January 21st, 2009

[info]nomia in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Remus

Ladies, if you've ever wandered off to smoke pot with a vampire and a demon I'd recommend not telling that to the father of your child, because it doesn't go over all that well.

Apparently I should be getting out more. It's not as easy as all that, but I reckon it's true.

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Jacen and Luke

Great, Just kriffing wonderful. Its going to be one of those days.

[Filtered to Peter]

He's coming here??

I understand you were close with him, I even understand why, believe me I do. But you have to understand how Jacen will view this, how much his Uncle being here, even a younger version than would know of Caedus will get to him.

He really is trying you know. This...well it won't help.

[info]firstofthenew in [info]paragraffiti

.. All right, now. All this dimension-hopping is getting a bit tiresome. Going from a jungle planet to Los Angeles in the middle of winter is not a pleasant experience. Wasn't it summer just a few weeks ago?

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

What is it about here that means I can't take a walk around the park at a reasonable hour without being accosted by men? I never had that problem at home.

[info]originalpink in [info]paragraffiti

Rangers + Kat

Has anyone heard from Mack yet?

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Peter and Nathan]

We need to talk about this Jedi thing before it gets insane.

Jacen's close to snapping and Mantis is not helping. He's freaking shit-stirring Peter and TK doesn't deserve this.

Frankly, I don't give a half crap if Luke and Jacen kill each other. What I'm not prepared to do is watch one of my best friends go through losing the man she loves.


We need to stop this before it gets to the stage where I'm breaking skulls.

[info]shhhhh in [info]paragraffiti

Bored, bored, bored. I have high scores on all the pinball machines at the arcade and I bowled a perfect skeeball game yesterday. That's only my third one ever!

I hate when I get this good. It takes a lot of the challenge out of it and it usually means my vacation's almost over. I don't wanna leave though; it's nice, sleeping on the beach.

[info]mirtagev in [info]paragraffiti

I never ever get bored of watching jetisse squabble. I really don't.

I swear it should be a pastime. Certainly is among Mando'ade.

Should sell tickets.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti


three hours of sleep is not fun. Woke up at least four different times last night until I finally just gave up. Dreams are tiring and weird.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Two months. Wow.

Still need an officiant, a florist, and some kind of music. We've already got a caterer and a photographer. Um. Sam, you need a suit. So do the groomsmen and best man. And the maid of honor and bridesmaids need dresses. I guess then, maybe...some kind of hair and makeup session? Do you have to do that? And then there's the cake, but that shouldn't be too hard. And the registry and gifts and the rings and the parties and the honeymoon.

...You know, I wasn't this stressed reading the baby books. I think I'll go back to that.

[edited in;]

Anyone in the wedding itself (Sam, Jo, Faith, Alessa, Jack, Castiel, Dean) refer to this comment thread for important info!

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

Private to Ron

You do know if you don't have your comments private, I can read them, don't you?

[info]littlepimp in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

I hate waiting for stuff.


[edited in later]
Dear God,

Hi, this is Ben Braeden, but you know that. So, I wanted to know, if you're reading this, and because Eve said you wouldn't ignore me, is my mom okay? I've been gone forever for her and she didn't really have anyone besides me around all the time.

And Dean, he's my Dad, right? I'm just like him and other people think he's my Dad and you gave me my own guardian angel and stuff, and I know that's not just because I was kidnapped because Molly and the other kids were too and you didn't give them angels, did you?

Oh, and can Cas have a day off tomorrow?

[info]honestlyronald in [info]paragraffiti

filtered away from hermione / mum / ginny.



[info]psycho_mantis in [info]paragraffiti

He is here again. No Dark Man.

You cannot remain hidden from him for long-- when here, he knows what I know.

And you know him so little.

[info]intheclock in [info]paragraffiti

JLA Filter

Terry McGinnis is missing and Batman suspects the Joker's behind it.

I hardly have to explain the urgency that comes with this and I really would like to avoid explaining Jason Todd again and we need as much attention put on this as possible. It's bad enough the Joker's had him this long.

Spread this to anyone you can trust. We need the eyes. I don't care so much about finding the Joker as I do about finding Terry.

[ooc: late post is late.]

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti


...who the hell is Alizer? I wonder if it's some sort of anagram. I wouldn't normally obsess over a word, but this one just came to me, and now it won't leave.

In an attempt to be like someone with a little resemblance of normalcy I went to see a movie. Hostel.

Best comedy ever. Okay, it was somewhat entertaining, but my main thought through out it? This is really boring, stupid, and gross.

[filtered to Heather]

That latest arrival from Silent Hill? The one that's not Lisa? I can't put my finger on it, but there's something kind of off about her.

[filtered to Lisa]

Lisa, I made something for you. It's a necklace which contains a special type of ward. It'll keep Valtiel away from you physically, and it will prevent him from encroaching in on your mind.

[info]dontgiveuponme in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Peter, Nathan, & Sarah Petrelli.

I have something that I want to talk to you guys about. Would it be all right if we met in the kitchens for awhile? It's not really something I want to say over the boards.

And Peter, since I already promised, it's not talk of leaving. Cross my heart.

January 2010



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