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May. 12th, 2009


Is anyone else hearing...feeling weird today?

No, no please no, you can't, we won't...I. I won't, I...

Just one of those days maybe, I think maybe I should walk it off, I'd enjoy that.

May. 7th, 2009


It figures. We get blown up and we’re promptly set down in a world where idiots in costumes parade around with their morals that make no sense. This would almost feel like home if it weren’t for the jackasses shooting at us with their guns that do nothing for them.

It’s no wonder we hate all of you.

[ooc: Venom!]

Apr. 18th, 2009


Ugh, human men.

How is it possible that the bigger the ego the bigger the likelyhood they're just compensating for something gets. Or are you all just compensating. is that it.

I'm just going to go back to the demons. They're generally less smarmy.

Feel free to defend your species and gender  and even go ahead and try and show me a good time to prove your point but FORCE.

ETA: I've since learned undead human males obviously can't perform. Explains a lot

Mar. 31st, 2009


Filtered from villains

What the hell is this?

I saw this a couple hours earlier on a wall outside. Clearly it was outdated, but nevertheless, I was stunned. I did some some cursory research and the posted showed up once again, along with some basic info, which I'm looking at right now. The results are...disturbing.

How can this world possibly anything about our galaxy? Enough to make not one, but several films about it. So one of our own Jedi actually brings us down? And where am I in all of this? All that training and working myself to death to become a respectable Jedi Knight, and I end up in a second rate holovid game where he kills me after a few minutes of dueling? As if I really would have sliced into that pillar like that, which he could conveniently use to crush me. *eye roll*

How is this even remotely possible? I'm trying to understand, but it's not coming easily.

[Filtered to Jacen, Tenel Ka, Alema]

Tell me it isn't true. Tell me this is just exaggeration on the part of this world's fictional interpretation of us. I know the detail is impressive, but this can't be true. Tell me Anakin Skywalker didn't slaughter us like animals, using our own troops against us. The thought of that is...I'm trying not to tremble right now, but suddenly I don't feel very well.

Mar. 17th, 2009


I don't know what this St. Patrick's Day is (reading up on that now), or what it commemorates, but getting drunk until I forget my current situation is a tempting proposition. I keep hearing about St. Patrick's day from people and drinking, so maybe I should give it a try. I know, it's hardly the proper way to deal with things, but I've had my brain overloaded with enough surprises for a while. A little relaxing wouldn't hurt.

Technically, we aren't supposed to do that, but a few of us always found ways around it. It may be a rumor, but I've heard from various sources that Master Kenobi favored a drink or two while he was on missions. Of course, it's not the same as losing one's inhibitions, but...overall it's interesting how he doesn't hesitate to indulge a bit.

Green alcohol, though? Reminds me of an Andoan ale.

Mar. 7th, 2009


Filtered to Jacen and Tenel Ka

I felt the meld, the Force meld from Myrkr. Whatever has happened since, that experiance and closeness has not left me. You were both in danger.

Are you both alright? You can call on me if least for now

Feb. 28th, 2009


Everyone is forgetting...

Everyone is returning to what they were before the pits. long do I even have? How do I know?

Its torture. Its cruel.

I don't want to become her

Feb. 22nd, 2009


Filtered to Cathy

I was told about you by that man, Dukat. He said you could help me.

I've done things, awful things, but I fell into those pits and now, Now I'm myself again for the first time in more than ten years.

I need somewhere to stay, I need...

I'm not even sure what I need. But as long as I'm myself I'd like to live life and give something back to the city and I can't do that on the streets.

Can we meet?

Feb. 19th, 2009


Those pits....they aren't coming back are they. And I saw...the newscast said that people who were...healed are going back.

Is everyone going back, is there a way to stop it, or slow it or something? I need there to be a way.

I can't be that again can't be broken
Its not fair

Feb. 18th, 2009


Filtered Away from Integra

She's driving me mad. I ache for her. The scent of her warm skin, the deeper scent of that rich blood burning in her veins. It is torture. She forces me to wait and I will obey.

Tche. This would be less painful if I could hunt properly in the meanwhile.

Feb. 6th, 2009


How do I even begin to... they don't know me, they'll just...
I can still see...
So much blood...

If I do a general blanket apology will it do any good or should I just...

I have nowhere else to go.

Those Pits, they work. They definitely...

....Force I'm sorry...

[ooc: A day or so following This ]

Feb. 4th, 2009


[ooc: due to some confusion over the logs, this is a little backdated!]

On behalf of Tenel Ka, I would like to apologize for her recent behavior. Rest assured that the influence over her has been broken and the cause will be eliminated.

Alema Rar. Your days are numbered. I am coming for you.

Feb. 1st, 2009


Private )

I've apparently done something to my hand, which is odd-- it's usually a lot harder to damage than this. Still, I suppose I'll have to take a look at it.

I know that the younger me kept a toolbelt at the Hyperion. I don't suppose anyone's seen it?

Jan. 23rd, 2009


filtered to alema;

He's ready.

Jan. 24th, 2009


Migraine. Probably seventy-five percent outside-induced. You leave for a few weeks and forget how much arguing goes on here. It's predictable, given how many different worlds are represented, but still..

Private )

One would think, with as many people actively patrolling this city, there would be fewer (evil-intentioned) vampires and demons than there had been a year ago. But no. Not even close. I suppose it's to be expected, though. The universe has its ways of keeping balance.

Jan. 22nd, 2009


The human race is so flawed.

Jan. 19th, 2009


Has anyone seen this boy? His name is Joshua. He's nine. He was staying at my old room at the Sunset Tower Hotel. I was just coming by last night to check on him once again. But.. he wasn't there. And he usually tells me if he's going out somewhere. He was so polite. I'd hate to think something happened since he's sort of like another son.

So if anyone sees him around, please let me know. I'm hoping he's fine. I promised him that he'd be safe there, and so far, that's been the case. But then again.. maybe the city sent him back to his real home? If that's what I'm looking at, I think I'll miss him. His pets and gifts are gone too. He kinda reminded me of myself, so calm yet devious and calculating. I liked that about him. Man, it's so hard to find evil like that these days! He'd have been such a great follower of the Beast.. of me. Well, time to look for more.

Jan. 15th, 2009


filtered to alema;

In case you didn't notice? This city is still intact. What happened?



What is it with the males of LA?

We're very talented, we are beautiful, lithe and a dancer trained to please and yet are repeatedly turned down, we are very blatent in our offerings too.

Its starting to bore us

Jan. 14th, 2009


I think what bothers me the most about this place is that there are children here.

Jan. 10th, 2009


filtered to alema;

Things are in motion.


filtered to baddies;

Now who's up for a little fun?


Well...we must confess this is a little embarassing.

We were just...wandering, dancing, we could hear Gorog again you see...and well...some people mocked us, so we hurt some of them, they aren't bleeding, thats the good thing about a lightsaber, very little blood, anyway we made the others follow us.

Now they're all locked away. And they won't try to escape, they love us.

Thing is, well...we don't know what we want. We remember in the Order, Hostage negotiation, we're supposed to say we want things and then there's bargining.

But really...we aren't sure what we could ask for. Jack maybe, the Slayers, Jacen's pretty little Queen...credits, trinkets.

We want ideas, what can we ask for in return for them not dying?

Jan. 8th, 2009


I have never disarmed a bomb in my life. ...But I think I just did.

Not. Fucking. Funny.


Hmm. Well. Well, well, well. Isn't this... quaint.

Let's liven up the place.

Jan. 1st, 2009


Filtered to Jacen Solo

It seemed pointless for us to hide away any longer Lord Caedus since you know well we are here.

We serve the Balance still, and we know what we have done for you. We saved you when your Hapan betrayed you we offered you safety salvation and... know what else we offered.

, So we ask what can we do for you now Until our true masters return at least

Dec. 15th, 2008


They're still coming you know...we can feel them, more now since its quieter in our head...less chatter.

Though we didn't like being called a bugslut. Thats very rude.

Nov. 29th, 2008


I went sniffing around for Jack, like I promised. Personally? I don't care about what happens to the little bugger. But since Buffy insisted? Yeah. There goes an evening of my special happy time.

He's a ghost, Slayer. And I honestly think that we've got better things to worry about than finding the likes of him.

I'm gonna need that money. Selene pointed me to a nice place and it needs remodeling. Tons of it.

Nov. 28th, 2008


We can hear them... We can hear them calling and they are so close...

Not far away now...not long to fly. Time to be the Night Herald again

{Filtered to Caedus}

...They probobly won't like you because of what you did to them...but we'll tell them you're sorry. We are sure the Chume'da is no longer a target...

{Filtered to Jaina}

You hear them don't you, stirs and whispers of memories.

Come back Jaina...Come back

Nov. 26th, 2008


Filtered against males

Ugh. Men.

Sometimes I'm positive they aren't the same species. And don't leave any smart comments about the ones that aren't human. You know what I mean.

Nov. 12th, 2008


Mankind does not make sense.

Nov. 7th, 2008


So many dreadful things in such a tiny person. How did they fit it inside, I wonder?

Nov. 1st, 2008


woah...okay. That was new.

I spent the night ontop of a truck and I think I threatened the driver to take me to Cairo more than once. I woke up with a map of Egypt on my face and the driver was gone. My whip was steering the wheel.

Oct. 31st, 2008


posted as Indiana Jones

ha ha ha...son of a bitch.

Thats a lot of snakes. Why's it always snakes? I hate snakes.

.... wait, what happened to the snakes? why the hell do I care as long their gone. I went through all that just to find out the Ark is on a truck to Cairo? Shit.

Oct. 12th, 2008


Well, that was certainly interesting.

It's good to be back.

Private to Jacen Solo )

Private to Anakin Solo )

Private to Anakin Skywalker )

Private to Darth Caedus )

Private to Alema Rar )

Sep. 30th, 2008


filtered to Alema Rar

You know, I always pegged you for a lot of things, Alema Rar, but a coward was never one of them. You attack a building full of innocents. Younglings, no less. And now you have the audacity to hide from the retribution you have coming to you?

Your days are numbered, Gorog. Just thought you'd like to know.

Aug. 14th, 2008


{Private to Magneto}

At first we didn't care but your reputation preceeds you and we were curious.

We are Alema Rar, Night Herald of Gorog. We have seen your...first strikes in your war and wonder what else you may have planned. We tell you now, we bow to no master but serve the will of our nest though perhaps we have similar goals.

Also, you say humans are inferior. I am not one. How do you feel about other species?

Aug. 6th, 2008


This city is bordering on utterly ridiculous.

Private to Tenel Ka )

Private to Alema Rar )

Jul. 29th, 2008


I lit a whole apartment building on fire!

Jul. 28th, 2008


It's been quiet and that's never any fun. Come on, who wants to stir up a little havoc?!

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