November 21st, 2008

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

[filtered against baddies.]

I hate having insomnia. Something tells me that I won't be going to sleep until 3 AM - 4 AM. I imagine that I should do something constructive with my time. Painting something might do some good. Actually, I wonder where I get my artistic side from. My mom used to have a piano in our old house, and I am trying to remember if she ever played it.

I think she did. I mean what's the point of having a piano if you're not going to play it?

Now I want to listen to some music.

[Sam Winchester]

Did you ever find Heather?

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

For the first time in a while I'm thinking clearly. I haven't had nightmares or hallucinations now for a couple days and actually managed some sleep last night. I'm tired of being so empty and angry. So I've started doing something positive for someone else and I feel like a huge weight has just been lifted. I started helping again, and not just patrolling..this place I think needs more than that.

Faith )

spike )

Buffy )

[info]mslane in [info]paragraffiti

Ugh. I feel like I'm dying. From the inside out. I haven't been to work in two days, haven't eaten in one, and haven't really been out of bed since this morning. This isn't exactly good, is it? *curls up and contemplates writing out her last will and testament*

I miss him so much, I think I've made myself sick.

[ooc: Strike can be hackable by friends.]

[info]whiteeyes in [info]paragraffiti

I think I broke it.

Oops. Oh well.

[info]call_it_friendo in [info]paragraffiti

L.A. is strange. Someone tried to bite me and shooting them doesn’t work. Will I become a creature too or I need to get a shot for rabies?

[info]his_sister in [info]paragraffiti

You people complain too much.

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Peter Petrelli

You have a problem grave enough that I am contacting you. This seems to be happening more than I'd like.

...Its Miss Chase.

She has, inadvertantly found herself manipulated into an....into some kind of involvement with Darth Caedus. Now I don't know how much you know of him, or of who he was before his fall.

Its a tale I don't particularly wish to recount again.

Either way I can tell you that I know him. I know what he is capable of and I suspect Miss Chase has decided to confront him over his deception herself. He destests betrayal and he may well consider it as such. Even if he doesn't he will continue to twist things, lie and manipulate her into looking the other way, overlooking things.

So I have no choice but to betray him again warn you.

Stop her.

[info]pyramidcylon in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against the bad guys]

I don't know about the rest of you, but I need a distraction. There's too much insanity going on around here.

So I'm putting together a Pyramid game. Frak it, if I could build a court of Caprica after the genocide, I can build one here. I've even found a space and it'll be done by tomorrow morning. If you want to come down and join in I'll be grateful forever. [ADDRESS]

Here's the basic Rules

[info]betterthanmost in [info]paragraffiti

The Weir )

OOC: Thought it might be time for Scorpius to break the news, since it's not really a secret anymore. Plus it'd be cool to see the reactions of some HP pups.

[info]babysolo in [info]paragraffiti

I will never understand the way some of the people in this city can be so blind to the dangers out there. Even if I didn't know about vampires, demons, and everything else, you can bet if someone was trying to eat me I wouldn't be standing there just staring at them while they did it! Kriffing idiots, every single one of them.

Scorpius )

Draco )

Peter Petrelli )

[info]mamapetrelli in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the Hyperion.

Has anyone seen the younger Claire? She isn't in her room, and I haven't been able to find her in any of the communal rooms of the hotel.

[info]ex_sonofkryp215 in [info]paragraffiti

I'm beginning to think that I need to interact with more people here. I've been so busy with I don't know many of you and I'm certain that many of you don't know me. In a city like this one, I think that it would be wise for those of us who are capable of being friendly and polite to interact with one another, don't you? Stay away from the bad things and instead focus on the good. I certainly can't sit around and claim that I am the good that you need in your life, but at the very least, I hope that I can become a friend.

I thought about telling you all a few things about myself, but I decided to do something different instead. There were a few surveys floating around the office today (I was applying for work) and I decided to fill one out, just to entertain myself a little. Feel free to do the same. It may be a good way for us to start talking!

Survey. )

[info]wecanbeheroes in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Mom!

Where are you?

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to friends/family.

Found them.

Get your stuff together. Holy water, weapons, rocksalt, everything. We're to meet at this [address]. Be there by nine, otherwise I'm going in without you.

Dean, Dad, Bobby, Ruby, Faith. That means you.

[info]ex_pug279 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to draco.

I saw Scorpius' posting. ...Are you okay?

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Castiel

Talking to Sam recently I realised something.

They don't know a hell of a lot about Lilith, Lucifer, the Seals. I explained what I could but have a different perspective don't you. Things I might not know that they need to.

Can we compare notes. From very far apart with no threats of smiting?
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January 2010



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