December 23rd, 2008

[info]ex_sinofthef307 in [info]paragraffiti

I’ve never had a Christmas before. I am sort of looking forward to it.

Filtered to God
Hello God. I was wondering if I am counted as one of your creations.

[info]walks_again in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Peter Petrelli]

Happy Birthday, Peter.

I'm holding your presents hostage until I get hugs.

[info]mamapetrelli in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to the Hyperion sans Peter.

So. Last minute surprise party, anyone? I've already put a cake in the oven. Keeping Peter away from the kitchen shouldn't be too difficult a task.

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

[filtered to God]

I'm going to go with the assumption that you know who I am. Since you're supposed to be God.

...then again. Considering recent events, you may not have been paying attention.

My name is Peter. Nine months ago, I was pulled out of my own timeline, and brought here. Not by you, but by the Powers That Be. Before I was here very long, I was put in charge of the fight against evil, named the new Champion by the Powers. My responsibility is to defend and protect the people of this city.

This is where you come in. Frogs. Flies. Plagues of the biblical variety. Unfortunately, there's no Moses here to tell us what to expect. No safety for the innocents of this world. Your plagues are hurting us all, but your focus is on whom? An angel and a demon? Punishing them for something that it seems not even you could control?

There are nearly ten million people in this city. Ten million suffering your wrath. So here I am, to speak for them. Asking you to stop.

I'll wait for your response.

[info]warriorofgod in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to God]

I confess I do not understand. Perhaps it is being human that gives me a different perspective but for the first time you confuse me.

Why do you focus so much on this? On Sam and the Winchesters? Yes, Dean is one of your Chosen Warriors, but there are others here as well. The term 'Powers That Be', we both know is merely an aspect of yourself.

So why when the Champion is kidnapped did you do nothing?
Why when both of the Slayers have felt the sting of being removed from heaven, do you do nothing?
The vampire with a soul suffers and yet you do nothing.

These people, and all those who fight with them, have so many questions and suffer through so much and yet you ignore them. They put their lives on the line every day, and as much as they do not realize it, they do it in your name.

Yet it is the Winchesters who's every move you watch. Their family who you torment. You tell them lies about their fight, and hinder other attempts. On the one hand you talk of non interference, but on the other it seems they cannot even breathe without you interfering.

And it all makes me wonder, why?

I still love you, still worship and adore you, and even with these plagues that will not change. But I cannot help but see the other side here. You are jealous. And it's petty.

[info]black_as_sin in [info]paragraffiti


What's this thing called Christmas that I see plastered everywhere? Don't get it, but I bet a greedy long since dead someone I know would love it.

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

You have got to be kidding me.

So "God" is here, and isn't that just a fucking joke. Because you know what I think? I think "God" lost the right to have any say over this world a long time ago.

Last night, on patrol, I ran into this kid. Couldn't have been more than 5 years old and she'd been turned into a vampire. Because some twisted fuck thought it would be funny. And where the hell was "God" when I rammed a stake through her heart?

What the fuck is the point in any of this? Why the fuck was I Chosen to be the Slayer for this supposed divine being who never cared enough to give a crap about me or this kid. Or any of the other kids that get munched on by the demons here. But hey, a good guy is trying to do what's right and this "God" sees fit to take some time out to make him feel bad about it?

I always thought that what my drunken whore of a mother used to tell me about the Bible and everything wasn't true, it couldn't be because surely "God" couldn't be as hate filled as that violent bitch. But hey, sorry Mom, looks like you were right all along.

Well fuck that. Fuck that.

That's it. I'm done.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered away from God(s), Dahlia, and Uriel]

As a little girl I was taught, made to believe that God was this wonderful benevolent being who would someday come back to Earth, and make everything better. I was only five, or six years old, but I truly believed everything that my mother and the others said about God.

Living with God from age seven to fourteen quickly changed my view on 'her'. 'She' was nothing more than a spoiled, childish brat. A parasite who needed to feed constantly from it's host.

New decade, new place, new life.

God arrives here. I become weary, but I'm assured that She's not the same One I dealt with. Here she is causing plagues, for what purpose? Is She genuinely pissed, or is She just doing it, because causing plagues gets her off?

Is it possible for one to be both the Holy Mother and the Whore? Is it possible for one to be the Messiah and Anti-God?

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Castiel

This is so messed up

I don't want you to feel guilty for it, they all know its not you, say its not me either..

and you I feel about you about what you did, the choice you made to be with me.

I love...

Are you okay?
Tags: ,

[info]knivesandreo in [info]paragraffiti

Some little old lady hit me with her cane at the mall. How is that even fair? It's not like you can fight back, she's just a little old lady with a cane so you pretty much just have to take it. Christmas makes people crazy.

[info]simpletailor in [info]paragraffiti

Still looking for that special gift?
Tired of waiting in long lines for subquality merchandise?
Looking to treat yourself to something fun and fabulous for the new year?

Don't let the hustle and bustle of the holiday season get you down!

Come to Garak's Clothiers, where every item is unique and every customer walks away satisfied!

Open extra hours through the New Year.

Wednesday is Name Your Price day!

Walk-in alterations welcome. Guaranteed complete within the hour or your money back!

[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

You know, that eggnog stuff isn't half bad. inspires a little more holiday spirit.


Time, address, and want us to bring anything?

[info]mrswinchester in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Ruby

Do you have plans for Christmas, Ruby?

[info]one_ranger_army in [info]paragraffiti

...I think I have a boyfriend.

Anybody wanna fill me in on how this sorta thing works? Not like I have any experience with it. Never really wanted to before.

[info]its_the_hate_ in [info]paragraffiti

Pretty amazing that a holiday centered around peace, and good will towards mankind, causes people to become violent.

Not looking forward to tomorrow, or Christmas for that matter.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

I don't want to think about God. I don't want to think about plagues of frogs and flies and smiting and all that. Just let me listen to this over and over until New Year's. )

[info]mrswinchester in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to John, Dean, Sam, Heather, Jo, Mary, Bobby, Ben, Harry, Castiel, Ruby, Cox, Faith, SBC!Claire

We'd be honored if you were all at the house for supper on Christmas eve. Of course, you're all welcome to stay for Christmas as well if you don't have other plans, but there will be a special surprise after Christmas Eve dinner.

Filtered to Sam
Dean told me not to fawn over you too much this year, but I think he's being a grinch. Would you be opposed to wearing a pair of reindeer horns for a family picture?

Filtered to Dean
Go easy on the egg nog. There's no need to get THAT drunk this year, son.

Filtered to John
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't cover this house in mistletoe. Thank you for doing this.

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the Hyperion + friends/allies.

I know we've got a pissy God on our hands who's sending plagues at us left and right, but there's still a hell god by the name of Glory wandering around, too. Remember her? The one who wants to rip the universe in half, right along with my sister?

Anyway, it's almost Christmas, so I'm not gonna go and demand an attack when I know a lot of you have other plans. I could take or leave Christmas, but And I sure as hell need help, so But I'm letting you all know that I've got a weapon. The sword of an angel. Bartleby lent it to me, and I'm ready and willing to try it out when I have sufficient backup. Which would be after the holidays, I know.

Just putting it out there.

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Peter Parker;

I know you left because being at the hotel was hard without Mary Jane, but I was wondering if you'd at least come for Christmas Day? We're having gifts in the morning and dinner in the afternoon, just a (hopefully) nice, non-disastrous day.

If you and May have other plans, I understand, but we'd love to have you here with us.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Egg nog. I used to hate it.

January 2010



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