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Aug. 10th, 2008


Hyperion Filter

I contacted them. They are coming back with the Orb.

[ooc: Backdated to this]

Aug. 8th, 2008


Okay hey..

turns out I don't need to do the big confused what is this place intro. Had it all explained to me and discovered half my family are here, including some of it I never thought I'd meet and some of it I didn't even know existed. And apparently my folks were...but now aren't, or something...

So yeah, My names Anakin Solo, Younger brother of Jaina and Jacen, even more younger now since they got older and I...very much didn't. So who else do we have stuck in this place and what exactly are we meant to have been brought here for.

Also, am I gonna need credits and stuff, cause I'm pretty okay at working with technology.

Filtered to Jacen

You gonna meet me big bro? Talked to Jaina and, well I know what she says and I know its what she believes cause she wouldn't lie to me. But I want to hear it from you? Cause I can't kriffing believe you of all people would end up like that

Filtered to Amelia Solo

Hi, I'm your seventeen year old Uncle Anakin that should be dead.

We probably should talk

Aug. 7th, 2008


Hey y'all.

This might sound a little weird but is anybody familiar with time fluxes? I was tryin' to put together this device that could slow down an enemy and it was working just a second ago and the next thing I know I'm standing somewhere that's not my lab, it isn't working anymore, and some nice man just told me it's 2005, which can't possibly be right because it was February 2004 not August 2005 and this thing really shouldn't be working as a time hopper. It's just not designed like that so I can't really get back unless I figure it out.

And the lady at Wolfram and Hart's switchboard isn't forwarding me to Knox's extension. I think she needs a little manners lesson. OH! Angel, Wes, Charles, Lorne, Spike? Any of you guys read this? But not future me. If I'm reading me, don't reply! I don't want to know anything about the future and mess it up because that would just be horrible and I'd feel really bad.

This is a nightmare.

Aug. 6th, 2008


Filtered to Hyperion Residents and Angel Investitations

First off, NO ONE, and I repeat, NO ONE is to go off looking for Angelus and Cordelia without clearance from me.

We're a team here. We depend on one another, and lately, the lines of communication have been slipping. Slipping badly enough that I barely know what's going on under this roof. I'll admit that I haven't been as open as I should have.

That ends now.

We need organization, and we need to be working together. I don't need to know every detail of your lives, but when something is going on, we need to be talking to one another.

Now. Willow, Dawn, and Davy Jones are out, looking for an Orb to get a soul back in a vampire. The spells and shields hiding Angelus are extremely strong. If anyone knows a way to get through them, or has an idea of how to work around them, speak up.

Logan and Nathan are in the lobby, preparing to head over to Cordelia's apartment and see if they can track them down physically. If you want to help, meet up with them. If/When they find a trail, they will contact me, and I will help them continue on, with reinforcements.

Now, the Hyperion is on lockdown until further notice. Security system is on yellow alert, and no one is to leave on their own after sunset. Even those who have previously been permitted to go out at night, I want you in pairs, at least.

Aug. 4th, 2008


Mm, we live in a city full of demons. Those are obvious to even deny their existence, but what about angels. Do you believe in angels? They aren't as good as you might think.


Don't answer that. Heeh. I think I can already guess your answer.

[Lana Lang]

Hullo. Remember me, Lana? Coffee shop and cupcakes? How are you feeling tonight?


Is it true that my sweet liddle puddin' pop is here?

I do so hope to get my, ah, little signal working soon. And then we'll see if the BAT comes out to play.


First things first, My name is Bellatrix Black and no I'm not touching this disgusting excuse for a method of communication.

Muggle filth.

Least I managed to 'convince' one of them to make this work for me. He types quite quickly, possibly I've scared him.

But my question is really very simple.

What in blazes is going on?

Because I know I apparated right. I was meant to be going back to school right now and this most certainly is not it.

Jul. 30th, 2008



Sooo, who didn't go to storm into the castle tonight?

Jul. 29th, 2008


filtered to the Hyperion

Good job helping out with that fire, Clark. Thank you. Though it would be nice if the damn PTB would give us warning about regular arson attacks as well as the demon-possessed things.

Just keep in mind, everyone - the public at large still doesn't know about us and what we really do. I still think its best that we keep to that. Why they haven't noticed the abundance of unusual people appearing in Los Angeles, I have no idea, but I think for now, it's in our benefit.

Angelus is still laying low and untraceable. Has there been any luck in tracking down one of those Orbs?

Let's see what we can find out about this new "Harley Quinn" woman, okay?

Gabriel, add her into the database on the bad guys. That one must be getting pretty big by now.

Jul. 26th, 2008


This has been a very slow day for some reason. I suggest a game, as they usually go over so well. Name the movie the following quotes are from - bonus points if you can name who said them!

the quotes )

No cheating by looking on the internet for them. Or using superpowers. And feel free to throw in some of your own movie quotes to be guessed!


filtered to all good females

Okay, so are there any girls out there with lots of experience with vampires and demons? Because a certain male I asked is being a real bitch.

Jul. 23rd, 2008


Creation Vs. Evolution. Have fun with that debate.


Human kind had just began to evolve in the world. What did I do? Is this supposed to happen? Last time I created them from scratch. Would you take a look? I think I need a second opinion.

Jul. 20th, 2008


I killed vampires last night! I never got to destroy anything before because mom and dad never let me do anything fun like that. Kara took me to fight some huge guy named Goliath once but she got to bring him down and then she got in trouble for taking me.

Anyway, why are vampires so… easy to turn to dust? I squeezed one too hard and it just sort of happened and the other two were frozen and broke into a million pieces.

And someone said Lex Luthor was here? Is that true?


Oh dear, I really should have done this much sooner shouldn't I? I think I'll blame the fact I'm currently trapped inside a man named Peter's laptop, it does seem to effect things somewhat.

Any hello, my name's River Song, and yes like I said I'm currently trapped inside a computer and not for the first time either. I was rather hoping someone might have a means of getting me out? Peter mentioned it might be possibility and I dare say he's too busy with having an actual life to chase around after technical genii to attempt to release a woman he's only just met.

Of course this isn't the only reason I'm posting here, I thought I should probably introduce myself anyway.

Jul. 8th, 2008


Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name.


[Filtered to Lucifer]

Something's up with my...

Well, I think it is time I'm sincere with my hosts. Are you still interested in that dinner?

[Filtered to Damien]

How are you, Damien? Mm, I've something to show you.

Jul. 7th, 2008


Kal-El, respond to me. I know you are here and I’ve come to personally make sure that you have not been harmed beyond repair. We have things that must be discussed.

Kara, you too. Respond.


Sometimes I feel like my family could have it's own Soap Opera. It would sell, I'm sure.

[Private to Clark(younger)]
Umm..have you met the other you yet...?

And, what happened to Chloe? Is she at the Hyperion? If somethings going on, I'd really appreciate not being left out of the loop again.

[Private to the JL, Elaine, and Future Clark]
I covered my mirror in ice. I don't know what I did. I don't know how I did it. But there's ice. I mean, I knew I had a pretty strong lung capacity, but this is crazy.

And then I did it again to a lamp. I don't know what's going on. Anyone know when Diana's getting back...?

Jun. 27th, 2008


*insert maniacal laughter*

Oh..this just gets better and better!! It's been blissfully peaceful and I'm loving it!!! Stupid mortals!

Jun. 18th, 2008


I feel a bit weird now. I can't stop thinking about some things. I really wish Mark was here with me. He died at 13. It was after he learned some dangerous information, things which I would rather he heard from me than eavesdropping in his room. I honestly hadn't wanted him to die in the cold forest. It just.. happened. I asked him to come with me. He refused three times. I probably would have let him walk off. I was going to. But.. umm.. I don't know. It was like a haze, like you're there, but you feel like you're someplace else. Felt like something was going on, except there was a sense of having no control over it.

I've been at the center of some tragedy. Some have done it for me. But.. out of all of those, Marky is the only one that I truly feel bad for. He was a good person. I don't usually think of him all the time, just once in awhile. There are times when I feel that things around me would be much better if he was here with me. We were the best of friends. I can only imagine the fun times we could have in this crazy city.

And when I do think of him.. well, I can't describe it, the thoughts I have about him being gone. It's like having a cake, and noticing a big slice missing. And... I have no clue why I am even writing this. I'm certainly never one to talk about myself, especially about regrets.. and believe me, this is one of the big ones. Maybe it's this truth shit going around. But.. uhh.. Mark? If you can see me from where you are, if you know where I'm.. umm.. well. Okay, I'll just say it to you anyway: I'm sorry.

Jun. 17th, 2008


I'm an angel. I have no interest in souls, in evil, or in good for that matter.

Quite frankly, the lot of you amuse me with the ridiculous things you do.

You figure out if I'm lying.


I'm always going to be 'the cousin' or 'the other one' or the one who's constantly in the shadow of the boy she was suppose to help look after. I was an outcast at home, I'm an outcast here, and not matter how much I try, I don't think I'm ever going to be my own person. I'll always be connected or compared to someone who's better than me.

And I'm sorry I'm not the girl some of you know from other worlds. I didn't mean to let you down.

Jun. 16th, 2008


Okay, I don't know what in the Hell is going on.. and that's saying something. As to my use of the word Hell, I mean it both literally and figuratively. I have to confess my thoughts when asked. I cannot tell a lie. That is not a good thing. I know this from experience. Ohh, Mark, I miss you so much..

I can be truthful, but.. you know, not everyone needs to know our deepest secrets and desires. The whole world doesn't need to know everything under the sun. We even have falsehoods to protect others and ourselves. Like, for example: Hey, honey, does this dress make me look fat? Of course he won't tell the exact truth. Not if he values his nads.

I think it would be a good idea if those of us with secrets, it might be best if we kept our distance from those whom we wouldn't normally spill our guts to (like your enemies). I plan to do the same. Because really, life without secrets, where nothing is hidden? That life would be very dull and boring indeed. We must be very careful until this is all over.


So where's all the self-proclaimed big, bad and uglies? I don't think I've seen any yet. It's sorely disappointing.

Edit: And because I refuse to make another post just for this...what's with the mortals at the moment? I was just approached and asked if my 'codpiece' was as full as it looked. While I'm all for being forward and stating what's on your mind, even for me..that was a bit of a shock. It got me laid I'm not really complaining.

Jun. 10th, 2008


So...I guess I used to live here, I don't...really remember much, or anything actually. All I know is I'm here now and I don't really know what that means or who I am supposed to know or anything so yeah...

Jun. 8th, 2008


fIReS aga I N


sing a song of s i x p e n c e
(blackbird has your nose?)
(has my TONGUE!!)


Duck Quest Filter;

Well, good evening, everybody. Some know me, some don't. I'm Elaine Belloc of the Hyperion. Nice to meet you all. Mm, I want to talk about Peter. He needs help, more than he will allow us to give him and more than even he realizes he needs.

If you want to help him, come to my room tomorrow morning. [Number]. I'll tell you what you all can do about it. I like seeing my friends happy.


[Filtered to the JL]
Diana, I met this woman in the craziest outfit the other day. She was dressed like a cat, all black, had a big attitude problem. She knew me as Supergirl, so I'm going to hope you know her. Who is she?

[Filtered to Clark]
Are you sure you don't want me to try and help you fly? What's the worst that could happen? It's not like you'll get hurt.

I wish there was a farm in LA. I need something more to do with my time to keep my occupied. This city is frustrating. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Diners and coffee shop jobs are out of the question, I've had my fill. I'll just pick up the farm from Smallville and bring it here. Piece of cake.

Jun. 7th, 2008


I'm remembering a lot of things.

Sorry. I don't think I'm who I used to be.

Jun. 8th, 2008


How many humans comment on this board?

Jun. 7th, 2008


Xander hungry.

Xander want pizza.

Xander want friends to come eat pizza.

Jun. 6th, 2008


So I wanna know what the FUCK has Smallville so busy that he can't look after his supposed best friend. How the HELL did he let her marry SATAN? I really wanna fucking know.

Jun. 5th, 2008


So I've been a jerk lately. Basically to everyone. I was in a bad place and I had a lot on my mind. There was this thing that I had to get done, which was kind of life or death, and I think took care of it, so now...well, hopefully I'll be less of an ass.

I want to start fresh.

I'm Sam Winchester. I'm a hunter, I was born in Kansas, and I have an idiot for a brother.

Jun. 4th, 2008


Filtered to Lucifer

Soo... Are you going to tell me where did you go?

Jun. 3rd, 2008


Filtered against the baddies

Tomorrow we're holding a memorial service for Katara. It's going to take place at the Santa Monica Pier at nine in the morning. I've already spoken with some officials and after calling in some major favors they've agreed to temporarily close the area to the general public. Anyone who wants to be there is welcome to come and remember the brave young woman who gave her life to protect strangers who were in trouble.

{Hyperion Hotel Residents and Associates Only}
Following the service, we'll be having a meeting in the lobby of the hotel. Everyone is expected to attend unless you have a damned good reason otherwise.

Jun. 2nd, 2008


Filtered to Hyperion Residents

Seems like the Big Bads don't know I survived.

Let's try and keep that advantage as long as we can, ok?


I'm bored, so I present you all with a few pleasant moments of reading.

- During an hours swim at a public pool you will ingest 1/12 liters of urine.
- An average person's yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic hairs.
- In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects - while you slept.
- If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. If you keep your eyes open by force, they can pop out.
- You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.
- Modern teenagers are better behaved than their counterparts of 20 years ago, showing "less problematic behavior" involving sex, drugs and drink. (We win! We’re better. Deal with it.)
- The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it. (Think about that next time you're shoving a Hershey bar down your throat.)

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the human mnid aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already,
three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis; would you recommend that she have an abortion?

See what you just did! )

Jun. 1st, 2008


Time for a Game!

I love games. Famed for it, really. But that's another story, and my little brother is much better at stories than I am. In any case, here is HANGMAN!

The theme is... )

May. 31st, 2008


Er... I know I'm fairly new here, and not wholly familiar with this place, but... wasn't there a very large sign entitled "HOLLYWOOD" that was viewable from most every place in this city?

May. 30th, 2008


Hyperion Residents.

I've been staying with you all for a while, but I haven't really spent a lot of time making friends because I've been busy swinging around on webs because I've been a little distracted. I'd like to start doing that. So! Coming out of hiding here, I'm Peter Parker. I'm big on science, photography, wearing tights and chinese food.

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