January 24th, 2009

[info]iamall in [info]paragraffiti

So! I had a challenged issued. Well, not really issued, but it seemed like a fun suggestion so I decided to do it. But, anyways, I have a challenge to associate people with nursery rhymes. I don't have one for everyone, but I figured I would do a few key people that I've seen and/or know about this place.

So, for your viewing pleasure and a few laughs that we've been sadly missing, the city in rhyme!

peter petrelli - various jacks )

sarah petrelli - little bo-peep )

niki sanders - old woman who lives in a shoe )

adam monroe - the crooked man )

xander harris - georgie porgie )

the lion & the unicorn - YOU GUYS PICK! I couldn't decide who was fighting more! )

dean winchester - simple simon )

And the one who started it all:

sam winchester - the girl with the curl )

[info]gul_dukat in [info]paragraffiti

Captain Harkness,

There is an old Cardassian custom that the captain of a ship acts as host to those on board. But since we both lack the command of a vessel I think we should still have a drink. I do need one anyways. What do you say?

[info]originalpink in [info]paragraffiti

Rangers + Kat

I don't mean to be the the pessimist, or the downer, but guys, it looks to me like we're down a leader.

This, is not good. I think Mack is gone, personally. Maybe back home? Because otherwise we would have got some warning that he's in trouble. We really, really, need a leader. We're already bad off in this city, no one takes us seriously because of that stupid television show. We're so much better than what we're getting credit for.

Tori? We're you second in command? Are you second in command? I heard that last time, everyone elected a leader. I think we might have to do it again.

[info]lovemesomepie in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies and ben

So I think it is weird that people throw baby showers for new kids but don't do anything for older ones, and I was thinking that we should do something to fix it. We just found out Ben's my son, so I was thinking we should throw Ben a welcome to the family party. What do you think?

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

Let's try something different.
Something that doesn't involve people getting ups
Hey, does anyone want to solve a couple equations with me? Fun times!
Oh, wait. No one likes

Anyone feel like playing one of those games where you ask each other random questions?

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered from....children (except mac, because he's already seen)



EDIT 2: This actor. Is ridiculous. He was on a show called GILMORE GIRLS.

EDIT 3: Dean - Days of Our Lives.
7th Heaven.
Sweet Valley High.
Dawsons Creek.

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

I can't sleep...I don't know why and I wonder if I'm sensing something or...

Maybe I'm reading too much into a bout of sleeplessnes

Nothings going on, Jacen would have sensed it long before I did.
I just don't understand why
Should get him to put me out for a few hours possibly.

[info]demonvanguard in [info]paragraffiti

It hasn't taken very long to figure out why I'm here. One walk down the street demonstrated all I need to understand. It's going to be different this time. I'll do as he asks, but only to keep him away. This city can be cleansed, but perhaps blood won't be necessary at first.

[info]therealcaptjack in [info]paragraffiti

Amazing. Can't tell you the number of people who have asked me to get a drink with them since I got here.

Not going to complain either.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti


[info]galacticsaviour in [info]paragraffiti

This city never ceases to bemuse me.

[info]ageofthegeek in [info]paragraffiti

Hold up, wait a minute. Alright, so I get that these PTB want to bring us out of our times. And I can get my head around all this vampire and demon and comic characters stuff.

But making me have to start again on WoW, and with only the 2006 servers? That's just cruel my friends, damn cruel.

I only just got the 2008 expansion pack.

[info]firstofthenew in [info]paragraffiti

Migraine. Probably seventy-five percent outside-induced. You leave for a few weeks and forget how much arguing goes on here. It's predictable, given how many different worlds are represented, but still..

Private )

One would think, with as many people actively patrolling this city, there would be fewer (evil-intentioned) vampires and demons than there had been a year ago. But no. Not even close. I suppose it's to be expected, though. The universe has its ways of keeping balance.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti


[info]itsaliiiiiive in [info]paragraffiti

Good God, what is wrong with people?

My cough has turned bloody, but at least my fever's mostly gone and I can keep something down, now. Water, mostly, of course, but still.. it's a start. Dave would probably tell me I'm an idiot.

I've hit a dead end in my research. The equation is resulting in imaginary numbers, strings of questions, and yes/no. Thankfully, I've found other pursuits to distract myself when I'm frustrated like this. Alternate timelines within a certain dimension are possible, aren't they? I'm beginning to believe so. People have left and come back and they remember things. That means their knowledge of events that occurred here were carried back to their own dimensions. Knowing that, how could that not change their perception of their world, the people they know, and their own existence? --But then, that's the point, isn't it?

There's a theory of time travel that I think is interesting. It goes something like this: a future that's already written is unchanging. After all, were you to travel back in time in order expressly to change the future, it's inevitable that you yourself may be changed; a paradox, and therefore an error in reality. What if the change you create is so great as to write yourself out of existence? Does the change even occur, then, without you there to create it? Thus, it's proposed that reality has a kind of self-defense it might use in such an instance. --Those that do said travel and write a change into their future, as well as said changed future, are split off into a branching timeline, whereas the original goes on unimpeded.

If that's so, how many dozens of versions of the same world might there be in some dimensions? Surely others in other places have discovered time travel at some point. Cameron, for instance, is living proof of that.

And how depressing is it, if this is true-- the people the traveler loves, the reason he or she risks time to begin with, aren't changed, after all. Rather, an identical, alternate copy of of those people and things is created. You may never again see your mother/father/wife/husband/brother/sister/child/etc, but instead another version of that person.

It's a bit chilling.

Mantis brought me some sort of cold-medication, so between that and my runaway thoughts, please ignore anything that doesn't make sense. It makes sense to me, which I suppose is really the important thing. And typos. Ignore any typos. I'm really rather too tired to go back and fix them.

Perhaps I'll fix them later.

.. Probably not, though.

[info]intheclock in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Baddies

I guess the Joker wasn't enough.

[JLA Filter]
We'll stay concentrated on the Joker and Terry for now, but this...

Just keep an eye out.

We need to talk. Again. And hope she's not hiding another child...

[All posted as Oracle]

[info]thebigbad in [info]paragraffiti

Oh! So you're all having problems with each other, eh?

I know how to solve them easily enough.

Cage matches, anyone?

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against baddies, and Talia.]

It's no secret that throughout the course of history there have been numerous attempts to cleanse the world. I speak of course about Earth, but I can only imagine that it's the same scenario with other worlds.

And I can only imagine that the scenario is the same. A society of downtrodden people lament over their fate, and pray, or hope for things to go better. Rising from out of the muck is the self appointed 'leader' (or king, queen, god, whatever you prefer) who makes the promise of making the world a better place.

At first he or she will perform tasks to lead the people into believing them with their heart, mind, body, and soul.

Then comes the great promise; all of societies ills, weaknesses, misery, sickness, pain, suffering will magically disappear; and all that needs to be done is a thorough cleansing.

I won't lie. It would be wonderful to be in a place where there was no pain, sadness, what have you. But I can't be the only one to realize that such a dream is only that; a dream; a pipe dream if you prefer.


[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to the Hyperion]

Not sure who else has seen this, but there could be a new potential threat in town. I know, just when we need another one. not sure how big an issue she may be yet, but I got the heads up from someone else from her world that she may be more dangerous than she's letting on, so we may want to keep an eye on her for a while.

[info]thescout in [info]paragraffiti

Saturday night, five Sam Ads down, I'm feelin' alright,  what is UP, Los Angeles?  How're people doin?  What's the haps? However kids say it these days, I don't fuckin' know, I ain't from around here.

Me, I'm just chillin'.  Finished up my patrol and everything.  Ain't dead again yet.

January 2010



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