November 7th, 2008

[info]dontyoujustwish in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against the bad guys]

I have noticed something lately. And it has perturbed me. Now we are currently a Slayer down (and yes I know I played a part in that) so I feel a little pop quiz is in order.

If you're a native of this world, you're disqualified.

And looking up the answers is cheating. If you're in a fight you won't have the time to look up the answers in books, so don't do it now.

Question 1. Give me three ways to kill a vampire.

Question 2. What kills a Fyral demon?

Question 3. If you shoot a Strom demon in the face will you kill it or make it angry?

Question 4. Stabbing a Vengeance demon in the heart has what effect?

Question 5. What is the primary risk in facing an Ethros demon?

Question 6. What is the Polgara demon's primary defense?

Question 7. Why should you be wary around a Nurbatch demon?

And Question 8.

If you failed to answer any of the previous questions and yet happen to run into these creatures, what is the correct course of action?

ETA: to avoid cheating, filter your initial answers.

[info]lucien_lacroix in [info]paragraffiti

I see that we are now joined by demonic host, hell spilling loose its’ brood. If there are demons out there currently the Nightcrawler says ‘Hello.’ Oh and vampires this includes you as well. Any like to talk?

[info]blackberrypatch in [info]paragraffiti

So many dreadful things in such a tiny person. How did they fit it inside, I wonder?

[info]ex_sinofthef307 in [info]paragraffiti

I HATE vampires! Excluding Spike!
I HATE demons!
And most of all I HATE my life!

Yes I added demons! Demons you are now on my hate list!

Life is such a joke! A cruel not very funny joke!

Edit: I apologize to those demons who are allies to the Hyperion. I was angry I spoke out of turn. Those demons that on our side...thank you. I have been shown I was being ...racist against demons. I apologize but vampires are still not free from my hate.

[info]nomia in [info]paragraffiti

A baby keeps you busy, very busy, but I'm missing a bit of life. Once I can pry myself away from Cian for more than an hour at a time maybe I need to look for... employment. That's probably not going to be for some time though.

What is there to do around here besides kill the monsters that live under bed and try to avoid being mistaken for one yourself? Surely a pink haired metamorphmagus can find something to do. It's not even got to be work... I just need to remember how to speak to and interact with other adults.

[Filtered to the Weir]
Merlin, I need to leave this apartment complex more than once every other week at some point. Logic says Cian should be allowed out at some point as well. I'd think he needs fresh air as much as the rest of us. I've just not wanted to risk it given everything popping in and out of here. But, I guess-- well, eventually he should see what the sun looks like, even if it's not going to mean that much to him at this age. Should probably see some grass and other people too. (I know, I know, Remus, he has to go out eventually...)

I may go out tonight, a patrol of sorts, if anyone is interested in joining me. I feel like a shit Auror... dementors sucking on Muggles and I'm not doing a bloody thing. I'll find some tonight and make up for it.

[info]the_sadist in [info]paragraffiti

I have, thus far, managed to avoid certain things. Should I have lent a hand to what occurred in the past months? Perhaps. And yet I find I miss too many people from my own world that has left me with a certain ennui.

I have not seen the man in I do not know how long. And for just having learned certain things -- I wonder if I am even able to contact the man known as my father.

[info]white_wizard in [info]paragraffiti

This Age of Men is quite fascinating and strange! There are no horses of which to ride but these strange metal devices….Cars? Isn’t that correct? But I find I greatly enjoy these massive beasts of metal that transported you through his city. If only had those in Middle-Earth travel would be easier.

[info]lovemesomepie in [info]paragraffiti

OOC: Shortly after Dean and Jo break up :S Midafternoon

3 p.m. sounds like the perfect time for drinking. Anyone want to join me?

[info]nightherald in [info]paragraffiti

This is not good for the Balance.

You people don't even know what we mean but we know.

I wonder do they still hear me when I dance.

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Jacen

I recently met with Jaina, She asked my advice on...on a different matter to what was eventually discussed and well... I...don't know that you have spoken to her lately but Jacen I'm worried...she thinks...

Your sister has gotten it into her head that you are playing me somehow. Fooling me into trusting you. I of course believe none of it, you would never decieve me in that way, but it begs the question, where has she gotten this theory? Her memory is still sketchy and yet this

I do not believe it is a strech to say that things have been strained between us and the other Jedi. It could do with being addressed. That is after all where problems like this start. Mistrust and misinformation.

The things she said about you....

[info]ex_cordychas618 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Gabriel Gray

So... what's up? Kill any Champions lately?

We need to talk.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

I'm going to be sick.

It has to work, it has to work. Please, let it work.

[filtered AWAY from Dahlia]



We're going to get him back.


I know what you're trying to do. It's not going to work on me.

[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

Patience is a virtue but four days is enough. C'est la vie. Going to find coffee.


I know I said we'd go look together. One just stood out over the other. The basement laundry room acoustics would receive your seal of approval.


I spent a great deal of time thinking over your offer but I am going to decline at this time. While wholly appreciative, I don't think that I could do the neutrality justice. If you ever need a lawyer on retainer, I'd be happy to help. Or even something done in general.

[info]dontyoujustwish in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to the Hyperion]

I need to go away for a couple of days. I may have some sources who can fix this mess I made. But I need to go alone. And before anyone asks if this is some stupid self sacrificing thing, it's not. You just have to be a demon to enter some of the demon realms I have to visit.

I'll be back I just...

I need to fix this.

[Filtered to Xander]

I promise I'll fix this.

[info]turbocharged in [info]paragraffiti


This doesn't look like Angel Grove. O..kay. What's going on? this time

[info]notatypicallife in [info]paragraffiti

{Filtered to Friends}

Lindsey and I are moving in together.

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

filtered AGAINST Hyperion/Wolfram & Hart

Some universe.

So. What do you do when your mortal enemy turns out to be one of your best friends, and one of your best friends turns out to be your mortal enemy?

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Oh my GOD. I think I'm gonna be sick. I can't do this.

Daddy. I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave you there. Not like that. Never like THAT.

I should just

Please let it work.

[ooc: posting for the sake of moving things along since there's more fun to come tonight, ahahaha! and also because this thread's end result has already been planned anyway. xD]

[info]originalpink in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against Tommy

Oh my God, this is so awkward. Why do I feel like the most horrible person in the world right now? Don't answer that.

I wish everyone else was here...Trini, Jason, Zack, Billy, Rocky, Adam or Aisha. They'd make it easier for him, any of them. I miss them all so much right now. I should probably go find him and make he doesn't get into trouble.

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

[filtered to the Hyperion]

Gabriel's gone. There's a note at the front desk I just found.

[Peter, Nathan, Sarah]
There's one addressed to you guys too.

[Peter - mental link]
[ooc: not spamming graffiti and comms]
Okay, Gabriel's gone, what is going on.

[a flicker of the letter as she looks down to read]

"After what happened, I can't stay and run the chance of doing it to one of you that can't come back."


[info]lovesaspider in [info]paragraffiti


[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

I know that I have cases that I need to get on and people that I promised that I would help out with stuff. If you're among them, drop me a line here and we'll work something out.

[Filtered to friends/family]
As for the rest of you, I don't want you announcing to anyone that you know of me or my family anymore. Not in public.

[Filtered to Ruby]
I need to kill something. You up for it?

[ooc: and I'm assuming that she's around to say yes because I figured she would!]

[info]call_it_friendo in [info]paragraffiti

Demons? Vampires? They real?

{Filtered to baddies, shady folks or those on gray area}
I will offer my service.

January 2010



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