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Oct. 6th, 2009


[Filtered; Faith]

So how for or against are you when it comes to Jedi mind tricks?

Oct. 5th, 2009


This is worth a shot. Either you all are going to think I'm really crazy or, from what I've read so far, I've just found the one dimension weirder than the one with Piper Halliwell: Warrior Princess

Hi ... I'm not of this dimension. And sadly, that's not the weirdest thing I've ever written Anyone have a clue as to why I can't leave this dimension? And if you do, you wouldn't happen to by any, hopeful but more than likely very small, chance know how I could leave said dimension? And go back to my own? Yeah, you heard right Higher Beings responsible for me being stuck in yet another dimension. I don't care what I said before I'm not staying. How do you like them apples? Why am I wri

Please don't say that I can't leave. Please don't say that I can'

[ooc: Forgot to mention that Paige is puncturable. Sorry had to catch the bus! :-) ... now I'm going to go eat dinner.]

Oct. 3rd, 2009



[ filtered to ANYA; ]
Older Xander is possibly planning to drug people to get them out of the city. Some, all, I don't know yet, nor do I have a one hundred percent trustful source to what's going on where we can't see it. But if he is, you have to get through to him, Anya. I don't want to fight our own and it has to be soon, otherwise you know we're going to have to do something about countering whatever he's doing.

[ filtered to FAITH; ]
Older Xander may become a problem. I don't want to say he is yet, because I don't know how true it is, and if it is true, I want Anya to have the chance to change his mind, but he's potentially making desperate moves to prevent his future.

Oct. 2nd, 2009


Filtered to Faith & Michael.

Okay. We're all here, together, so we might as well take the time to sit down and start covering the ground rules.

House, thirty minutes?

Sep. 30th, 2009


Well, I never thought I'd say this but it seems like Los Angeles has changed a lot, since I was last here.

Hard to say if it was for better or worse, I guess only time will tell there.


Is this the right um message board? I hope it is. There was this nice woman that told me that I could find information here or at the Welcome Center, I thought it might be easier and best to introduce myself on this first.

Hi, everyone. I'm Tara. Tara Maclay and I'm new here. In case you ... maybe you might have missed that I'm not really good with these things. Introducing myself, not that I'm bad at it or anything, I just Using message boards. So .. just, hi.

I look forward to getting to know all of you.

Sep. 29th, 2009


Filtered to Sam Winchester and Faith Lehane

I won't come near him. Not ever. You don't need to worry, I'll stay away.


[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

I don't know if you're still mad at me and I am sorry, I really am. I was thoughtless and dumb, I know.

But, boards. Now.


Anyone got a theory about what caused this thing? Or are we just going with 'the Powers That Be and the Senior Partners finally broke their time space continuum toy'?

Sep. 27th, 2009


"When I was your age they would say, you could become cops or criminals. What I'm saying to you is this; when you're facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?"

Caught a screening of The Departed while I was out on patrol. Interesting movie. It was eerie at times, like watching my childhood on the big screen. Scorsese definitely did his research about Boston. Ray Winstone could have been channeling my stepfather in his role.

It is, I guess, a really good movie if people are thinking of seeing one this week. But yeah, wow, very accurate.

Especially what they did to rats.

Sep. 24th, 2009


I have a guilty pleasure. Once in a while I like to read romance novels. Those kinds where the covers are these muscular guys are posing with barely dressed women as highlanders, cowboys, or pirates? They're mindless and sometimes that's all right when you do a lot of researching because the brain needs to rest from time to time.

Then I realized that if the Powers That Be or the Senior Partners ever brought one of those guys here? He'd either be eaten within an hour or turn and run with his kilt flapping in the breeze. They make them out in the summaries on the back to be these big he-men but there is nothing in the book that ever gives evidence in support of that. In fact, I bet the so-called "damsels in distress" are better equipped to save their butts than they are to save the ladies.

I bet they take longer in front of the mirror longer than I do too.

Sep. 23rd, 2009


I was bored. )

Sep. 21st, 2009


Follow the meme )

Sep. 22nd, 2009


Hey, who doesn't love a meme? )

Sep. 21st, 2009


The meme that's floating around )

Sep. 20th, 2009


Madra just chewed up my favorite pair of boots. And the annoying thing? I can't even be mad at him! He just looks too damn cute!

You think maybe puppies have some sort of mind control power, to make us forgive them anything by the power of their eyes?

Sep. 19th, 2009


[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

[ooc: post this]

I really want to go and hit things.

I really need to see you.

I have no idea what I want to do.

What you up to?

Sep. 15th, 2009


Great day. Fall is almost here, the windows in the apartment are all open, and I'm getting ready to make what will hopefully be a successful, homemade meal for the man and me. Of course, now that I've gone and typed that, it's probable that the steaks will spontaneously combust ala Lindsey's infamous apple-cinnamon muffin attempt, and I'll be forced to reassess.

{Filtered to Lindsey}
Baby, we have no hot water.


Custom Filters

[Filtered to the Justice League]

Noticed a couple of new players in town, seemed like your area of expertise, Crane and Harley? The human nutjobs tend to be your thing, but you know if you ever need the help of me and my team you only gotta ask.

[end filter]

[Filtered to Angel Investigations]

New vamp in town, or really a returning old one. Calls himself Harth Fray. He's pretty badass and basically seems to be half Slayer. So be careful with him, do not treat him like a regular vampire and anyone who brings me his dusted remains gets a cookie. I promise I won't even make it myself but get you a decent one, flavor of your choice.

All jokes aside, we don't know exactly what we're dealing with with him yet and quite which parts of the Slayer package he has. I don't want to lose anyone to him, so not afraid to emphasize the being careful here. I'm adding another training session a week for those on my Offensive Team, where you all get the fun of attacking me, getting used to the Slayer instincts and all in case he has them.

[end filter]

[Filtered against bad guys]

Another day, another bad guy or several. And here I was wanting a trip to Disneyland. Ah well, Goofy would probably have turned out to be a demon anyway.

Sep. 14th, 2009


Not that I don't love a good round of vague creepiness or appreciate how funny it is when Eve gets shut down (and sweetie, have you noticed? It happens a lot), but I'm tired of staring at these boards. Who's up for dinner?

You. Did you know there's another you walking around?

How ya holdin' up, Big Guy?


Filtered to Faith.

I need your help. It's important.

See, I've been shopping around it turns out, I'm terrible at it. I'm about two seconds away from buying myself a bunk bed that I can't even fit in.

But, uh, points for the Ninja Turtles comforter that comes with it upon purchase?

Sep. 11th, 2009


All right. This is weird even by LA standards. )

Sep. 4th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad guys]

Why does this all have to be so damn confusing? I'm dealing, I am. Therapy. Fuck. This is so not going to go well.

Is it too much to ask for something to not be confusing?

I know some people are conflicted over Angel being here. I'm one of them Can we just all be putting away of the stakes though? Please?

Sep. 3rd, 2009


Filtered to Faith

I'm not getting involved. Bar the usual if he hurts Sam, the redemption stops and I get creative. If that counts for a vampire.

But you gave me some advice, so here's the return.  You're never gonna be able to make them all get along. Thats not how it works. Because neither side are really wrong are they. Keep that in mind.

Aug. 27th, 2009


Custom Filter

[ooc: post this]
[Filtered to the Angel Investigations Staff and Buffy Summers only]

So, I kinda fractured my wrist. It's not bad or anything, but I'm not exactly going to be at my best for the next week. We can't delay hitting the Scourge base until then. So, my suggestion is, since Buffy knows the base layout the best, that the Offensive Team follow her on this. If you're up for it B?

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

I'm currently kicking myself. Fractured my damn wrist. It'll be fine in about a week, but damn it's annoying.

Aug. 23rd, 2009


filtered to Faith;



[Filtered against Bad guys]

I quit. I resign. I'm done. Someone else be leader.

Fuck, Angel, I miss you so much.

Spies. The Scourge have spies, members of the group they consider not strong enough to be soldiers. That's how they decide when and where to hit. That's their weak link.

Aug. 22nd, 2009


[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

Here we go again. I think the PTB are just wanting a laugh at my expense. Still, I think I might get away without being punched in the face this time.

Aug. 20th, 2009


Has anyone seen or heard from Wesley? Please.

Aug. 16th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

We got a name for these demons. And they are demons, doing all these killings. They call themselves the Scourge.

I don't know anything more about them though, or what they call 'purity'. Anyone else recognize the name?

Aug. 11th, 2009


I don't think I can stand this hospital much longer. At least they agreed to letting me have my laptop. Three days in here is like an eternity. I don't think I've ever had to be this still this long in my life. but at least it's better than the alternative

Sky I


[Private to Sam Winchester]

Research seems to be getting us no where and now Eve's been winding me up again. Distract me?

Aug. 4th, 2009


[custom filter]

[Filtered AGAINST extreme bad guys]
this filter allows those on the slightly more dubious side as long as they don't directly work for the Senior Partners.]

Picked the wrong time to give up smoking

I just found something disturbing on patrol. I'm throwing this as open as realistic because I want maximum answers.

I found the remains of some dead vamps. Not so weird right? I also found a bar who had been slaughtered, a bar of half breeds known for being non violent. Bad but again not so weird. But there's the thing. The vampires had been tied down to burn in the sun, left a word on the grass 'Purity'. Same word was written in the demons blood.

Undeniably evil vamps. Harmless half breed. Two extremes, but the same word showing up. Anyone got any ideas?

[filtered to SAM WINCHESTER and RUBY]

Dead bar. You know I've got to ask.

[filtered to SAM only]

I'm sorry, you know I've gotta ask.

Aug. 3rd, 2009


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

So, I am going to give up smoking. I've been meaning to do it for a long while, but always said I would wait until things were less stressful. But, well, let's face it, that's never going to happen so I might as well quit now. I have just finished my last ever cigarette. This'll be interesting.


Told you I'd do it.

Jul. 28th, 2009


In the spirit of Claire's distraction post, I'm starting one of my own. A good game of Anywhere but here

Me, I'm going to say Paris. Because I've never been, but everyone says it's so pretty. And I want a proper french pain au chocolat, with coffee.


It's done. They won't be coming after you if you stay away from them.

Jul. 25th, 2009


[Private to Sam Winchester]


So, there's something I've been putting off doing, but I kinda got to deal with. I need to investigate what you did. I'm guessing you weren't exactly careful in checking which kinds of demons you killed and I need to go and see if there's going to be a problem with the demon community I need to fix. I'm gonna keep it small, just me and TK, rather than drag the whole team into this. Make sure there won't be any repercussions.

I need to know what you did. And where. I need to hear the details from you before I hear them from them.

Jul. 22nd, 2009


So what is it? What makes you people bounce back no matter what we throw at you?

Plucky attitude of 'gotta keep fighting'?
Just being that stubborn?

I'm actually legitimatly curious, the alternate selves thing didn't entirely break you? Or the crazy power hungry types didn't pull everything down around them. Because you all just...keep going

Why do you fight?

Jul. 21st, 2009


Sometimes good stuff still happens. It's a cliche, but I love it when I get reminded of that. It's what makes things worth fighting for.


How you holding up?

Jul. 20th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Huh. According to my message board account, I've been here over a year. Weird how that's the longest I've stayed anywhere in years.

Yay, L.A., I guess?


[edited in after she mulls it over]

Jul. 13th, 2009


filtered against baddies.

I'm Jackie's best man! The bestest of the best!

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