January 23rd, 2009

[info]boy_scout in [info]paragraffiti


I'll be out in a bit, listening for any signs. If I hear or discover anything.. you'll be the first one I tell. I have the utmost confidence that you would find him.There are a lot of people besides us who would deal with Joker afterward, but I agree that finding Terry is more important for now. Is he grounded when he comes back

Alright, so as noticed by now due to that psychotic clown's message.. the younger Batman is missing. Joker has him. The JLA is working to find him. But anyone here, if they have tracking capabilities, or have any leads on Joker (since it will lead to the young Batman's location), or happen to come across anything on patrols.. please let us now asap. The info must get to the elder Batman.

Thanks for your advice earlier. I remembered you mention something about a simple locator spell? I don't know how it works, exactly. One of our own is missing. Well use any method possible to find him. So long as he is found and returned to us. We do have a powerful magic user from our universe, but help from anyone in this one would help. You also mentioned connections, so.. if they heard anything.. please inform us. I'll be resuming my search shortly.

[Winchester household, minus Ben cuz this is serious stuff]
I don't know if any of you have had run-ins with the Joker. He has taken Batman.. the younger one. Similar costume, but with a red bat on his chest. If any of you come across any leads at all, or hear anything from the streets or police radios, please relay it to Batman (and the JL, who will probably give it to him anyway). Joker will be dealt with.. but finding the boy first is important.

[info]ex_littlegir701 in [info]paragraffiti

I'm new in town, so...

Breathe, Lisa, breathe.

Okay, so Alessa told me to introduce myself. So, um, here it goes. My name's Lisa Garland. I'm from Silent Hill. I suppose most of you might not have even heard of that town, and the ones who have, it probably wasn't positive. You don't have to be scared of me or anything, though. I was just an ordinary person. I don't have special powers or anything, and I think I'm just about as average as you could find.

I'm trying to find a job right now. The Welcoming Center gave me some suggestions, but I thought I'd ask you guys anyway and see if you guys knew of anything that was open.

My studies were always in the medical field, even though I wanted to be an actress at one time. I really wish I had pursued that instead sometimes. Does anyone need a nurse at a local medical office or something? I'm a certified nurse of two years and have worked at a major hospital. I don't have any proof, but Alessa can vouch for me. And I think a man named Harry Mason can as well. I don't remember him, but he claims to have known me back in Silent Hill. My memory's pretty bad at the moment, so he's probably right.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all. I hope that doesn't sound too boring.

[info]notatypicallife in [info]paragraffiti

With all of the power in this city, there has to be a decent cold remedy, right? The all-mighty Zicam isn't cutting it this time.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

...Okay, I thought we were all on the same side here? I get that this is a place to vent, but seriously. It seems like we're doing more fighting eachother than anything else. I think everyone just need to chill. Get off the computer for a while before something is said that you'll regret. No that isn't a threat, that's just me throwing out suggestions and being tired of seeing people I care about at each others throats.

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

I have a question for people. If you once had power of some kind, could you ever go back to being weak ordinary?

[info]wellgosh in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to alema;

He's ready.

[info]brattyslayer in [info]paragraffiti

[Filter to Faith]

He shot you.

Why have I to be nice to this idiot again. I know he didn't mean it or got forced or whatever but what a damn hypocrite!

[Filter to Sam]

You shot her?

Mystical whammy you couldn't control wasn't it. Gee like maybe a demon who HAS NO CHOICE but to grant a wish made to her.

[info]_cullen in [info]paragraffiti

Could you all just try to get along for a day or two, all this yelling and anger at each other really hurts. I can hear you all and it's not pleasant. I'd take Mike Newton mentally drooling over Bella any day over this.

What I wouldn't give to have advil work.

[info]notstopfordeath in [info]paragraffiti

All these what would you do 'if' questions got me to thinking, so heres one for the masses.

If you could save people from death. Murder Victims, say, If there was a way to have the murderer give his life  so they could live. Would you do it?

Would it be justifiable to you?

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

I'm SO SICK of the constant hypocrisy and elitism in this city, but mostly the elitism. So most of us aren't from this world. Some of us have been here for over half a year, some a year or more, working just as hard as the rest of you to fight what's wrong in this city! The PTB obviously thought we were needed, they chose us, even if we didn't have all the knowledge. We're out there, saving lives and risking our own, just like you! If we weren't, more people would be dead, no matter how much you keep saying you know.

You want all this respect because you know so much, but where's the respect for the people who deserve it too because they fight just as hard, work just as hard to learn all they can?

Even you people who supposedly know everything and want to shove it down our throats all the time, you didn't always know it all, so why don't you deal or take your stupid 'I'm better than you' crap and shove it.

[info]dark_butterfly in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from baddies and psychos

I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.

Question. What's with all the drama on these boards? It seems like all everybody does is fight with each other about one thing or another.

Jeez, I thought my life was like a soap opera. I've got nothing on you guys.

Okay, on a different topic.

I need a job. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do. The last 'real' job I had was in an office, and I haven't been a part-time secretary in a very long time. Actually, Mary was that, but who the hell cares. I need a job, though. I can't exactly go around in my one outfit from Silent Hill and the few I've acquired stolen So, do you have any suggestions?

No sarcastic suggestions please, unless you think they're really amusing or racy. Racy is good. We could use a bit of lightening up.

Seriously, any help?

[info]ex_blind_ban334 in [info]paragraffiti

There're too many vibrations in this place. It's like the ground never stops moving. Makes everything clear to me, yeah, but too clear sometimes.

Guh, where's Aang when I need him? Can't seem to find anyone else here I know

[info]child_of_fire in [info]paragraffiti

And here I thought things couldn't get any worse. First he tries to kill me, then I get transported here. Magick wasn't supposed to screw up my life this badly.

Um...does anyone here know a Hunter Niall? Or has anyone heard of a town called Widow's Vale?

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

You're all acting like idiots.

This? Is not me trying to start yet another bitchfest. This is me giving all of you a virtual slap in the face so you come to your senses and quit all your whining and arguing. I'm definitely not saying we should all hold hands around a campfire singing Kumbaya, but come on already. Geez.

[info]iamall in [info]paragraffiti

Everybody stop yelling at each other. Please? Pretty please? We're all trying our best in our own ways. Why does everyone have to get so mad?

[info]notjustageek in [info]paragraffiti

I've been watching a few different TV shows the past couple of days and I've come to a conclusion.

People are finally starting to realize how awesome geeks are. You doubters best be respectin'!

[info]thenothing in [info]paragraffiti

Vampires, are they...'alive'?

[ooc: as Cassandra]

[info]littlepimp in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

[ooc: posted in the evening following this, so current time. What can I say, he's a kid, excited and wants to share.]

DEAN WINCHESTER IS MY DAD. The coolest guy in the world is my Dad.

This is the most epic and awesome day of my whole life.

[info]ex_phoebe63 in [info]paragraffiti

Paige? Piper? Leo? Cole?

Tomorrow is my wedding day and I somehow end up in Los Angeles, FOUR years into the future? I hate time-traveling.

Paige, if you're somehow responsible for this.... so help me, I'll

At least I have the Book

Anyone care to fill me in?

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

[against baddies]

Can you all just quit your bitching already. It's boring.

So. Who wants some firewhiskey? It cures all bad moods, makes you drunk instantly if you're a pansy and might even cure rashes.

I'm feeling charitable, so reply in the next two minutes and I'll give you a free bottle.

[info]thatstight in [info]paragraffiti

I found a tight leather jacket at this awesome store near the beach today.

There was a tortoise on the sidewalk it reminded me of Sarah.

[info]alwaysamask in [info]paragraffiti

what the hell did I take last ni
Los Angeles? How the
if I miss another differential, House is going to

Alright. I don't know what the hell is wrong with the website for Continental, but why can't I book a flight for Newark? The dates keep saying it's 2006.

[info]mslane in [info]paragraffiti

Oh my GOD I swear, I am having the day from hell.

First, as I was leaving my apartment complex, I slipped on... something, I don't even know what it was, and almost fell flat on my face. If there hadn't been a wall there to grab at and brace myself on, I'd have hit the pavement. Hard. Then, I get to the Press, try to open a document I saved yesterday, and something was wrong with it. Corrupted file or something. Yeah, there goes a story. Greeeat. When I came out of the editor's office after telling him the news, some... clumsy intern ran into me and spilled hot coffee all over my blouse. Nice. Really nice. So I had to go back to my apartment and change clothes. And during lunch, I found a random blonde hair in my salad, probably courtesy of the chef. Thanks, blondie, ya ruined my meal. Oh, and to top things off, on the way home, I broke a heel. Fell right on my ass, and some stupid teenagers were watching and laughing.

Have I mentioned how much I HATE this place?

January 2010



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