August 8th, 2008

[info]findthelight in [info]paragraffiti


[info]allyoursecrets in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Peter Petrelli

I think I found it.

[info]notthatanakin in [info]paragraffiti

Okay hey..

turns out I don't need to do the big confused what is this place intro. Had it all explained to me and discovered half my family are here, including some of it I never thought I'd meet and some of it I didn't even know existed. And apparently my folks were...but now aren't, or something...

So yeah, My names Anakin Solo, Younger brother of Jaina and Jacen, even more younger now since they got older and I...very much didn't. So who else do we have stuck in this place and what exactly are we meant to have been brought here for.

Also, am I gonna need credits and stuff, cause I'm pretty okay at working with technology.

Filtered to Jacen

You gonna meet me big bro? Talked to Jaina and, well I know what she says and I know its what she believes cause she wouldn't lie to me. But I want to hear it from you? Cause I can't kriffing believe you of all people would end up like that

Filtered to Amelia Solo

Hi, I'm your seventeen year old Uncle Anakin that should be dead.

We probably should talk

[info]ofbothworlds in [info]paragraffiti

[ooc: Takes place not long after this. Right now she looks like Miley XD Telepaths, feel free to read what is in the strikes :D]

Some woman told me I was in LA. That's not possible.

One minute I was with my dad...we were getting driven home and I open the door and I'm here.

And then there was a that's not possible. And he said he wanted to sire me and then there was this thing that fought the vampire adn then I was running and running until I found a store.

And...I'm bleeding, I don't remember getting cut. But my cheek is bleeding.

This is a nightmare. It has to be! It has to be!!

I want my dad. I want my dad. I want my dad!

I'm scared...I'm so scared!

Daddy?! Daddy where are you!?

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

[ooc: Backdated to this morning.]

You'd think knowing about a gig almost two weeks ahead of time I'd be prepared, but I'm not. I still don't have anything to wear. I'll be out all day, but I'll have my phone, so if you need me, call me.

Sora, Kairi, do you guys like jazz? I'm singing at a club tonight. If you guys want to come I'll e-mail you the address.

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Faith, Spike, Logan, and Rogue

Someone's working on taking down the wards, but we've got the location narrowed down. I don't care who finds her first, so long as she's FOUND.


Soon as I get an address, I'll pass it along.

And you're welcome back to the Hyperion after this is over, no strings attached. I just want Cordelia safe. We can work the rest out later.


Wards are down. [address]

See you there.

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Hyperion Residents and Angel Investitations

Thanks to Jonnard, we have an address.

Elaine, please get in touch with Willow ASAP thanks.

Spike and Logan are en route. Jack is with Faith, they should also be en route.

Buffy, I can get me and you there in a flash. Literally.

Everyone else, stay on guard. I don't want everyone coming in at once, just in case Angelus is prepared for that. Future Hiro and Younger Hiro, I need you both on hand and ready to teleport in with reinforcements if things go bad. First will be Future Hiro with Lavender and Parker. Second, younger Hiro with Jared and May.

Hiro and Hiro )

Heidi and Claire Littleton )

younger Clark Kent )

Nathan )

[info]newtlivingston in [info]paragraffiti

Dudes! You wanna know something weird? I just looked for myself in the phone book and I don't even exist!

[info]piercingfears in [info]paragraffiti

I feel strange using this machine, but I was told it was a good means of communication. My name is Amy Pierce and I am new to Los Angeles and this time. I come from New Orleans, Louisiana of the year 1863. Everything is so strange here, even the coffee. Where do all of you come from?

January 2010



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