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Dec. 1st, 2008


I've never been to Los Angeles before, but it seems okay. If someone could point me in the direction of the nearest board walk, that'd be great. There's one here, right? And it's got to have skeeball. There has to be with all these beaches. A city isn't a city without a good board walk. There's a reason Wisconsin is kind of like Hell on Earth, after all!

But Los Angeles is just the ticket... even if my parents got left at home. I needed another vacation, that last one didn't end so well at all. Never trust a teenaged hockey player from New Jersey, is what I always say. …well, it's what I'm going to start saying now!

Nov. 16th, 2008


I've never been to a wedding, what do people do at weddings? What happens? Aside from getting married I mean.

Are we going to continue training soon?

Nov. 13th, 2008


I've spent the last while watching this...messanging system and you all cling to others, as if you need them, you need that security I suppose.

Do none realize how futile that all is?

Trust is for fools. Make them fear you or respect them if they proove their power. Even perhaps hope that...

You cling to love and expect it to always be there.

Its naieve.

Nov. 8th, 2008


filtered to the Hyperion

I may be away this weekend. There's something I need to do.

I'll have my phone, if there's an emergency.

{filtered to Cordelia and Peter}
I'm going to take Aang away from the city for a little training. I think these Dementor things are starting to affect him.

Call me if you need me.

{filtered to Aang}
I think we need to spend some time training. Azula is here, and it's only a matter of time before she attacks again.

Besides, it'll do Appa some good to get out of the city for a little while.

Oct. 28th, 2008


Filtered to "Izra" and Katara

Tags: , ,

Oct. 20th, 2008


Filtered to the Hyperion

I forgot to tell everyone earlier (I'm sorry about that, Claire!), but there's a large, white air bison named Appa that's in the garden. He belongs to a friend of mine who's staying here, named Aang.

Appa's friendly, and very gentle, but be careful. He's really big and, if he likes you, he likes to lick you. A lot. And yes, he can fly, but don't climb on him or try to make him do it unless Aang says it's okay.

There's also a winged lemur named Momo who is here, too. He's sweet, but doesn't listen very well, and acts a lot like what people here call a cat. He likes fruit, so be careful because he might try to take some if you're eating any. He belongs to Aang, too.

If anyone has any trouble with Appa or Momo, please let me or Aang know and we'll take care of it. They shouldn't be any trouble, though. They're very well behaved.

I'm sorry for not posting this sooner!

Oct. 19th, 2008


filtered against Cody

this weird kid with my face keeps calling me a pod person and a liar when I've never met him before. And I have no idea what a pod person is! Why does he have my face? He claims to be my twin, but I think I'd know if I had a twin. Right? Is he a face stealer?

Oct. 18th, 2008




Somehow I thought the Northern Pole would be snowy. And have waterbenders. There are waterbenders here aren't there?
Tags: ,

Oct. 12th, 2008


filtered agains the bad guys

I've either just had the strangest dream of my life, or I... died.

Peter? Cordelia? Anyone who might be able to explain what's going on?

May. 31st, 2008


Logan and Wallace are just...gone.

May. 17th, 2008


Peter, Katara (and everyone else), I'm coming to spend the night, okay? I think Mom and Dad need some grown-ups time or something. They keep giving each other them looks that they think I don't notice.

Peter, do you think your friend would show me his katana? I looked them up on Wikipedia, after all, and they look pretty neat. Seems like a whole lot of work went into making one. There's this guy I read about who was famous at making them. I can't remember his name now, though.

I've been having the bad dreams again. The ones with him in them.


I'm home.

May. 12th, 2008


I don't know who has Peter, but rest assured you won't have him for long. And when I find you, I'm going to end you.

Filtered to Veronica )

Filtered to Gabriel )

Filtered to Hyperion Residents )

May. 11th, 2008


{Filtered to Hyperion Residents}

No one is to go looking for Peter alone. I repeat, no one is to go looking for him alone. Cordy and I will be back at the hotel within the hour. Anyone who wants to help can talk to us then, in the lobby. For now, everyone is to stay where you are. We'll find him, but not by running off and getting ourselves killed in trouble.

For now, if you want to do something useful, I need people who can to look online and make phone calls. We're looking for tranquilizers that, from what we can tell, are pretty potent. We'll know more about them by the time we get back to the Hyperion. Until then, everyone please stay inside. We can't afford to lose anyone else right now.

Also, until I get back, Veronica is in charge. If you figure something out, fill her in.

May. 10th, 2008



Alright guys, I got a Pyro needs an ass-kicking and a ride back to LA, so I'm on my way to Vegas. Got my phone and all that shit.

Cordy I will take care of your car like it's my fucking own. Better than my own 'cause mine was kind of a piece'a shit.

If I ain't back in time for baseball then I'm lyin' dead in a puddle'a piss

Good times guys
see you post-asskicking

May. 9th, 2008


it should end



Funny how hungry all of this can make a person.

I'm headed to the kitchen, anyone else in the place interested in breakfast? Or breakfast-for-lunch, given the hour? I make a mean cup of coffee that I'm willing to trade for egg-frying services.

Nathan Petrelli, by the way. A pleasure to meet you all.

May. 8th, 2008


Filtered to Peter Evans and Katara

I just had a vision and let's just say I am not happy about it. Apparently Davy Jones has gotten himself turned human, and has become a hobo. Or something. Either that or he's way more insane than he was beforehand. Whatever. Point is, he has to come here, and with a quickness too if the sudden sense of urgency I'm feeling is to be trusted. Which it should be.

Is anyone out and about and possibly in the Caesar Chavez Street area? Anywhere near there will do, or further if they can get there fast. We just need to get Jones before someone else does.

May. 4th, 2008


Think you could just take her from me like that? I'll fucking kill you all.


Filtered to Angel

ANGEL!!! Get to the lobby, now. Something's wrong with Cordelia!

((ooc: this post takes place immediately following this scene))

May. 2nd, 2008


Private )

Filtered to Katara )

Filtered to the Claires )

I think I could use a drink about now. Maybe several. damn healing

Apr. 27th, 2008


Filtered to Hyperion Residents

I'm going to get Angel and Cordelia back. Veronica and Scout are in charge, and Peter is handling security. If anyone has any questions, please go to them.

Veronica and Scout )

Peter )

Connor )

Apr. 26th, 2008


What is it with so many of you pretending to be super heroes?

If you're so super than why are we all stuck here? If you were real super heroes you would have gotten us all out of here by now!


Sluggish lifestyle is seldom becoming at my age. With all these demonic forces prowling in the open, I wonder where can I find books with details about these creatures' traits and backgrounds. I have my doubts such reading material is stored on the shelves of the paranormal section in the public libraries of Los Angeles.

The question remains in having the right direction to visit. If you know, do share it. I believe I'm not the first and I shall certainly not be the last who is asking about it.

Apr. 25th, 2008


Anyone caught coming near the Hyperion Hotel who isn't in need of assistance is going to be dealt with, quickly and efficiently. So unless you're in some sort of trouble, stay away.

I won't warn you twice.

Private to Captain Jack Sparrow )

Private to Toph )


Your Champion is dead.


{for Hyperion residents only}

For Hyperion residents only )

Apr. 24th, 2008


Filtered to Dawn and Xander

I'm sure you've already figured it out, but Veronica said she's pretty sure Spike has Buffy. If that's the case, we need to round up a group to get her back. Hopefully alive.

If either one of you know for certain that Spike has her, please let me know. It doesn't have to be an effort on both of your parts, alone.

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Filted to Hyperion Residents.

Has anyone seen Buffy? I don't think she ever came back from her patrol the other night.


Filtered To Hyperion Residents

I'm leaving immediately, don't ask questions, don't volunteer to come.

I don't know if/when I'm coming back. Katara is in charge, if you need anything, speak to her.


Filtered to Hyperion Residents.


My name is Remus Lupin and I'm a werewolf Severus Snape suggested that I contact you. I require quite urgent assistance, and although it might seem a rather peculiar request... it's for the safety of the people I do hope that you can help. Tomorrow night... I need to be locked up somewhere safe. If you think it's at all possible you could help, then I shall give you the exact details.

R.J Lupin.

Apr. 20th, 2008


Filtered against any baddies (this now includes Spike)


And Spike...he's evil.

Apr. 11th, 2008


The first munchkin that shows up and starts singing is getting punched in the face.

I don't want to see any Wizard, I don't care whether I'm in Kansas or not, I just wanna see my girlfriend.


Someone silence that beast before I end it.

Apr. 10th, 2008


Has anyone seen Veronica? Or Zuko? I haven't seen either one of them for a while now...

Apr. 7th, 2008


This might sound completely morbid, actually it will sound completely morbid, but... there a morgue around here?

Apr. 8th, 2008


Well, now. God certainly is shining down a ray of hope onto you happy little people of Los Angeles, isn't he? He always was good for that.

Apr. 7th, 2008


I can't...

Something is wrong..


{filtered against all baddies}

The Hyperion has been thawed and all of the snakes seem to be dead. If anyone needs me, I'll be sleeping for the rest of my life.

Oh! Veronica! I don't know if you realize it or not, but Backup is here at the hotel. I guess he got homesick? He's fine, so don't worry. Though he won't leave my side.

Oh yes. And nobody use the laundry room on the second floor. The pipes ruptured entirely. I think I've got the water flowing around the problem, so the rest of the hotel seems to be okay, but if someone who knows more about this plumbing stuff wants to check it out, it'd be appreciated.


Apr. 6th, 2008


Is everyone all right? Nobody ended up hurt, did they? That storm just came up out of nowhere.

I'm no doctor, but if anyone needs help fixing anything material that ended up damaged last night, I'd be willing to lend a hand.

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