December 3rd, 2008

[info]talbotb in [info]paragraffiti

Honestly, I'm far too exhausted for having been working beach houses the past two weeks. Heard from a few of my contacts that a certain demon has been taken care of? Brilliant. I do mean that.

And now I think I've a need to go sleep for a week.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to GOD.

Uh Hi.

Look. Ruby doesn't mean anyone any harm. I don't think Castiel does either.

...can't you give them a break?

[info]ex_girlsuper149 in [info]paragraffiti

The lack of respect people have for each other around here is disgusting.

Now go ahead, tell me I'm childish, and that I couldn't possibly understand. Prove my point.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

It's after midnight, so.

Happy birthday to me, I guess.

[info]ex_onlygirl487 in [info]paragraffiti

When we find you, I'm going to make you wish you were never born, created, turned, made, or whatever the bloody hell it is that made you, you filthy, disgusting, childish, pathetic excuses for creatures.

[Filtered to Family/Friends/Allies]
...there was a parcel found outside. It's Hermione's wand. I don't know what to do...they're hurting her.

Four days. That's all we have.

[info]whowillsaveme in [info]paragraffiti

This is fucking ridiculous. Either I'm dead, or I'm alive. Make up your goddamn mind. I don't appreciate getting dragged out of and then back into the darkness. Once is more than e-fucking-nough.

[info]atouchthatkills in [info]paragraffiti

... I really hope someone can explain to me how I wound up clear on the other side of the country, because the last time I checked Los Angeles wasn't nowhere near New York. I'd also really appreciate it if someone could point me to the fastest way to get back to New York. I had a funeral to get to previous engagements that I really can't miss.

[info]warriorofgod in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Ruby]

We should talk.
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[info]brokenmirror in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Peter and Sarah]

I know things are insanely busy with you two at the moment, but I was hoping I could get some quick advice? This kid has arrived, called Jake. He's by himself at the moment so I've brought him to stay with me- I don't recognize his speech patterns though, I don't suppose one of you can help me figure out when and where he came from can you?

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

Odd question I expect but what sorts of things are there to do in the city. Recreationally I mean. With everything else going on I appear to have neglected that aspect of things a great deal.

{Filtered to Faith}

With Caedus causing problems, Allana here and now all this business with that bug addled harlot. I have been a little out of sorts. I feel it is time to reconnect with my friends,How have you been? And how is Kyle.

[info]ex_ascended201 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against Lilith and the 'child' from the park

Is Lilith the only known demon running around in a child's body attracting attention in this place?

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to god

Any reason in particular you've hated me all my life.

Cause I wasn't a demon when you thought hey. lets wipe out half the world with the most horiffic plauge I can think of between games of ye olde skeeball.

But I dealt with it, not in a fun way but I dealt with it. And I will deal with this.

I'm not walking away. Not for another whim.
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[info]black_as_sin in [info]paragraffiti

Come out come out where ever you are....

[info]shhhhh in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to castiel

You will control your companion and remind her of who I am. Or her head might go BOOM!

You will watch for the sign that calls you and your brethren to me, but not approach a moment before I seek you out. Or your head might go BOOM!

You will remember your mission and the trust I put in you when I sent you here without Uriel. Or humanity might go BOOM! and then I'd have to start over.

You will follow the orders of the Lord, your God.

January 2010



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