January 14th, 2010

[info]ex_ascended201 in [info]paragraffiti

This whole thing doesn't sit well with me, aside from obvious reasons. It's far too familiar.

[Filtered; Ben]
You better not go outside without an adult...who has a weapon, and some form of magic protection.

And mace.

...and a guard dog. A magic one with really big teeth. Got it?

[info]souledvamp in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Bad Guys

I'd really like it if people wouldn't be secretive about any of this. I've noticed some things sent just to us at AI and I'm sure its not just us. Now I've been out on the streets looking cause thats what I do best. I've got my best people on this but AI are not the only ones missing people and we are not the only ones in this city capable of getting information together. These people are methodical, they're quick, frankly. They're better than us right now. Maybe, thats cause they know our weaknesses. Maybe thats cause they know our strengths. Who knows?

Anyway I'm done caring about kid gloves and starting out easy with the whole Champion thing.

All of you. Every one. I want all the info we have. Here. Now. Or we'll never get our people back. Anyone who tells me they work alone stays out of the rescue. I'm not taking 'work alone'. This is too much for that. They have Buffy .Many of us have lost people we care deeply about. Any questions or are we going to come up with at least a stratagy before we loose more?

[info]thefuture_king in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Merlin )

[info]ex_queentobe411 in [info]paragraffiti

Has anyone seen Morgana? Please...Please don't say it's happened to her too.

January 2010



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