July 19th, 2008

[info]generals_son in [info]paragraffiti

Uhh… I swear I didn’t do anything. That window was broken before I accidentally flew into it. And my mom should have learned a long time ago that dragging me off to work with her isn’t the best idea. The Daily Planet can only take so much abuse before it gets fed up with me. And speaking of the Daily Planet, there’s not one here.

I can’t be in trouble for this because I didn’t do anything. I’m an innocent victim. And I’m unbelievably lost. I’m so lost that it’s not even funny. How do I tell mom I got lost on my way to the bathroom? That won’t go down well.

Is it normal for people who were trying to get to the bathroom to suddenly show up here instead?

[info]jesushcoxmd in [info]paragraffiti

The next asshole to come into my bar, be an asshole and then get his asshole way at the expense of my good time, ruining my night and the night of people I can actually tolerate in this city in the process, isn't just getting his ass kicked by the previously mentioned people, he is getting fed piece by piece to snarling, slimy, salivating creatures in the night.

That's it. I'm going back into medicine, to hell with not being from this reality. By God, I will lie and cheat my way back to the job I had and all of you, you lucky people, you, are witnesses to the fact that the system can officially kiss my ass. People are dying out there every day, it's time to stop being so picky about a piece of paper, Los Angeles.

Or I'm just opening my own damned bar. If you're an asshole, you get to be verbally abused until you cry for mommy or maybe you'll just get beat down, no excuses. You insult the help, I'll let them do the beating. You drink what you're served if your drink order pisses me off - it's alcohol, it's not a sissified coffee with a fifteen word long name - and you will like it.

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

So New York wasn't working out for me. I don't know what it was, but it just didn't fit for me. I thought maybe it was me missing California, so here I am in L.A. Thing is, I tried calling an old teacher of mine and the call didn't go through. What's up with that? Please tell me this isn't a common thing.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

I'm not going to go and hunt someone just because they're a demon or a monster or whatever. Lavender is a werewolf. I don't spend my time trying to hit her with a bullet just because she wolfs out a couple nights a month. I'll only do it if lines are crossed. That's how I work.

Demons? I don't trust. It's just...there's too many bad memories. If that offends certain people, then I'm sorry. But that's just how it works with me. I might not like you, but it doesn't mean that I'm going to up and kill you. I just don't want to be friends. It might hurt your feelings, but there are hundreds of other people here that you can make nice with. I'm sure you'll get over me. I don't really count for much anyway.

I'm just doing what my dad taught me.

And what Dean taught me.

I have to.

[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

Anyone up for a round of 'Anywhere but Here?'

Because right now? I so am.

[info]ex_sonofkryp215 in [info]paragraffiti


I was followed back to my hotel. And there was a girl. Hiding in my closet.

She said she wanted to spend the night with Superman.

And that was awkward. Since I found her after. Ah. Never mind.

I should have been dressed
This is really embaras
How did she even get in the roo
And I flew back, she couldn't have

Should I be concerned about this? Because she's just sitting on the bed. Staring at me.

[info]iamall in [info]paragraffiti

Why are people so mean?

[info]dealing_death in [info]paragraffiti

I am fairly certain that a girl in my profession will not find a listing in the local paper for work. Unless of course dog catcher is a code word?

So, I am seeking employ and a place to live. Not to sound like a snob, but, I would like to add that I am looking for a place to live and live well. After living for over six hundred years working at McDonald's seems a right waste of my talent.
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[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Sam Winchester

[after this]

Sam )

[info]ragin_canuck in [info]paragraffiti

So... let's hypothetically say someone, I don't know put a knife through a computer screen when irritated.. is there any help for that? I need a geek's help. Where's my fan club at?

January 2010



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