August 9th, 2008

[info]boy_scout in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Hyperion

I'll be in the lobby in case anyone needs anything. Peter asked me to aid with the defense. Other than those he mentioned, no one else goes in or out. Bart.. I'm serious. Especially with Superman-Prime out there. And anyway, I think your help would be really good right about now.

Monica, Claire, Sandra )

Nathan )

[info]honestlyronald in [info]paragraffiti

You know, there's only but so much a bloke can take before he loses it. I was at work today, right? Serving those bloody animals who don't know how to leave a proper tip, trash my sodding section, and mock me and my bloody origins behind my back. Right, well. I reckon my manager always thought I was a bit of a loon, yeah? Didn't quite seem to believe that I'm actually who I am. So he had the rest of his mates up and having a laugh at me, saying I was nutters and all of that rubbish, and I'll tell you lot that I was doing a fine job of it by ignoring him and all. But then the ruddy bastard said that Hermione was a harlot! Just to get a rise out of me, I tell you! And you know, since I knew that the only thing he had in mind when he said all of that was to set me off, I went ahead and handled the situation in a mature and responsible sort of way.

So. If anyone sees a giant chicken running about, tell him that Ron Weasley quit, yeah?

[info]super_hiro in [info]paragraffiti

The Joker is here! We must stop him!

[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

Nighty night, world.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Couldn't sleep last night. Kept dreaming about Ronald McDonald. I hate clowns.

If anyone needs me, I'm not gonna be around much today. I've got a hot tip on Lilith and I'm following it up. I feel good about this. Early start, seemingly reliable source...

We'll see.

Thanks again for the help with the...stuff.

I've been practicing. I can float small stuff for a couple seconds without losing grip. Pencils, pennies, socks. Stuff like that.

In short, it's a work in progress. I guess being pissed off all the time has it's advantages after all.

[info]its_buttery in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Hyperion residents

Everything is so ancient..I re-wired the computer in the office while Peter was out in the office. That lag time in the emergency e-mails? gone. Weak links in the security system Jack uploaded from the delta morphers version one system, fixed. Even thought about adding a toaster or waffle iron, but it was hard enough to fix an unstable 2005 running 2025 technology.

[ooc: visible to telepaths]
The colors don't match up. What's wrong with me? They're all off. I've got this bad feeling that I've had before when A squad betrayed us.

[info]moonlightpath in [info]paragraffiti

What I'd really like to know at the present: how one person can be in England one moment and across the pond the next. If someone set a portkey out at Headquarters for a practical joke, I'm not laughing.

[info]iwantmore in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Wolfram & Heart]

I'm sending the guy who should be my boyfriend! some kid named Sora over.

He seems convinced he was sent here by, wait for it - King Mickey. As in Mickey Mouse.

I am going to murder Gabriella! She obviously did something to his brain!

He's also going about some things called Heartless and Nobodies.

Better we get to him first then those goody-two-shoe Hyperion people.

[info]suicide_messiah in [info]paragraffiti

I need a place to live. Money isn't an issue right now.

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Peter Petrelli]

[ooc: Backdated to before going to rescue Cordelia]

After Cordelia is back safe in the hotel, I think I might spend the night at my old place.

I'm worried what I'll do from the inevitable smell of blood.

The last thing you need on your hands would be me wolfing out on you.

I'll come back once there is no smell.

[info]shootsclowns in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Abby and King]

Room for one more?

My partner just showed up here via the same time warp I did.

[info]kingjareth in [info]paragraffiti

Sarah: Try and deny it all you want, but in my extensive research, I have found proof that we are supposed to be together. Oracles have written down histories for us, foreseen entire lifetimes together. Granted, no view of the future can be perfect, these were plagued with inaccuracies such as calling my hair a 'mullet' or insisting that I wore make-up when we both know that to be a lie...some didn't even see us together at all, but many (the true ones anyhow) have used their talents to see that you should indeed return with me to my goblin kingdom.

Think of all I have done Sarah.

All I could do.

To help you.

All that I have done I have done for you.

As for the rest of you, take warning. If you are going to write things about me, please try to keep them accurate. You might not possess the talents to see the future as some do, but it is in your best interest to not write false, slanderous things. I am not a stalker, or a little green man, or a wearer of women's cosmetics, or anything else. I am a powerful, wise king who should be respected, even feared. You would be wise to remember this.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Integra )

filtered to Heather )

Filtered to Amy )

I'm going to look around this place some more. I feel almost out of the loop.

[info]iamall in [info]paragraffiti

Does anyone happen to know where I can get a hold of a Bonsai tree?

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

Perhaps an odd question but, did anyone else experiance a creature in the last while that appeared and spoke without words?. Spoke of guilt.

I wondered for a time was it a Force Vision  but it seemed so...present.

{Filtered to Amelia}

Have you decided on a course of action.?

I understand if you don't wish to tell me. I just want to be sure you're safe...Not that you can't take care of yourself, I just mean...

Are you well?

January 2010



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