April 3rd, 2008

[info]flightfromdeath in [info]paragraffiti

Guess what? I’ve gotten my hands on a few very interesting books, and a snapping young gentlemen who just loves to tell me all about a topic that I find quite insightful. But, if any of you are wondering, the young man’s name is Logan, and when Logan isn’t screaming his lungs to shreds, he loves answering my questions and gawking as if he’s seen a ghost. Or a supposed fictional character is his favorite book series.

Wow… if I’m not completely insane already, I think that could change easily.

And if Logan doesn’t shut his mouth, I think that I might just have to put an end to him and find another personal helper…

Are any of you ‘Harry Potter’ fans up for that? Any of you feel like paying my basement a visit?

It will be fun... A once in a lifetime opportunity.

[info]princesstobe in [info]paragraffiti

Oh my, what is this place? How did I come to be here? Pip?

Where is my Prince? I must have fallen very far…

[info]forever_yuna in [info]paragraffiti


I wanted to let everyone know that I too can heal those who have been injured.

I hope everyone is okay...

[info]smokingcaryn in [info]paragraffiti

I too am a healer and if anyone needs aid, simply ask. I'll be more than happy to help..

[info]ordinarygirl in [info]paragraffiti

Umm, I know there seems to be a lot of weirdness going on around from what I've seen but umm.. I know this sounds crazy but if you see a little yellow plush toy looking thing with wings and a long tail flying around can you pretty please tell me? I keep losing people! Kero was right here a moment ago and then he went to get some cake or something and now I can't find him!

It's really important that I find him. And um, if you get attacked by a giant monster of any kind that's.. kind of my fault. The cards escaped.

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Baddies

Alright, now is the time for all you geniuses out there to answer a question for me.

Since I am apparently a fictional character here (and for the record, JK Rowling, got me very, very wrong! If I ever meet her...), meaning I'm apparently from a parallel universe and all...

What I'm asking is, does this mean it's possible for people from the same world to be here from different times?

Am I making any sense, because I don't think I am. I blame this place, so much for escaping my problems.

[info]brewingdeceit in [info]paragraffiti

Ridiculous piece of Muggle machinery...

I have spent a good many years contemplating my own mortality, and what, precisely, awaited for me when that moment finally arrived. A Muggle city across the pond is hardly what I envisioned. Furthermore, considering I currently require oxygen to breathe, I am assuming I am, in fact, not dead.

That being the case, would anyone care to explain to me exactly how I managed to travel clear across the entire globe without any memory of doing such a thing? And, for that matter, why I appear to have de-aged to how I appeared in my youth?

I can assure you, I am scarcely the sort who wishes to re-visit the past and can guarantee when I find whoever is responsible, will make certain they rue the day they attempted to meddle in the affairs of Professor Severus Snape.

[info]h2o_windninja in [info]paragraffiti

Someone want to explain to me how I ended up here when I was in Blue Bay Harbor, like two seconds ago?

[info]ather_fledgling in [info]paragraffiti

In trying to get to Ramsa, I seem to have found myself clear across the country. Anyone care to enlighten me on how I ended up here?

[info]arthurmumby in [info]paragraffiti

Clearly, sleeping through a large crisis is not exactly the greatest way I could have handled things. Whoever kidnapped Mister Luthor's lady friend, I am going to set an evil moob on you and you are going to regret ever taking her.

[info]notamudblood in [info]paragraffiti


What is this? Was there a port key or something?

Can someone direct me back to Hogwarts please?

[info]tigerzord in [info]paragraffiti

Well, it sure looks like something went to town on this place. Since when was the Natural History Museum reduced to a pile of rubble?

something's not right here

[info]its_the_hate in [info]paragraffiti

Some green skinned bitch decided to bring her people-eating psycho plants into the city to interrupt me the other night. Needless to say, those plants are not longer in existence, and also, If I see you again, little girl with the skin condition I’m afraid that I might just have to go straight for your throat. I’ll snap your neck like a twig, and that there is no lie.

Seriously though, what kind of idiot just goes out and attacks people that they don’t know anything about? I could have been some super powerful higher being for all she knew. I could have been a crazed lunatic who eats people for the fun of it. I might have been a super vegetarian… You can never tell.

I like this city, but some people here are just plain weird. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by that, considering the things that I saw back in New York. But still, this place is overrun by freaks. I think there just might be one oddity for every normal person. And yes, I do include myself. I am not stupid enough to call myself normal.

EDIT: I'm happy now. Forgive that outburst.

[info]ex_thebigbad355 in [info]paragraffiti

Since it looks like a lot of you have been here longer than me, I have a question to ask, one that somebody will hopefully be able to answer.

I ran into something the other night, a creature, looked like, well... the kind of werewolf that you’d expect to see in a horror movie. Standing on two legs, a lot of matted fur, pretty damn ugly if I do say so myself.

That thing, it was nothing like… well, never mind. But it was fucking odd.

Do any of you know if there are more of them around? And, it was a werewolf, wasn’t it?

January 2010



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