Jan. 25th, 2008


What in the name of crushing black holes was that? It wasn't Exar Kun and it wasn't my grandfather, but it wasn't far off, either...

This can't be good.


I've just been shopping for music. To keep my mind off things. I bought a John Lennon CD because everyone says he's brilliant so I just had to. He was brilliant. It's rather wow. Has anybody ever told you that you have great music?

Jan. 14th, 2008


Whoever said that college chicks are hotter than high school girls seriously needs to get their eyes checked.

Jan. 10th, 2008


Aw maaaan, when'd they frickin' change the purple Gatorade? This is totally not the way it's supposed to taste.

What's your fave color? Not of Gatorade just in general.


This is wrong.

Not where I should be.


...Am I lost?

Jan. 9th, 2008


So, uh. I'm really fictional? Apparently I was in the Breakfast Club. I'm Bender..
Was I any good? Because if I wasn't, I'd like to go kill my actor self. Do I have an actor self? What does he look like now. Can I kill him?
I'm so fuckin' confused.

Jan. 6th, 2008


waterwitch - alone ( ? )

( this is jealousy? )

lord of Obliteration
Master - ruination
( have been touched by flame kissed as i )
you have done this
Lord - lord

w h a t have you d o n e ?


Aw, shit.

Dec. 21st, 2007


Holy combustible lawyers tumbling out of skyscrapers, Batman!


i see you, dark man
( in my territory ; dreams & thoughts, nightmares, nightmares )
shall i tear out your mind?

the child - he suffers?

Dec. 19th, 2007


Okay, so..

bored now.

No Wolvie to annoy, no Gumbo to irritate. But..the no Wolvie part is pretty much the point, I suppose.

I just miss Gumbo. By jujeebies I've got myself into it this time. I might have to call home just to talk to ol' Gumbo. But I wonder if that'd bring Wolvie out this way.

Well..hopefully not.

ANYWAYS, Hee...fun..yay..Gumbo.


The objects seem to be collecting themselves... and somehow... one was pawned to me. If you see one, just take it to the antique shop down the street. It's anywhere from a pencil, to a bus pass.

You probably think I'm crazy, that's a given.

Strange things are going on ...


Y'know, it'd be nice to live in a place that wasn't constantly being tossed around like it was yesterday's garbage. So can LA please stop acting like it's about to collapse in on itself? I'd really appreciate it, 'cause it's kinda getting annoying. Just a smidge.


too many voices

ah-- homeless & directionless again


Sunnydale imploded. L.A. exploded. Neither made the papers outside of the States.

Somehow, not so surprising.

Name's Oz. Glad to be back. It's been a while.

Dec. 18th, 2007


Hullo, everyone. My name is Lavender Brown, and I just moved here from London (so yes if you meet me that is the proper way of speaking English an accent you’re hearing).

Mmm, yes I suppose that's about it. Apparently this place…that being America is a lot nicer and more accepting when it comes to certain…things. Though judging from your films I won't believe that until I see it.

That's about it, I suppose. Although your tea here is rather…muddy tasting. How do you cope?

January 2010




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