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Jun. 17th, 2008


{filtered to all non-evil wizards and witches}

Truth potions. What can you tell me about them?

Jun. 16th, 2008


I think I might be starting to love my husband.


My name is Nymphadora Nomia Tonks and I'm pregnant with a werewolf's baby.

Oh for the love of all things magical, how do you delete something on these things? I can't stop telling people things and-- oh forget it. I've got to step away from this thing before--

I'm also a witch and an Auror. In my fifth year there was a skinny dipping incident with a few friends in the pond with the giant squid, and the Slytherins who found us spread it all over the school. I was known as the school water nymph for the next two years and it was bloody horrible.


Okay. Who out there can't stop telling the truth?

Jun. 15th, 2008


I recently found that Wolfram and Hart can be very understanding of one’s situation when you offer them your services and undying loyalty. Now, I am not the type to turn myself over to somebody else, but what I asked for and received in return was well worth forgetting the usual and choosing to do something new.

This would be the perfect moment for you to come pay me a visit, Potter. We could have tea and then I could kill you. What do you say? I’ll let you bring your girlfriend along and she can watch while I rip out your internal organs and shove them down your throat, without the use of my hands! Or my wand! That sounds fun, does it not?

I’m too excited to sit her much longer. I need to go out and do something with my time. I feel like assassinating somebody important… Potter is on the top of my list, but until we run into each other, I’ll be happy to murder people in his name. Children, perhaps… Little, pathetic muggle children.


[filtered to the females]

Oh boy. Now, I ain't usually the type to gossip or ask for advice like this. But I hit a big old pickle, and I don't know what to do.

This place is so weird to begin, but this?

What does a girl do when she's got a boyfriend, but then a younger version of him turns up? I ain't the type of girl to be with more than one man at a time, and this is just... TOO confusing!

Jun. 14th, 2008


Filtered against baddies. After the massive haunting thread.

A hotel was burned to the ground a few nights ago. For those of you who caught it on the news and felt the urge to investigate the scene, I'm going to go ahead and tell you all that it isn't necessary. The hotel was haunted -- really haunted. People were trapped inside, there were spirits all over the place...let's just say that it was pretty messy in there. I'm over one hundred percent certain that I got everyone out of there before I went back in and started investigating on the source of the haunting. It was impossible to locate it. There were just so many spirits and so much going on that I couldn't possibly figure out what was going on. So I torched the place. It was the only way I could think of that would keep the spirits at bay. I'm pretty sure that whatever it was that drew them there was also destroyed in the fire as I went back and double checked the area, but I'm going to try and make it so that nothing is built there for a very long time. How? That's a pretty good question. I'll figure it out soon. Hopefully before someone gets the idea to start rebuilding on the property. Anyway, I just wanted to fill you all in. That way no one'll jump to any conclusions that might put you on a time consuming search for answers.

And Claire? Thanks a lot for the help. I really appreciate it.

Jun. 10th, 2008


I'm starving. Ginny, go make me food! GO GO GO!


McDonald's should be king of the world. No, really. It should! They have the best food I tasted in a long while. I like their fries. And cheeseburgers.

Never tasted anything like it in my life, but now I'm glad that I did. Seriously, they should have been serving us this stuff at Hogwarts.

Jun. 9th, 2008


Oops. I think I broke her.

Jun. 8th, 2008


fIReS aga I N


sing a song of s i x p e n c e
(blackbird has your nose?)
(has my TONGUE!!)


Filtered to Ginny )

Filtered to Peter Evans )

Can any of you muggles explain golf to me? Because I do not understand the enjoyment of this "sport" at all.

Jun. 7th, 2008


I'm remembering a lot of things.

Sorry. I don't think I'm who I used to be.


Thanks, Lavender.

[ooc: because we all know that he's the only one getting saved anyway. Also, yes, he so hugged her after the rescue. And then backed off very quickly.]

Jun. 8th, 2008


How many humans comment on this board?

Jun. 6th, 2008


Filtered to Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter.

I need a favor. Can one of you help? Or at least hear me out?


Well, I didn't know you could make this wrong of a turn in Hogsmeade. Interesting, that, because I've no idea where I am and I think the person behind the counter was right annoyed with me when he had to explain how to use this thing.

Jun. 5th, 2008


You lock me in a room that I can't apparate out of, and take my wand, but leave the computer. Real brilliant, yeah.

[Filtered to Harry]
Harry! This guy stole my wand and put me in some kind of room that's charmed so I can't get out. I may murder Ron the second I see him, just so you're aware.

Please help me

I'll help you, we help people. Bollocks. Multiple people are going to get stunned when I get out of here.

[Filtered to Ron]
If you can read this, please respond. I don't know if I should be worried sick or completely livid with you. I think it's both. Please be OK. I'm going to murder Luthor I can't lose another brother

If anyone can guess who's the top four targets on my list of people to be stunned, I'll give you a cookie, or cookies.

Jun. 4th, 2008


[Filtered to Hyperion Hotel Residents/Harry]
Alright. My brother just told me to go to your hotel. And he was nice about it, which means something is wrong. He was legitimately worried. If someone knows whats going on, start talking, because if something is happening, I need to know.

[Filtered to Albus]
You're OK, yeah? Nothings wrong with you right? Your safe? Please be careful, just please.

[Filtered to Harry]
Are you still living with Albus? ...can I come stay with you for a while?

I need to hex something, or hit something, or fly. Something.


[Filtered to Ginny]
Take care of yourself, okay? Stick with Harry. Go to the Hyperion. Please do that for me.

[Filtered against baddies/Ginny]
I'm in deep.

I'm gonna try to make a run for it. I should be headed toward the Hyperion. Give me two hours, yeah? If I'm not there by then...I dunno.

I never should have come here.

Jun. 3rd, 2008


Filtered to Ginny

I hope I remembered how to use this bloody thing

Gin, I need to speak with you, alone. Can we meet somewhere the others won't come?

May. 22nd, 2008


Vampires were supposed to be going into extinction. Looks like that's a different story here though.

I suggest raids. Find the nests, destroy them, and leave no one alive. That might help.

[Ruby + Dean]
I ran into a demon. That means that there are probably more running around here. Which also means that Lilith could be close by. I'm going to try to track another one down. Get some information. I accidentally killed the demon that I met before, so it'd be hard to ask him questions now. This knife is pretty awesome.


I ran into a bloke today and he said he was going to get all street on me. And that I was trying to play hard but I wasn't hood like he was. And he said he was going to shank me.


Dean. Did you know that you had a twin running here with a blue mohawk?

...and did you know that I have a twin running around here that's a freaking Harry Potter character?

That's it. This place is ridiculous. I'm drinking.

May. 21st, 2008


There's an awful lot of crime here.


There are days where I know, just know, that the human race eliminating itself by a half or more would be the best thing ever because humanity as a whole pretty well sucks. But then I drown myself in scotch, wake up, and realize that's crazy talk. As much as I might hate the world, there are still occasionally some things that make it worth making an effort to save lives. Not many, but there are a few.

God help me, though, this is getting a little old, kids. We get it. You're badass. You want us all to know so we give your tantrums some attention. And I'm just enough of a masochist to give that to you for a moment, because you have finally roused me from extreme apathy and made me care. This is by no means a small feat but you did it! Take a bow.

Did you take it? Yes, take it, we're all waiting. Okay, taken now? Good!

Now shut the hell up. If I'm going to be stuck here in Wonderland on drugs, I'm going to have it involve less of these gosh darn freaky pleas for attention.


The socialites were having a heated gathering last night at the Hotel Roosevelt and unfortunately it didn’t end well. I’m afraid one thing led to another and ultimately, the party died down and ceased to exist after an hour of festivities. It was quite terrible. I can’t even bring myself to imagine how they will ever manage to get the blood stains out of the carpet… It will take time, I believe.

Potter, you can think of this as a present from me to you. Fifty five gifts in all. They’re cold and as stiff as a door, but it’s the thought that counts. You should consider stopping by and having a look around. I’m sure it will bring back fond memories.

I feel rejuvenated. I think I'll have a good day.

May. 15th, 2008


I've been sort of bored, what with me being holed up in my hotel room all day long. Anyone for a game of word association?

Don't know what word association is? Well, it's basically a game in which a word is chosen, and then the contributing players state which word comes to mind directly afterward. You can only respond with a single word, but turns in the game are quite unlimited.

Want to play? Feel free to hop on in if you do.

Oh, and the starting word is: fish.

May. 13th, 2008


Filtered to Potterverse people he knows (sorry, no Tom!)

We've been trying to get on the same page (bloody hell, literally it looks like), but we're all from different times. We need to meet up, ALL of us, so we can figure out a way to fix this. Honestly, I'd like to see my kids grow up. It's reassuring to see they turned out rather decent, I have to say, but that's besides the point.

I heard that Sirius might have been seen?

(Private to Snape)
I'd like you to come as well, if you would. You're a hero, and everyone needs to know that, once and for all. she gone? From what I heard in the hotel here, another wave of travelers disappeared back to whereever they came from. Did you warn her?

Apr. 30th, 2008


I finally got a broom to fly correctly, it looks like. It still needs some testing. Ron? Ginny? Come test this thing. I think I've gotten it right this time, though. I sort of tried testing it myself, and I think I have a slight concussion. I'll duplicate the spell on other brooms as soon as I'm sure this one came out right.


.... Seriously?

Apr. 29th, 2008


I'm never drinking again.

Apr. 28th, 2008


Harry Potter.

It’s so nice to know that you’re here and well. I hope you enjoy the city while you still have the chance. You and I, we’ll see one another soon I suppose. Bring your friends along if you’d like. The more the merrier. We’ll see how many of them I can kill before I get my hands on you. It will be an unforgettable time. I’m sure of that, just as I’m sure of the fact that you won’t be able to stay away.

And here's a small warning: You might want to keep those brats of yours close. Who knows what they could get into. Los Angeles is a dangerous place.

[Private to Damien]

I gave you something and now I want something in return. I know that, being who you are, you won’t find this all that difficult.

As you might have read, Potter is now among us. Although I personally have done nothing to him, he’ll find it necessary to try to get rid of me. If and when he shows his face, I might be in need of your assistance, especially if he doesn’t come alone.


You know what I like? I like Quidditch. I like food, and family. I'm a big fan of the Great Halls ceiling. I'm a fan of hexes, and the Harpies. I also like the colours red, brown and green. I like the smell of my mothers cooking, and the Burrow. Shell Cottage is good too. Know what else I like? My boyfriend/future husband who is apparenty around here somewhere and yet I, personally, haven't heard from him at all (did he reply to you Ron?), and I can't take the suspense anymore. Harry, you may be from a different time than me but if I don't hear something from you soon, you are so dead.

Apr. 27th, 2008


I realize I scolded people for whining so much, but if anyone wants to have a little harmless fun.. Hit me up, yeah?

Unless you're from Gryffindor, because honestly I'm so prejudiced towards that particular house and I just can't meet up with you.

Apr. 26th, 2008


Harry! Everyone is saying that you're here! And that you're an old man!


I don't suppose anyone has developed a way in which some of us can get home yet, have they?


There was this demon thing, it was green, and smelled rank, with massive horns and I swear to Merlin those teeth could have cut through steel. My left side is a massive bruise. Note to self, stop going outside when it gets dark. They never fully taught us how to deal with those things in school. Though it's definitely not going to be attacking anyone else any time soon.

Her Hermione, have you had any luck with those brooms yet?

Apr. 25th, 2008


I just drank my weight in Sunny-D and now I have to pee like Seabiscuit.

Apr. 24th, 2008


This just isn't happening. There is not a movie about part of my life!

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