Jan. 15th, 2010


[Filtered against baddies]

Just how many people were taken
Not Morgana, please
What if I'm next

Something feels wrong here. I don't know what it is. But I am still studying.

[Filtered to witches and other magic users]
Hey, umm.. Lavender? Ruby? I understand you both work at the magic shop. Good stuff in there. I think there is a problem. Have not seen Lady Morgana in a while. Arthur didn't see her at least today. I think she's missing.. but I hope I'm wrong. Has anyone seen her. I'm wondering if there's a text at the shop about locator spells. I read about one ritual where you need an item from the person you seek. Not sure. I'm still looking in my own book, hopefully I find something.

Please, if there's any witches or wizards here that knows a magical way of finding her, please let me know. This is very urgent. I know it's a dangerous city, and Camelot was dangerous on it's own too.. but this isn't right. I just want to help find her and make sure she comes back safely. I'll do whatever it takes.

Jan. 14th, 2010


Filtered to Merlin )

Jan. 12th, 2010


How safe is it to take a walk at night here? I feel like walking but it is rather late.

Dec. 27th, 2009


Alright, I am going to follow Angel's example here and make up a list of exactly who is on my team. This is going to...
Put it off for months now.
And now it comes down to...
So Buffy. Where do you even stand?

And a second list of who is interested in joining my team. (either in a primary capacity, or a secondary capacity to Fred's research team- this means you report to her first and then to me if she doesn't need you and I need to make up the numbers.)

For those who don't know, I am Faith and I run the Offensive Team at Angel Investigations. Being on the Offensive Teams is a full time commitment. It's not easy and it's not casual. My team covers every single area of the city every single night without fail. This is regardless of who else is in the city at the time, we at AI make sure we cover the city, every night. We fight demons and vampires and do everything we can to protect the citizens of Los Angeles. Joining my team means three things.
1- Nightly patrols in pairs, on the route I assigned.
2- Training sessions with me, three times a week. This is not optional.
3- Reports after every single patrol. Again, this is not optional. I need to know exactly what was seen in which areas, and take the reports to Fred if more research is needed.

This is the regular routine, in addition there are complications if a new and improved bad guy hits the city. Also, we have the walk in-clients. The files get looked at by the command team and cases get assigned by us according to the relevant skills needed. So, let me know now who you are, so I can make sure this city is as protected as it can be.

Dec. 23rd, 2009


I will never get use to this place. I think I've gotten lost four of five times. And there are certain parts I am certainly not going anywhere near in the evening.

Dec. 22nd, 2009


I've heard of ghosts before. With all I've seen.. back home, especially.. I can't not believe in him. Of course they exist. I've just never seen any until recently. It was alright, I suppose. Had a good talk with my mother, and my old friend Will. I still wish he hadn't died. He was a good friend. But I also came across Nimueh. She wasn't happy. She.. I don't know. She didn't like Arthur, so obviously I'm in her way if she wants to take him out again. Because princes have servants with them most of the time.

Actually saw a dragon too. He was mostly cryptic. Very strange. Arthur, did you know he lives under your castle Just last night I met a young boy. He wasn't.. well, let's say he didn't want to play. He was powerful, very gifted. Kept going on about how I didn't hurry enough to help him escape one time, even though I did manage to show up. I tried explaining my side. But that didn't seem important. We spoke a bit about destinies and power, things of that nature.


Filtered Against Marian

So does someone who is NOT me want to introduce themselves to one of the most BAMF female characters in literature and pop culture? Because I might be twenty-four but I know myself enough to know that I haven't quite reached the point where I won't fangirl everything she does or says.

I mean Lady Marian if you didn't know.


How is everyone.

The last few days have steadily been getting harder and harder and Buffy can tell you I don't do well with ghosts

But all the same you're all strong. Keep that in mind and they won't ever win.

Dec. 13th, 2009


This has officially been the most surreal few days of my life. Not saying everything is perfect, but its the first time in months I've felt...vaugely like myself.

I just wish he'd...

Feels kinda strange.

Anyway, how're the new people settling in, I know its a change, I know how much of a change it must seem. But you'll adapt/



I'm teaching Morgana LeFay about her magic. Thats okay right?

She's not yet what history calls her, and she doesn't have to be. Its gonna be okay and I'm not hiding anything. Not anything


How are you?


So historically Morgana LeFay, I know how it looks but...
Its not like...
You're not....
...forget it


[Filtered against evil lawyers]

Hey.. so, this is how we introduce each other. I might be starting to get the hang of it now. Not really, but I'm trying So hello, people. My name is Merlin. I'm just a servant boy born in the village Ealdor, serving Prince Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. And now here I am in this extremely bizarre city. It takes a lot of getting used to, I guess.

[Filtered to Angel Investigations+allies]
I heard that you have people that practice sorcery there? Good thing that Uther isn't here or heads would roll. Literally. But anyway.. I'm also a wizard. I'm curious to what type of magic is here. Like, the nature of it, how it's done. And is it really true that practicing magic isn't a capital offense? Everyone says that it's okay. But I just want to make sure. This is also the first time I heard that those who practice law are evil. I know some are always corrupt... but never thought it would be so many.


The average person will spend two weeks of their lifetime waiting for a traffic light to change.

[Filtered to Jacen and Tenel Ka]

Hey, could I ask the two of you something?

[Filtered to the people attending/involved with Faith's party - except for Faith!]
Spike is loaning us The Factory for the party. He's allowing me to rent the place out son of a bitch is a pain and I swear I'll for the night, so we're in the clear for a private area. It'll be there, Thursday, at eight-thirty.

Kennedy, I'll need you to keep Faith busy until nine. Think you can manage?


I need to find work. Though it is difficult when they ask about 'previous employment' and they laugh at your response.

Dec. 5th, 2009


You know I realized we don't do this often enough, show a genuine interest in each other's lives. So this is how I'm going to rectify that.

How is everyone today?

Dec. 4th, 2009


whose ever fault this is fix it

January 2010




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