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Dec. 27th, 2009


Right, Now that we're past the big day and all that I'd like to know what comprises AI right now. Who's on the team, what they do, who wants to be on the team and what they can offer. Who lives in the hotel?

I'm still new at all this with this many people and this seems the best way.


Are you actually ever gonna take this seriously and discuss what we need to do, or do I get to do all the legwork. There might not be conveniant heroic necklaces to wear next time there's a threat


filtered against baddies.

Found a job. It's a security guard gig for some big time laboratory on the other side of the city. The pay is surprisingly decent for a job like that, so I'm probably going to end up looking for an apartment out there within the next couple days. I'm gonna need to live closer to work if I want to get there on time every day. I'll miss the house, but I really need the job. Plus, it's a foot in the door. History on a security team might actually stand for something solid if I decide to pursue some of the careers I was considering.

Now I'm off to sign up for internet classes. Not the same as going to a campus, but I'll settle for now. It's a start.

Oh, and thanks for the Christmas gifts. I really enjoyed them.

[Filtered to Fred and Lindsey]
Any chance of either of you being able to help me with an issue that I have as far as crediting me for classes that I've already taken in another universe are concerned?

Dec. 19th, 2009


Illusion of sanity was nice while it lasted.

Dec. 18th, 2009


Sky never came home.. I'm tired of being never did believe in ghosts before this..this whatever this is are these really. Ghosts? I think this is what a break down feels like
I did something stupid last night
Faith.. I think I'll take you up on that offer?


Anyone who was visited, none of your visitors touched you, right? Like they couldn't grab you and take you somewhere? They just talk?

Dec. 17th, 2009


filtered against kids under 10

So it hasn't even been a few days after vampire Santa and the other night we found a dead blood drained "elf" still in costume and everything. Working a case at a Santa's village is just creepy. Strangest case I've had all year. Seriously guys, is there something in the water? Or a full moon? What?


The Powers have decided the city has been too long without a champion and that its changed enough to require two.

Its me and Spike.

Now I assure you all nothing will change and the fact we're from here will have no bearing on anything we do in terms of the responsibility. Technicly this isn't my version of LA either remember.

Anyway, thats the state of things. Any questions you have feel free to direct them to us or the heads of AI. Probably me and the heads of the departments cause Spike's a mor...


Not sure what Petrelli's gonna do. he's said he'd stay on as legal. But do we need a second. He was that for his brother. And now there are two of us. We don't need to be managed particularly.
And apparently tech and magic is one position which unless your someone like Jenny Calander is a bit much. How do you feel about splitting it and looking at Tara or that witch that can teleport...Paige Matthews?. And Tech, the Jedi woman mentioned a girl called Ed had visited, Get together with Faith and Fred and make a decision?

[Faith & Fred]

We have Offensive and Research covered, what do you think to tech, and splitting magic and tech into seperate things?. I don't want Spike and I making decisions like that when its you two and Petrelli that have been running things since the Powers relieved his brother.

Dec. 11th, 2009


[Filtered away from anyone under the age of 10]

Vampire Santa. It's wrong on so many levels. I had to dust a Santa. My inner child is sad. Who turns Santa into a vampire anyway?

Dec. 6th, 2009


filtered against baddies.

I've been working on spending more time out of the house. Looking for a job, finally. No interviews yet, but I'm patient. I can wait.

On the other hand, I tried my hand at hunting tonight. Found a nest of nasty looking vamps. Took on a handful, but I need to go back and wipe the place out as soon as I get patched up and gather more supplies. I want to get them before they abandon the place, so if there's anyone out there who wants to help out? It'd be sort of awesome if you could.

[Filtered to Faith]
That'd include you.

Look, I've been meaning to talk to you.

[Filtered to The Hyperion/allies/friends of Faith - hidden from Faith]

Faith's birthday is on the 14th. I'm gonna throw her a party. I've got the finances to buy supplies, I just need to figure out where we ought to do this along with who is going to show and be involved. Mind helping a guy out?

Dec. 5th, 2009



[Filtered to Buffy]
Have you heard from Kennedy?

[Filtered to Domino]
How about that pizza?

Dec. 3rd, 2009


I want to hit some stuff. I am way, way too out of practice and that needs to be rectified. Bad guy asskickings are required.

I spent two weeks as a dumb girly girl, it's so wrong. besides, early birthday present to me

And Xander- Not One Word. But, thanks.

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Higher powers can take their damn war and shove it. My mind ain't for playing with.


Ugh my head. Don't even think coffee will touch this headache. Still nobodies made instant hangover cure, why? I way m>
gotta get this out of my head
can't happen again

Nov. 30th, 2009


Well that was unique even for this place. Anyone else feel like they've been punched in the stomach and can't get breath back?

[Sam] (Visible to Faith & Cas)

You okay?. You back?

[John & Dean]

I'm well aware you weren't yourselves. I'd like to forget what happened.


It got mixed up, its still mixed up in my head, but, there are spells I can work, memory wiping stuff...I mean if you wanted. If it would be easier.

You're a good father...
I know you still want me dead...
You deserve to want me de...

...Megan's gonna be a lucky kid


Filtered to Claire (ABC)

Look I..I'm..I shot you, so.. Sorry. god that's possibly the worst apology ever but really what else can I say?
Um.. How you holding up?

Nov. 29th, 2009


[ooc: Forward dated a little to the 30ith.]

there were photos
I had memories

..So..right. Married. I don't even k That was..I don't know.

I can't find my blasters. Where the hell are my blasters? this is t

Nov. 28th, 2009


If he's not a watcher.. Is this who I'm supposed to be? Am..are we..Kennedy and me. Are
we married? What is this? I don't understand..don't know if I want to if we aren't actually Hes always been a watcher.

Nov. 15th, 2009


Kennedy, hon? I'll be home late again tonight. Chief wants me to show some rookies the ropes. I told him it's been happening way to often, and there are other officers in this unit. But he won't have any of it. It's third shift, so I won't see you until mid morning again..unless you think that stuffy watcher of yours will cut the leash short for once and let you join me on my route? What'dya say, feel like sparing my sanity, help me out with the fresh meat? These guys are so green they can't hold a gun without their hands shaking.

Nov. 10th, 2009


Faith and I need a wider view on This.

Few things first...

1. Faith is wrong about the tea leaves.
2. My point is logical and plausible. Look where we live.
3. If it happens I claim no responsibility.
4. Anyone else think she should write a song even if I don't think I have 'a stare'
5. Its all Jacen's fault. He let me have something called pixie sticks. They had a funny name and were very brightly colored. So I had six of them.

[ooc: The rest of the convo is still filtered, just consider the link a copy and pasted copy of that bit of the convo]

Nov. 1st, 2009


I tried ghosting through my computer. In short, now I need a new one, at least a new screen. That wasn't the smartest thing I did today, I cracked the monitor. but the list of today's stupid is to long to bother wI did some research on molecular electromagnetic repulsion, or phasing. Theoretically I should have been able to phase through and scramble it's circuits. I only gave myself a headache instead ghosting through something that complex and wirey filled. Maybe I just need more practice or concentration or something..I haven't been able to focus on a damn thing today, that probably didn't help.

[private to Faith]
If you need me, you know I'm there. But I need off a few patrols. It's been a year since Kira..I might..
I don't know what I might do yet, but Sam thinks I should put together some kind of tribute. I'm not really sure how these things are supposed to work..

Oct. 29th, 2009


I feel like every show on TV right now is filled with teen angst, pregnancies, and drug abuse.

Maybe the Discovery Channel is a better idea.


With most days like Halloween around here, what's the real day like? Crazy cults trying to resurrect long dead demons, zombies breaking into dance routines?

Oct. 25th, 2009


Sky is sick, and now ugh. I feel it coming too. But I'm still trying to take care of him the best I can. Just being exhausted every ten minutes so isn't helping, but I think we want to punch eachother less. So maybe it is in it's own special way. This isn't helping with my not wanting to sleep though. It's really not. I can get an hour or two tops without it going horribly, but after's just not good.

I found something I didn't realize I kept because I didn't understand it at first, in my bag of ranger stuff. A bracelet. It was Sky's from the academy but it's broken almost directly in two, I was thinking about getting it fixed but..the meaning behind it is shaky. Still it's important to him, and that's really what matters isn't it? I just..I don't know what else to do to make things right.

Oct. 24th, 2009


ugh, nightmares. I haven't had them in a while and now t I need some new video games or something. Maybe a project. Another magic book maybe? I've been reading one a week pretty much at Lav's store. But..I don't know if that'll be enough to keep my attention right now, to tired. I never do the magic in them, I'm no wizard. I assume it would backfire horribly if I tried without being trained or something, that's the last thing we need. know information, the magic side of things is kinda foreign to me still. Their are so many things to read. I figure working in a Magic Shop even part time I should know something about it. Been looking at magical weapons lately. Charms for them mostly, sacred items. Those sound shiny. But it seems like meteorite is key ingredient to having weapons of real badassery.'ll be to soon if I ever see one of those again up close.


I want to find Astroboy13 and kill him slowly.


We need to talk about the therapy, I think.

Oct. 22nd, 2009


Ok, I couldn't resist.

Memes are fun.. )

Oct. 18th, 2009


Filtered to Xander

Check the kitchen.

[ooc: cookies of awesome for him and Faith on the counter]


Filtered from Bad Guys

There's still a city out there and less people on patrols with the heroes off being heroic and to the rescue so I'll be helping with that tonight. Covering Faith's if..

Was gonna say if there were no objections, but honestly, I don't care if there are. I'm covering her route.

Anyone up for coming with and making sure the non evil demons don't think I'm trying to get them killed again?

Oct. 17th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

I'll have you all know that I have no intention of ever turning into a deal-making, friend betraying, bastard of a man who I hate with the fury of a thousand suns and wish to do nothing more than drop into the belly of a boiling volcano from hell on a Saturday afternoon. Why Saturday afternoon? Because that is the best moment of the best day of every week ever and it would very much be the most inconvenient time to die. Around five.

Oct. 16th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

The past isn't turning out to be any better than the future.


filtered to A.I./Hyperion + Winchester & co + all allies*;

[ooc: *which is pretty much a "good guys over fifteen" filter when you get right down to it, as long as it's anyone Sarah is familiar with enough to call or know as an ally or an ally's ally. For this post, it also includes Damien AND Sylar since it's only fair because their posts are part of this, but doesn't include future!Xander, obv. :P]

[ Sarah's post is effectively a replication of her original conversation with Sylar [ here ], the post from Damien [ here ] and her conversation tonight with future!Xander [ here ], the last of which is currently still ongoing. ]

That's everything I know, so someone do something with it. Excuse me while I throw up again

Oct. 15th, 2009


filtered to A.I./Hyperion;

Does anyone have any idea why the hell Sylar would think, or want us to think, one of us was to blame for this?

[ Sarah ]
He's saying you knew. Did he talk to you?

[ additional filter - future!Xander; ]
I'd like you to come by the Hyperion and give us a hand getting our people back.


Filtered to friends, family. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

Sam's gone, I can't reach him. Sarah called Mom looking for Faith, so they're both gone. I was hoping he'd show up before she figured out...

Anyone heard anything?



This might be silly.

I can't sense him, Jacen I mean, and I've been trying, its been a few hours, and he knows, he always knows and he always lets me in.

They wouldn't have...
Not so soon after...
And with Allana here...

...He wouldn't block me. Not me.

Oct. 14th, 2009


[filtered to Tori]
How's the movie hunt coming?

[filtered to the future kids]
I probably shouldn't ask about the future, but I think I might be one of the few who hasn't yet. So I guess it can't do too much harm..
What's it like. Your future..? what happens to me and Sky


[added later-unfiltered]
I was thinking. I'm from 2025. What happens if I'm here when that rolls around, and not back home in New Tech? Do I disappear?
get caught in some creepy time warp?

Maybe I shouldn't have asked questions.

Oct. 11th, 2009


Filtered Against the Baddies

So I adopted this little motion-activated Frankenstein today at the store. When you walk past him, his eyes light up and he moves his arms and makes 'unnnnnh!' sounds. I think he needs to be hung up somewhere because he's pretty adorable.

I also have a pound of candy corn. I kinda like Halloween.


I used to like winter time. now I'm just dreading it. November that is But now I sorta wish it were summer again.
Along with the other year post I've got one to add to it. It's almost been exactly a year since I've had any kind of liquor. Kind of deserves a mile stone marker I thought. after Kira d
was ki
hell, I still can't even type it
forget it
I think I've got it under control now. I don't need it, but I'm sure I can handle it if there were a bar-adventure on the rise. I'm not so worried anymore about losing it. I still have to be careful- Shut up, Sam. I am capable of it on occasion
okay rarely, but that's not the point

[private to Ruby]
I've been thinking about chance lately.


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

I just realized it's been a year since many of us were given a second chance. I felt it was worth noting, amid all the crazy of this city that sometimes things go right too.

Sep. 29th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys

Okay if break time I'm blaming Ailyn.

Also cause thats funny. For future refrence, Sam, Mirta. Don't buy her the purple marker. A generation will thank you!!

I'm Allana, ...Allana Djo Solo and hello people who are amazing. I kinda had to just say it. I won't tell about the future or anything but can I just meet and hug some of you right this second please!!

And anything Ben might have to say is only true from a certain point of view and that time at the zoo when we were 11 was entirely his fault.

Sep. 26th, 2009


Why am I having sudden extreme meat cravings?

It's not even the full moon, I should have them under control. I shouldn't be salivating!

It must be the stress of the store, that's got to be it. It's got to be it. Once the store opens I'll be fine. It's like the other time of the month, right? Worse when stressed out?

Should I be worried?

I wonder if there is a group out there like PETA but for werewolves. PETW?

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