March 4th, 2009

[info]batman2point0 in [info]paragraffiti

Is anyone good with electronics? ..Please say yes. Dante decided he was hungry. He wouldn't eat my veggies though at dinner I kept trying to sneak him and went straight for my headphones instead. I need new headphones but I can't even find these in this century anymore.

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Ben

Hey, How've you been?

[info]ex_littlegir701 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Harry Mason, Maria


I want to apologize to everyone. Especially to Sam. Not just because he scared me, although that's a reason. I said some horrible things to him, so I can't blame him for being angry. I said a lot of things I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have meddled in that. It was Alessa's problem, and I'm just some junkie nurse who doesn't know anything.

I'm generally not that stupid. At least, I hope not. I just tend to get overemotional sometimes. I don't really think before I do things, and it ends up costing me sometimes. So, you were right. I should have just stayed out of it. I want to apologize to them, because I really don't want them to keep attacking me forever. But they would just make fun of me, so I guess I should keep my mouth shut?


I pilfered some painkillers from the hospital. They helped, but I thought the effect would be stronger than it was. Maybe I should try mixing them with alcohol? ^_^

j/k (I'm not really going to do that. >_>) Not yet anyway.

[info]angelradio in [info]paragraffiti

Custom Filter*;

[*Filter includes: Hyperion Hotel, Winchester Household, Justice League, Filtered against Angels that might fall in those categories]

They're going to kill me for this. Oh wait. What else is new?

I know many of you are not exactly fond of God, not Elaine, the other one, but there is news that should be considered alarming.

She's missing. Gone. None of Her Angels can find Her. The last time this happened, it nearly ended very badly, based on what I'm hearing. It's quite possible that someone has managed to capture and confine God. Again.

And for those of you who think it might no be a bad thing, stop that mind track right now.

[info]scionofbalance in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against villains

[Filtered to the Hyperion]

Thank you for helping me with freeing my home from those vampires. If you need an extra soldier for any battle, you have my assistance.

[Filtered to everyone]

What kind of creature grows to gigantic size, consumes souls, and was around long before mankind? It's likely there isn't any evidence left as to the real story of my world's false deity, so I'm trying to see if I can find anything here.

Might anyone have more information about this?

[info]bastila in [info]paragraffiti

I want to know more about the "powers" that have brought us here. What is their purpose behind all of this? How arrogant of them to think that we do not have other important matters we were dealing with before being brought here!

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

against baddies.

It's official. After watching several "werewolf" movies, I have lost my faith in Hollywood, anything religions (because if there is a God, he/she/it could not possibly let movies like this exist!), humanity, actually pretty much everything.

Anyone want to go storm Hollywood with me? Show those bastards what a REAL werewolf is?

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Alastair

Is that why the ritual? Did you take down god. Lock her in her mortal shell?

Not gonna interfere, much as I despise you and I really do, I won't stray as far as to help her in any way.

Even a little impressed
Tags: ,

[info]godschosen in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Baddies

Do me a favor? If any of you see triplets with hockey sticks or a demon made out of shit, call a friendly neighborhood angel.

Oh, and by the way, we're probably all fucked.

[Filtered to the Winchester Family/friends, from Ben]
My anal-retentive attention to detail reminds me that you were the only ones who knew about Her mortal form. Just saying.

January 2010



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