Sep. 16th, 2008


This is going to sound strange, or maybe not..

But what year is it?

Oh and also, this is a long shot but is there someone by the name of Connor Temple here?  the anomaly..I was hoping..why am I even asking? He went missing..and..yeah, long shot.

Sep. 5th, 2008


Encrypted Message

Eyes only. )

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Sep. 4th, 2008


This place is amazing, I've been sort of...lurking, in a completely none creepy away obviously and the number of people that are named after fictional people is just mind blowing. Unless of course they're only fictional where I'm from, because the last I checked we didn't have vampires or demons, just dinosaurs and big scary evolved creatures from the future that seem rather intent in eating people, so it's not exactly surprising we're exinct. I mean seriously we need to start evolving really quickly, some of the things I've seen...well you don't need to know about that really and it won't be for millions of years anyway so everyone's fine for now, it just never hurts to get a head start you know?

Um...I'm not entirely sure I was meant to say any of that, but it's not like this is my reality (either of them actually) so I don't think Lester can get too angry at me.

Anyway I'm Connor, back home I used to fight the aforementioned dinosaurs and other creatures while also trying to keep it hush hush, because people get a bit freaked out when they find out about dinosaurs roaming around London for some reason. I'm also a Palaeontologist, which is why they well not so much hired me but why I'm part of the team.

Oh and if anyone sees a really pretty blonde woman in a leather jacket and big boots wondering around looking lost can you tell her I'm here. I know they chances of her showing up are a million to one, but I can hope right?

I don't normally ramble this much by the way, really!

January 2010




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