November 8th, 2008

[info]some_kinda_hero in [info]paragraffiti

Filter to Hyperion

What if I wanted to move somewhere else?

And is Gabriel okay?

[info]babysolo in [info]paragraffiti

For all of the complaints I may have about this place, at least the weather stays nice for the most part. Unless there's some outside force changing it, of course.

{Peter Petrelli}
I think I may b-

I need some hel

I know you're busy but, can we talk?

{Darth Caedus}
I need to stop doing this. It's wrong.

I'm going to be patrolling near the Santa Monica Pier tonight, if you have the time wanted to meet up.

[info]ex_canikeeph833 in [info]paragraffiti

This place is interesting. Not as interesting as level fi

Now if someone would help me out with how I got here..

[info]mamapetrelli in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Nathan Petrelli.

Do you know if he's going to be all right?

[info]notatypicallife in [info]paragraffiti

((Following several missed calls/text messages/and two voicemail to her cell phone))

Has anyone seen Heather? She should have been here by now...

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to f!Hiro;

Please tell me you haven't gone to the crazy side over Gabriel too.

[info]embraceyourhell in [info]paragraffiti

So there's quite a few beaches here. I guess they wouldn't be so bad, but I absolutely hate water. I mean, I'll take showers, and drink water, but I hate being in it. Funny, because I don't mind boating. Weird, huh?


I hope the sleeping arrangements weren't bad. And, listen, I'm sorry if it wasn't all that much. This is all I can afford for now.

[info]ex_waterbend910 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to the Hyperion

I may be away this weekend. There's something I need to do.

I'll have my phone, if there's an emergency.

{filtered to Cordelia and Peter}
I'm going to take Aang away from the city for a little training. I think these Dementor things are starting to affect him.

Call me if you need me.

{filtered to Aang}
I think we need to spend some time training. Azula is here, and it's only a matter of time before she attacks again.

Besides, it'll do Appa some good to get out of the city for a little while.

[info]toshio in [info]paragraffiti

oka san

[info]chihiros in [info]paragraffiti

Mom?! Dad?! When you told me we were going on a family vacation to America, I didn't expect you to run off on me! Deja Vu

It's me, Chihiro!

[info]its_the_hate_ in [info]paragraffiti

I'm thinking about buying some black colored t-shirts, and having them screened so they read, 'I am not Matt' or else I could just wear one of those name tags. 'Hi my name is Ethan'

Anyone else have that problem?

[info]just_impulse in [info]paragraffiti

I told them I didn’t want to play Candyland with them. Look at the age range you morons! It’s 3-6. I’m not 3 and I’m not 6 so why the hell should I sit down and play this stupid, boring game with you? I told them that and they just ignored me and eventually tried to bribe me with chocolate and promises of fun and knowledge of some kind of a secret strategy.

Now look at me. I’m back in this dump and God only knows what will happen to my fish back home. He’ll probably marry it. I’ll go back and he’ll be married to Lola. There will be little mutant fish babies and they’ll be playing Candyland.

I hate this place. Raya's not here. I miss her and I don't care if it's only been three hours.

[info]turbocharged in [info]paragraffiti

This place is giving me a headache. I don't even know what I'm eating for breakfast tomorrow and people want to tell me my future

vampires weren't that bad. A bit harder to kill than basic monsters. But I think theirs seriously something weird going on here. aside from the fact that the rift hates me. I went to check on that boy Toshio and there were just cats, but then there weren't cats and..I.think his place may be...haunted.

[Filtered to Rangers]
I may have over reacted slightly yesterday.Who wouldn't This city obviously needs help and I was called here for a reason, so I'll do whatever I can to help. I've only been here two days and I can tell it's not in good shape. I think we should meet..I don't want to lead..

I'm sorry
I was harsh
fuck it I can't do th

[info]thebigbad in [info]paragraffiti

You want to have another go at me, you little tiny bitch of a thing?

[info]dontgiveuponme in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the Hyperion.

I probably overreacted. I shouldn't have run away without telling anyone before hand. I just needed some space for awhile to get my head in order. It was selfish of me not to say anything about it before hand, but I didn't want any of you to try and stop me.

I'm fine. I promise. I'm still me. I hope.

[info]movestoofast in [info]paragraffiti

May contain spoilers for season three of Heroes )

[info]toshio in [info]paragraffiti

youre all going to die.

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

I don't think I'm ever going to get over these images...The internet is a scary place

People think I should have a relationship with Snape...Lucius Malfoy...Lupin...Harry's Dad...Voldemort!!

I feel sick.

And there seems to be almost an online war between people who want Harry and I together, and those who want Ron and I together.

[info]daken_akihiro in [info]paragraffiti

I have a good feeling about this place.

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against baddies and Tommy Oliver

I don't know how much good this'll do, but I have to try.

Please, please, please don't tell Tommy Oliver Power Rangers are fictional here. As far as you know, he's just a normal guy. He's having a hard enough time being here with people from his future. He doesn't need to know that yet. Eventually we'll have to tell him, just...not now. Not until he gets settled, and even then, one of us Rangers should tell him.

[info]ex_pug279 in [info]paragraffiti

I'm thinking this will be my next work of art. Ladies, what do you think? I suppose the blokes around here can give me their opinion, too, just for the sake of curiosity.

... )

[info]justcramps in [info]paragraffiti

Someone around here smells good.

[info]beforeyoudie in [info]paragraffiti

this place is so confusing.

i think i want to go back to being dead.

[info]cutesythief in [info]paragraffiti

I need a job, stat!

...And a permanent place to stay, also stat! I heard of a place called Isis from a few people. Any chance I might be able to get a room? After getting a job, of course!

January 2010



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