May 31st, 2008

[info]paramods in [info]paragraffiti



[reply here if your character is interested]

[info]villainofstory in [info]paragraffiti

LuthorCorp is currently looking to hire new employees. If anyone is interested, feel free to drop by my office for an interview.

I've been very busy with work lately. Which means that I've neglected to introduce myself to the newcomers of L.A. I'm Lex Luthor. If any of you are having trouble settling down, let me know. I'd be more than happy to help you get situated.

Chloe. )

[info]tinyblondeone in [info]paragraffiti

Logan and Wallace are just...gone.

[info]ellectricity in [info]paragraffiti

Peter is gone...he's just not here anymore. All his stuff is gone. He's gone, and I'm leaving.

[info]missingmonument in [info]paragraffiti

I wonder if it's more ecologically sound for the area not having the thing there in the first place? Granted, the entire city is covered in smog, but if I find I've somehow committed a good deed, I'm putting the damned thing back.

[info]queendecoy in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to those of the "good" affiliation

Can anyone tell me, the best place to buy quality weapons. And by quailty I mean blasters, not guns.

Although I have a feeling getting blasters here won't be possible and guns are very primitive, still - does not hurt to ask.

[info]lostaussie in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to "good" people.

Alright, I know I can't possibly be the only parent out there.

I could really use some help or advice. I have a nine month old son and well...I am completely awful at being a mother! After what I did to my own! I SHOULD NOT be a mother!! I was never supposed to be a mother.

...some parenting tips would be nice.

[info]psycho_mantis in [info]paragraffiti

dead she's deaddead WHY

no no nonononoNONo


[info]alittlebizarre in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Chloe.

Are you well?

[info]earnestly_ern in [info]paragraffiti

So I have a twin, I'm a fictional character, and I'm stuck here. I'm supposed to be known for being the optimistic one back home, so I'm going to end this short update with a note on how I recently got a job at a restaurant as a server that I'm more than grateful to have.

[info]honestlyronald in [info]paragraffiti

I'm a little concerned about my hair.

[info]justcallmeal in [info]paragraffiti

Er... I know I'm fairly new here, and not wholly familiar with this place, but... wasn't there a very large sign entitled "HOLLYWOOD" that was viewable from most every place in this city?

[info]ex_cordychas618 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against the baddies

For anyone who didn't understand Mantis' earlier post, here it is plain and simple for everyone to get.

Katara is dead. She died earlier this evening, while on a mission. No, I'm not discussing the details so don't bother asking. The point is, she's gone... and she isn't coming back.

We're going to hold a service for her once we can get it organized. We aren't calling the morgues and we aren't calling the hospitals. She was one of us until the very end, and her burial will be taken care of by us as well.

Anyone who wants to help, that would be wonderful.

And rest assured that whoever was responsible for this is going to pay. Dearly.

January 2010



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