December 22nd, 2008

[info]time_fiend in [info]paragraffiti

Hey Spikey guess who is still alive? And drunk

I have booze…lots and lots of booze. Booze? Orgy? Come on you wankers! I think it time for a party!

[info]wellgosh in [info]paragraffiti

The plagues! Oh, this is exciting!

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to "Claire Sullivan"

Look...if you're not Lois, I can accept that. But if you are...I got you something. For Christmas, I mean. If you want it, just drop by.

[info]indiana_android in [info]paragraffiti

So...Christmas...not really looking forward to it this year. I saw something I wanted to get for someone I love, but...I can't afford it. This sucks.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Sappy? Corny? Embarrassingly girlish? I DON'T CARE.

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Mary;


I mis wanted to was just wondering how everyonething is?

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

I hate Christmas.
Rudolph, I'm going to break your little shiny nose.
Frosty, you suck.
Santa, you never came when I was little.
Dad, thank you for all of the CRAPPY Christmas' you gave me and Dean.
Dean, thank you for stealing those barbies for me.
God, why are you giving me a headache, you're supposed to make me feel bet
LUCIFER DOES NOT OWN ME. Insert one of those angry anime faces here or something.

New Year's. Pretty awesome.

[info]nightherald in [info]paragraffiti

We confess ourselves confused, The insects aren't ours. Still, perhaps they will be friends nonetheless.

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Ron

I was told by your mother to go ahead and clean your room. I couldn't help it, you knew the mess would get to me eventually. And don't give me the 'oh but I know where everything is' excuse about why it's a mess, everything's far more easier to find now. And if you can't find something then it's easy enough to ask politely. And how long exactly has the majority of those things been lying on the floor!

And, well...I'm sorry if you're disappointed in what I get your for Christmas. It's hard when you can't leave the house.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

Flies? This is going to be wonderful.

[Filtered to Dahlia]

I hate you.

[filtered to Gabriel]

You don't know me very well, but there's something I need to say.

I'm sorry.

[filtered to Heather]


[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Mansion Residents

[ooc: Which would be Bart Allen, Linda Lang/Kara Zor-El and Jack Landors for those of you who don't know/are too tired from holiday hijinx.]

I'm going to start putting the presents under the tree. Opening comes on Christmas Eve after dinner (meaning don't make plans), so NO PEAKING! This means you, Bart. And possibly Jack as well. I mean it, no peaking. I'm trying to enjoy this holiday, despite my former fiancé.

[info]sucklifeforce in [info]paragraffiti

Drinks, anyone?

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Ruby.

We need to talk.

[info]shhhhh in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to: Uriel

These computers are horribly useful. Anyway.

Our strategies may call for... tweaking. How many have you visited in dreams?
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January 2010



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