand, I tried my hand at hunting tonight. Found a nest of nasty looking vamps. Took on a handful, but I need to go back and wipe the place out as soon as I get patched up and gather more supplies. I want to get them before they abandon the place, so if there's anyone out there who wants to help out? It'd be sort of awesome if you could.

[Filtered to Faith]
That'd include you.

Look, I've been meaning to talk to you.

[Filtered to The Hyperion/allies/friends of Faith - hidden from Faith]

Faith's birthday is on the 14th. I'm gonna throw her a party. I've got the finances to buy supplies, I just need to figure out where we ought to do this along with who is going to show and be involved. Mind helping a guy out?

Dec. 5th, 2009


Filtered; Cathy


Tell me she's coming to live at the LAWC for a while?!

Nov. 30th, 2009


Well that was fun while it lasted. Oh well, onto the next idea.


I've been doing some thinking and I've decided that absolute evil prick just isn't the way to go for me. I guess I like both sides too much to be picking a favorite. That and there's not a whole lot of fun to killing off your strengths to conform. Damn. For once, I might just be glad you cut off my hand, Angel. It looks like anger is an asset.

I'll say one thing for him. He had good taste in vehicles.



So help me God if that ever happens again, I'm going to tear down every Wolfram and Hart building I can find.

Nov. 28th, 2009


So...apparently I'm not who I think I am and there's some sort of weird amnesia thing going on.

Hi, I'm Clary, and apparently they focused on the wrong generations when the Star Wars movies were made.

Nov. 26th, 2009


[Board B]

Business dinner deals are the most boring thing in the world. People seem absolutely positive I'm still ten.

On the plus side, Titanic is on tonight on pay per view. I could use some cheesy "Never let go" lines while I finish a never ending essay.

Nov. 15th, 2009


[Board B]

Foster Father for sale. I'll let you take him off my hands for nothing more than a pack of gum and a good enough kidnapping note. I'll even provide the rope. He works hard for his money and he'll penny-pinch every sing he cleans after himself. He's intelligent and expects nothing but the best. He looks out for you aka he watches your every move like you're some sort of.

The only fault is that he piddles. No lie. However, I'm sure if you had more patience than I do, you'd be able to train him.

[Filtered to Ruby]

You busy tonight?

Nov. 6th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys

[ooc: note, Sylar is not included on her 'bad guy filter']

I'll work on making the landings smoother just in case portals are ever needed again.

Cathy will say one thing but you'll see something else. How is she doing?

I really don't know anything about you, but your powers are amazing. You really helped myself and everyone out. Thank you.

Nov. 5th, 2009


Filtered; Ruby and Jacen

Thank you, both of you, for helping me out. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.

Nov. 4th, 2009


Filtered against Wolfram and Hart and associates and allies of the firm

Who knows how to work with memories?

Nov. 1st, 2009


Aspirin does not cure all.

[Filtered; Lindsey McDonald]
[An well detailed and coloured sketch of a man in his early thirties. He has shoulder length brown hair tied back into a pony-tale at the base of his neck, with a few gray hairs. His eyes are a pale, watery blue, with thick black eyebrows and frame-less rectangle glasses. His skin is tanned, and like he spends too much time in the sun. Square jaw set on a long face. There is a distinguished scar that runs along his left cheek.]

This is the guy.

Oct. 31st, 2009


The toy clown in my room just jumped off the shelf and tried to scale up my leg.

And I say to you, what the hell.

Oct. 28th, 2009


OMG Someone is STALKING ME!!! Like really...I keep getting these WAY creepy letters and that is so...

They're totally gonna want to cut me up like that guy wanted to with Cordy that one time...and make some kind of...eww.

Spikey you have to help me! You owe me!

Oct. 27th, 2009


So this is awkward
Pretty awkward
Usually I'm pretty much alone here at night
Uh...Mr. McDonald? I think your in the dog house for something.
There was crying.
Some door slamming
She's so not happy with someone
I made her tea?

It's funny how long homework doesn't take to do when you try to focus on something to distract you from the person who wants to be left alone make yourself focus.

Two truths and lie, anyone?

[Private to Lindsey McDonald]
Um. Do you want me to do anything/get anything for her or is my gut instinct of leaving well enough alone the best idea?

...because somethings upset her or. Or pissed her off. Both.

Oct. 22nd, 2009


I should probably be doing school work? )


Sure, why not...

Earth people are strange, for the record )

Oct. 16th, 2009


[Filtered; AI & Allies]

From what I can tell, they are all alive. The Slayers are...no where near here. Possibly another country. I'm sorry I can't tell you where, they're in a cell, but they're all conscious. They were moving and talking, and looked pretty ticked off. The men were in a room. Alive as well, though one seemed sort of...out of it? I don't know where, I couldn't see the building, if anyone was there with them, I couldn't see them. But I don't think it's far, and they're alive. This is supposed to work better, I'm being blocked. I didn't even know it was possible to block it.

Oct. 13th, 2009


So besides the fact that I feel like I've been thrown into a twisted season of Survivor, or Lost, I'm still trying to get over the fact that I struck up a conversation with some teenage boy who said he was going to find a way to sneak onto that MTV vampire show and get that vampire to sire him.


right. He was a winner.

If vampires are on television, are there any Angels on the radio?

Oct. 8th, 2009


[Filtered; Sarah Petrelli]

I was going to hold out contacting you since it seems that you have a lot going on right now, but I guess I'm really not that patient, probably something I should work on. My name's Clary, and right now I'm staying at the Welcome Center. I heard there's a school that goes on there at AI? I'm sixteen, is it for all ages? I'd really like to finish my education, but I'll be honest, I'm not exactly looking for a typical high school.

Oct. 4th, 2009


Time displaced, vampires, and demons. If I'm understanding things right, this is normal for this city? you'd think I'd be a bit more disturbed by all this It's no longer 2009 but it's 2006. There are websites about me. Me being with Batman. That's just wrong. He's my father. No more google searches with my name in them ever no matter how bad the curiosity is. It only ends in headaches. I wish I had something uplifting and insightful to say about the future to help with the situation, but to be honest I never really thought about it much. Bruce always told me to live for the moment if you focus forward or back to much, you'll miss whats happening right infront of you. rule number three, don't ever look back. I never put much stock in thoughts of the future. Now considering everything, gotta say though all things considered.. I am a little curious where to go from here.

[Private to Dick]
You still around here somewhere?

Oct. 3rd, 2009


I was walking to the magic store yesterday, just to help with inventory, and just...thinking about what time I'd left home and I realised. Its the first time this place has felt like that. Really felt like where I'm supposed to be.

Maybe thats stupid and probably no one cares, but there it is

And you'll think its a threat or mocking or something but its true, why am I even trying to talk to... you people raise some incredible kids

Oct. 2nd, 2009


Its like a MOVIE!


Doomsday.. definitely not a creature defined by rainbows, hugs, and puppies )

Oct. 1st, 2009


So let me get this straight. Demons, vampires, werewolves, and so on are all common knowledge here. And the View talks about Vampires like they're the greatest thing since pie.

There's something wrong with that. It's all so open.

Sep. 30th, 2009


...Jace? Simon? Izzy, Alec...anyone would be nice? Could someone please tell me how I got from Alicante New York to a random Library in Los Angeles? Please, I just got everyone pack, the war just ended. There was fireworks. Who the heck does that? Pulls someone away from fireworks?

...that juice Izzy gave me was Strawberry juice, right? Aw crap. At least I have my stele.

I don't see how being directed to a website is going to solve this problem.

January 2010




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