May. 29th, 2008


We should all do something brilliantly fun.

I suggest strip poker. Or, er, chess.


Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze!

Where is he? Why isn't he here? He's supposed to be here. Not supposed to wander off alone. Not safe. He says it's not safe but he's not here. Can't wander off if there's no one to wander from. Inherent paradoxes. No breadcrumbs to follow home. The birds ate them. They'll just get a stomachache.

It's not safe. Never safe. They'll come. They always come. Even here they'll come. Two by two. Hands of blue. Two by two. They'll come and they'll find me and it's all screaming and blood.

I want Simon!

Kan wuh-mun tzun muh suh bah...

May. 3rd, 2008


Shit, at least Denver wasn't this fucking bad. How do you people deal with the traffic here? And to make it all worse, I'm honestly down on twenty-five bucks. Fate really enjoys kicking me in the teeth, apparently.

And also likes to laugh in my face for even thinking I could crawl out of this city quick enough. Guess not. How the hell am I going to make it to the other side of the country, with this little cash?

Whatever, at least someone is out of my hair. It'd be easier if that bastard paid me off. That fucker.

Apr. 26th, 2008


So... I just realized that I've been watching TV for the last 40 hours straight. Anybody wanna go do something?


There was this demon thing, it was green, and smelled rank, with massive horns and I swear to Merlin those teeth could have cut through steel. My left side is a massive bruise. Note to self, stop going outside when it gets dark. They never fully taught us how to deal with those things in school. Though it's definitely not going to be attacking anyone else any time soon.

Her Hermione, have you had any luck with those brooms yet?

Apr. 25th, 2008


This place is going to make my head explode. It was so much easier back at home when everyone was just like 'Kill the Charmed Ones!' and that was it. That seems so much easier now, than stuff here. Isn't there any demon out there who just wants to rule the world, and then can be stopped after a few good battles, failed attempts, and then finally some good ass kicking? These things just keep coming. Or anyone who's main goal it is to just kill witches? A handy dandy 'how to kill it' guide for this world would be wonderful.

This places makes the the Halliwell manor look normal.

Hey Christy, still hell bent on being on the wrong side?



LA. Great city. It's been fun, kids--but seriously.

I'm getting irritated, with the, y'know...not...knowing things.

I mean--every day, SOMEONE pops up here going, "where the hell am I, mommy help" or something to that affect.

Doesn't anyone know -anything-?


Should've skipped out and flown to Hawaii.


Your Champion is dead.

Apr. 18th, 2008



Am I the only one who has noticed vampire's protective thing? Specifically my vampire. He also makes a good pillow..

And..well, that is all.

Apr. 2nd, 2008


...Anyone care to tell me where the hell I am and how the hell I got here? I almost thought I was in the right place...but this is far less bloody than what was going on back home.

Fuck! I really don't need this crap right now!

January 2010




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